17 August 1994

25 1 0

You've been at the Weasley's house for a few days now with Hermione, and today's the day Harry is supposed to arrive. You hear noises downstairs so you, Hermione, and Ginny go see what's happening. It is in fact Harry. You three smile at him, and he grins back, which makes Ginny turn scarlet.

Molly: Tell me what, Arthur?

You can't really tell if she's mad or disappointed, but you're happy you're not Mr Weasley in that moment.

Arthur: It's nothing, Molly- Fred and George just- but I've had words with them-

Molly: What have they done this time? If it's got anything to do with Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes-

Hermione: Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?

Ron: He knows where he's sleeping, in my room, he slept there last-

Hermione: We can all go.

Ron: Oh. Right.

George: Yeah, we'll come too.

Molly: You stay where you are!

You begin climbing the stairs, trying to avoid Mrs Weasley's gaze.

Harry: What are Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes?

You hear Ron and Ginny laughing, and smile seeing Hermione's dead serious face.

Ron: Mum found this stack of order forms when she was cleaning Fred and George's room. Great long price lists for stuff they've invented. Joke stuff, you know. Fake wands and trick sweets, loads of stuff. It was brilliant, I never knew they'd been inventing all that...

Ginny: We've been hearing explosions out of their room for ages, but we never thought they were actually making things. We thought they just liked the noise.

Ron: Only, most of the stuff - well, all of it, really - was a bit dangerous, and, you know, they were planning to sell it at Hogwarts to make some money, and Mum went mad at them. Told them they weren't allowed to make any more of it, and burned all the order forms.... She's furious at them anyway. They didn't get as many O.W.L.s as she expected.

Ginny: And then there was this big row, because Mum wants them to go into the Ministry of Magic like Dad, and they told her all they want to do is open a joke shop.

As she finished her sentence, Percy came out of his room.

Harry: Hi, Percy.

Percy: Oh hello, Harry. I was wondering who was making all the noise. I'm trying to work in here, you know I've got a report to finish for the office - and it's rather difficult to concentrate when people keep thundering up and down the stairs.

Ron: We're not thundering. We're walking. Sorry if we've disturbed the top-secret workings of the Ministry of Magic.

Harry: What are you working on?

Percy: A report for the Department of International Magical Cooperation. We're trying to standardize cauldron thickness. Some of these foreign imports are just a shade too thin - leakages have been increasing at a rate of almost three percent a year -

Ron: That'll change the world, that report will. Front page of the Daily Prophet, I expect, cauldron leaks.

Percy: You might sneer, Ron, but unless some sort of international law is imposed we might well find the market flooded with flimsy, shallow-bottomed products that seriously endanger -

Ron: Yeah, yeah, all right.

Percy goes back to his room as you and the others continue climbing the stairs until you arrive at Ron's room. His owl keeps hopping up and down, which seems to annoy Ron.

Ron: Shut up, Pig. Fred and George are in here with us, because Bill and Charlie are in their room. Percy gets to keep his room all to himself because he's got to work.

Harry: Er - why are you calling that owl Pig?

You look at Ginny, who seemed annoyed by Ron calling it Pig too.

Ginny: Because he's being stupid. Its proper name is Pigwidgeon.

You nod at Ginny, just to annoy Ron even more.

Ron: Yeah, and that's not a stupid name at all! Ginny named him. She reckons it's sweet.

Y/n: It is sweet.

Ron gives you a very annoyed look as you smirk before he continues.

Ron: And I tried to change it, but it was too late, he won't answer to anything else. So now he's Pig. I've got to keep him up here because he annoys Errol and Hermes. He annoys me too, come to that.

Harry: Where's Crookshanks?

Hermione: Out in the garden, I expect. He likes chasing gnomes. He's never seen any before.

Harry: Percy's enjoying work, then?

Ron: Enjoying it? I don't reckon he'd come home if Dad didn't make him. He's obsessed. Just don't get him onto the subject of his boss. According to Mr. Crouch ... as I was saying to Mr. Crouch ... Mr. Crouch is of the opinion ... Mr. Crouch was telling me ... They'll be announcing their engagement any day now.

Hermione: Have you had a good summer, Harry? Did you get our food parcels and everything?

You're starting to feel like you should go.

Harry: Yeah, thanks a lot. They saved my life, those cakes.

Ron: And have you heard from-?

He suddenly stops, and looks at Ginny and you. You're confused, and Ginny seems to be confused too.

Y/n: What?

Hermione: I think they've stopped arguing. Shall we go down and help your mum with dinner?

You all nod and go downstairs to help. After dinner, you go to sleep pretty early because tomorrow, you're going to the Quidditch World Cup and you will have to wake up very early.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now