June 1993

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You slowly wake up as the cure makes effect. You feel your members, you can move. You're free from the curse. As you sit on your bed in the infirmary, confused, you notice Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape, and Professor Sprout are making every petrified student drink a potion. You look at your right, and sees Hermione slowly regaining consciousness.

Y/n: Hermione!

She looks at you and realizes you are all cured.

Hermione: Y/n! Oh, thank god... Everyone's saved! Madam Pomfrey?

Pomfrey: Yes Miss Granger?

Hermione: Did they caught the Heir of Slytherin? Are Harry and Ron okay?

Y/n: Are Ginny and Luna okay?

Pomfrey: Hey, not too fast! Yes, all your friends are okay, they will tell you what happened themselves. But yes, the Chamber of Secrets doesn't present anymore danger. Hogwarts is safe, thanks to your friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They'll have a lot to tell you.

Your sister turns to you, joy lighting up her face.

Hermione: They solved it!

Y/n: I can't wait to hear the whole story! Can we get out?

Pomfrey: Yes, I believe. There's a feast in the Great Hall, you'll probably find your friends there.

You both nod and run out until you arrive at the Great Hall. You see Hermione run towards Harry and Ron, while you search for Ginny in the crowd. Finally, you see her in the middle of the Gryffindor table, and you run towards her. You hug her, then you invite Luna over and you three share a big hug.

The next day, Ginny tells you both what happened, how she was taken to the Chamber of Secrets and almost died, and you try your best to comfort her.

Some time later, you three go back into the Hogwarts Express and arrive at King's Cross.

Your parents are glad to see you and your sister safe and well, and tell you about their plans for the summer, and everything goes back to normal. In a few months, you'll be back to Hogwarts for your second year, but for now, you can enjoy your summer with your family.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now