December 1992

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You are walking in the hallway during December break, always near Ginny, just in case she needs you. Ever since Justin Finch-Fletchley, another muggle-born, was found petrified, she was paler than ever and was definitely scared she had been doing it this whole time, even if she couldn't remember any of it.

Fred and George: Make way for the Heir of Slytherin, seriously evil wizard coming through!

Fred and George had been joking about Harry being the Heir of Slytherin for a while now, and you didn't find this amuzing, neither did Ginny and Percy.

Percy: It is not a laughing matter.

Fred: Oh, get out of the way, Percy. Harry's in a hurry.

George: Yeah, he's off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with his fanged servant.

Y/n: Will you stop joking about that?!

You also are quite on your nerves these days. You know that, if Ginny is truly being forced to do these things, you could be petrified too at any moment because something else is pulling the strings. Something that doesn't care about you like Ginny does.

Fred: So... Harry, who are you planning to k-

Ginny: Oh, don't.

Time skip

This morning of December 25th, you wake up to presents in the common room. You got a book you wanted for a really long time, from your parents, a handmade sweatshirt with the first letter of your name on it from Mrs Weasley, and strawberry earrings from Luna. You put the sweatshirt and the earrings on, and go to the Great Hall to join Ginny.

Y/n: Merry Christmas, Ginny!

You say as you sit next to her on the Gryffindor table.

Ginny: Merry Christmas, Y/n! I see my mom sent you a sweatshirt.

Y/n: Yeah, it's so nice of her! And Luna got you earrings too!

Ginny: She did! They're so well done!

You nod and smile. You look around after a few seconds.

Y/n: Have you seen Hermione? Or Harry and Ron? I wanted to wish them a merry Christmas...

Ginny: No, I haven't seen them at all today...

You worry about Hermione. What if something happened to her?

Y/n: ...Should we check the hospital wing?

Ginny: Maybe checking the Gryffindor common room would be best for now?

Y/n: ...y-yeah, you're right. I'm probably worried for nothing.

Time skip

They weren't in the Gryffindor common room, but some students told you they saw Harry and Ron coming out of the hospital wing. Worried, you're entering the hospital wing with Ginny.

Y/n: Madam Pomfrey?

Pomfrey: Yes, Miss Granger?

Y/n: Is Hermione here?

Pomfrey: Oh, yes, she is. Hermione, are you okay with your sister seeing you?

Hermione (her bed is hidden by curtains): Yeah, I guess.

Madam Pomfrey opens the curtains, and you discover your sister, her face covered in black fur, her eyes turned yellow and long, pointed ears poking through her hair.

Y/n: Oh my god, what happened to you?

You ask, worried.

Hermione: I can't... really tell you now, but maybe another time...

Y/n: Did somebody do this to you?

Hermione: N-no, but please don't ask anything for now...

Y/n: Okay, I'm sorry...

You turn back to Madam Pomfrey.

Pomfrey: It'll disappear with time, do not worry.

You let a sight of relief.

Y/n: You tell me if you want anything, okay? A book from the library, anything.

Hermione nods and smiles at you.

Time skip

You're walking in the hallway when you see Ginny running past you, crying.

Y/n: Ginny!

You catch her, worried.

Y/n: Ginny, what's happening?!


Y/n: What are you talking about?! The diary?

Ginny: YES!

Y/n: Alright, alright, where are you going to put it?

Ginny: I-I don't know, maybe, Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, no one ever comes in there!

Y/n: Are you sure?

Ginny: Yeah, I think- I mean, do you know anyone who comes in there?

Y/n: No, you're right. Let's do it!

You two run towards the bathroom and open the door. Ginny throws the diary as far as possible, but it accidentally goes through Moaning Myrtle's head. You two panick and immediately run out, hearing the ghost cry out.

Y/n: Did she see us?!

Ginny: I don't think so!

Y/n: Oh god, somebody might really find the diary now!

Ginny: I know, I'm sorry! I didn't know she was right there!

Y/n: Yeah it's fine but- dangerous...

Ginny: Maybe Filch will find it. He won't do anything about it, if that's just an old empty diary... right?

You nod, hoping it is what's going to happen.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now