2 September 1994

14 1 0

This morning, you have your very first Divination class. Despite your sister clearly telling you not to take this class, you were very curious and decided to take it as well as Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures for your additional subjects.

After climbing the long staircase of the North Tower with Luna, you enter the warm classroom and recognize your Professor, Sibyll Trelawney. She greets you and your classmates and begin introducing the class.

She explains how tessomancy works and you all fill a tea cup and switch it with your partner's.

Y/n: Mhm... It looks like a wave? There's nothing about waves in the book... Professor?

Sibyll: Oh, that's a line. A wavy one. This means a difficult journey. But look closely, there's also a crecent moon. This means happiness and prosperity.

Luna: Does that mean I'm going to go through a difficult journey but at the end I'll be happy?

Sibyll: Yes, my dear, good luck, you are going to need it.

As the teacher moves to another table, Luna looks at you, confused and worried.

Y/n: What's in my cup?

Luna: I think it's a fox? A backstabbing from a close friend?

Y/n: Who could it be? Ginny would never, and you neither... You are my two best friends, I don't think I have any closer friends...

Luna: I don't know, Y/n, but I promise I will never do anything to betray you.

Y/n: I trust you, Luna, I know you won't. But thank you.

As the class ends, you both make your seperate ways. You really want to know more about that omen, so you borrow a book at the library which is supposedly giving more details about the different shapes of tea leaves in tessomancy. You sit on a bench in the courtyard, and look for a section about the fox, when a familiar and annoying voice interrupt you.

Draco: What are you reading, Granger?

You turn your head up to see Draco Malfoy in front of you with his usual grin.

Y/n: Why do you care, Malfoy?

Draco: Why are you answering my question with another question?

Y/n: Why are you an idiot?

Draco: What did you just say?

Y/n: I said you are an idiot, Draco Malfoy.

Draco: Why so aggressive, Y/n Granger? I just want to know what you are reading.

Y/n: Who are you and what did you do to Draco Malfoy?

Draco: What do you mean?

Y/n: You're acting weird. Usually you wouldn't even call me Granger, you would say Mudblood. And you don't usually talk to me anyway if it's not to say trash about me or my friends.

Draco: Alright, I admit it. It was a dare.

Y/n: Wow. What an interesting dare.

You roll your eyes.

Draco: So, are you going to answer my question or not?

Y/n: Who dared you?

Draco: Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson.

Y/n: Than probably not. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go.

You walk away, still wondering what's wrong with him today. Even dared, he wouldn't act so nice, that's not like him. Or would he? You don't actually know him that much. Did something got him into a good mood? Is that even possible? Well, if he wanted you to think about him, he did it well, you can't stop wondering what's got into him that day.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now