April 1995

15 1 0

The Triwizard cup. It was there, gleaming. Dark bushes all around, as if they were protecting it. Protecting it from what?

Avada Kedavra!

You wake up in shock and sweat. You're in your bed, it's still night. You look around. Everyone is sleeping peacefully. You lay down, and close your eyes to fall back asleep, but the cold voice shouting the killing curse cannot leave your mind one moment.

After a while still not being able to sleep, you're starting to wonder... you want to understand what you saw in that nightmare. You know you can't have dreamed of a place you've never seen before, but you can't remember ever seeing these bushes. Tall bushes, well cut. Almost like a maze... You've never been in a maze before. And you've never seen the cup so close. And you've never heard this voice before, but it was scary... Coldest voice you've ever heard. Scariest, too.

This dream isn't right. It wasn't a normal dream, you feel it... You know it. You need to tell someone, but who? Your sister doesn't believe in that stuff... and you don't want to bother Luna with this.

You eventually fell back asleep. Now you're sitting on a bench, reading a Divination book about dream meanings. You're flipping the pages, nothing sounds like what you saw. You don't think that killing curse was for you. You don't know who it was for.

Draco: What are you reading?

You look up from your book and sees Draco standing in front of you.

Y/n: A book about dream meanings.

Draco: Had a weird dream?

Y/n: I guess you could say that.

Draco: Go on, tell me.

You hesitate one moment, but eventually decides to tell him.

Y/n: I saw the Triwizard cup... In a sort of maze, you know, tall bushes.

You stop. You're afraid of what he'll think. What if he thinks you're overreacting, or making this up?

Draco: What's so special about that dream? It's just a weird dream among any other.

Y/n: That's- That's not all.

Draco: What else?

You hesitate.

Y/n: I heard a voice. Cold, scary voice.

Draco: What did it say?

Y/n: ...

Draco: ...Y/n, what did the voice say?

Y/n: The incantation of the killing curse.

Draco doesn't look shocked, or anything.

Draco: It was probably just a nightmare, Y/n. How will that book even help you?

Y/n: I don't- I know this wasn't just a nightmare. I don't know what to do!

Draco: Calm down... You'll figure it out, you always do. You just need to believe in yourself.

You look at him in surprise. He never talked this way before.

Y/n: I'll just- try to forget about the nightmare, but thank you.

Y/N Granger - Hermione's younger sisterWhere stories live. Discover now