1: Escape

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Untraceable chapter 1

"Crucio" the word slipped through the lips of my father and I found myself, once again, writhing on the floor in pain. But although the pain, I let no sound escape my lips, that was what he was looking for. My body convulsed in agony but I made no sound.

"Why are you not screaming!? CRUCIO!" he spoke and as the curse was renewed I determinedly kept my mouth closed as I screamed in my head.

"Little bitch. I don't even know why we keep you. You're a disgrace. A squib."

A squib? Really? Well how come I can make cupcakes appear out of thin air if you forget to feed me for weeks? How come I can make fire appear in the lanterns when I get scared of the dark? How come I can heal myself enough to make me live until mum comes to heal me? So you say thats not magic? Okay then. I guess I'm a squib. Dickhead.

With a last filthy look at me, Lucius Malfoy left the room in a few long strides.

I slowly sat up and tried to squint through the darkness and find my way over to the back corner on the left of the dungeon. I ended up tripping over nothing and falling on my bum. I'm really sophisticated.

I finally found my way to the back corner by feeling up the left wall. Right at the bottom of the wall exactly in the corner was a small hole, big enough to fit an almost 11 year old that was the size of an 8 year old. In other words, big enough to fit me.

On my 10th birthday, I had discovered that the floor of my dungeon, instead of being stone with layers of dirt overtop, like I had always thought, it was actually just dirt. The whole house was built on plain dirt. And there may have been a bit of grass back then too.

That day my mother had bought me down extra food and a warm blanket, on my request she also bought down a plate which I smashed and used as a shovel to help me dig. By now I can tell that I have about an inch to go until I break through the surface outside the walls of Malfoy Manor.

It is almost my 11th birthday, I pressed the button on my watch that mother had given me and saw the screen light up with the time 11:55 pm on the 26th of June, 5 minutes to go. It has taken me a whole year to dig a very small tunnel. I hope everything goes to plan.

My watch briefly lit up like it does every hour from 7pm till 6am, letting me know that Im now 11... Mother and Draco should be here soon to give me a small gift and a bit of food while father sleeps.

I was suddenly nervous, what if when I told mother I was going to run away she got angry and tried to stop me? Or what if she got dad? He would kill me. Im not joking. He would say "Avada Kedavra" and mean it. And that would be the end of me. Bye bye Sapphire. Gone. Dead. Pouff. Fart. Poo. Toilet. Ass. Body. Cat. Dog. Llama. Rainbow. Wait... What?

As I retraced my thoughts to figure out how I got from 'Gone. Dead' to 'Llama. Rainbow', I heard the dungeon door unlock and then quietly creak open. I rushed up to my mother and gave her a huge hug before turning to my twin brother (although we look nothing alike) and gave him a quick squeeze.

"Hello darling Sapphire-Dawn" my mother, Narcissa Malfoy, said gently to me, using my first and second name as usual.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." She gave me a kind smile, making her face look so much younger and happier.

"Happy birthday, Draco." I croaked, I only talk when mother is permitted to bring me food and water once a week, so my voice is always croaky.

"And to you too, Fire" he replied, using the nickname he gave me. I only ever allowed him to call me that and I was the only person he permitted to call him Raco.

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