11: Back again

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Untraceable chapter 11

A/m: I just read through all my other chapters and now I'm in the mood to write :D also, I have been planning stuff to happen in like book 5!!! Gosh, I cant wait!!! Hahaha

"Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harry. Harr-"

"Shut up Sapphire." Harry sighed. I just grinned and started poking Hermione. While Harry continued his homework.

"Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Hermi-"

"Go annoy Ron." Hermione interrupted.

"Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ron. Ro-"

"Piss off Sapphire!" He yelled at me. He was trying to beat Fred at chess.

"What was that? I couldn't hear over the sound of you yelling." I asked cheekily.

"Knight to D4. Just let me win." Ron said.

"Nah, that would be boring! WHERE DID THAT LLAMA GO?" I yelled. Everyone in the common room turned to stare at me.

"What are you lot looking at?" I asked. Everyone turned back to what they were doing.

"Thats what I thought." I muttered.

"OHMIGOD I JUST SAW IT AGAIN!" I yelled in Ron's face, distracting him from seeing where Fred moved.

"Bloody hell Sapphire! Now I lost it!"

"What do you mean?" I asked innocently, grinning at Fred when Ron wasn't looking. It was Ron's turn now.

"Queen to E-"


"Damn! Now I forgot! Are you doing this on purpose Sapphire?" Ron cursed.

"Doing what on purpose?"

"Mucking up my game! Uh, queen to E2."

"Castle to B7. Checkmate." Fred spoke.

"Bloody hell, Sapphire! I was WINNING!" Ron yelled at me.

"I know." I replied simply.

"Thanks Sapphy!" Fred high fived me.

"Your welcome!" I sung. And because everyone else was too busy doing homework, I skipped off to find Peeves (I had previously made a pact with him) and cause some mischief.

"PEEVES!" I shouted through the castle. I set off across the third floor to look for him.

"Hello little miss mischief." Peeves said, appearing from behind a suit of armour.

"Sup Peeves, any plans for the next hour or so?" I asked casually.

"Nothing I can't postpone." He joked. He was a pretty awesome poltergeist.

"Good. Because I have a plan."

"And what would that be, little miss mischief?"

"Just a few pranks. I thought we could focus on the Ravenclaws today, because one of them threw a book at me in charms."

"Why not then? Lets go!" Peeves lead the way up to Ravenclaw tower. We knocked on the knocker thingy and the eagle head spoke to us.

"What gets bigger the more you take away from it?"

"A hole. Duh." I answered and the door swung open to reveal a silver and blue common room with a giant statue of Rowena Ravelclaw and tons of books. Literally everywhere.

It was a good thing that the Ravenclaws were out in a special class on the edge of the forbidden forest, or we would have looked a bit suspicious.

First we went to the dormitories and I levitated all the things inside them down the stairs and into a random dormitory of the opposite sex. For example, I took all the seventh year boys things and put them into the third year girls dormitory. Then I set everything back up exactly how they had been in their own dormitories.

Then I went to every book I could find (about 600 all together) and I changed the colour of the cover and I changed the name of the book to something like 'what llamas eat for breakfast'.

After that I changed all the blue in the room to purple and I made everything that wasn't purple, silver and SPARKLY!!! Then I threw sparkly confetti and purple streamers everywhere.






Then we sparkled up all of their robes and put some of the body dye that I got for christmas on their toothbrushes, facecloths, soap bars, and in their moisturisers and body lotions. They dye was clear but it turned things different colours. So they would all look different but still RETARDED! Like me!

"I'm bored." I said when we had finished.

"Same. I'm gonna go annoy McGonagall. Laters." Peeves said and flew off.




Just kidding, we are still friends!

I went to go find Nellie, because she is related to Snape and I needed to ask her something.

"Sup bro." I said.

"Hey Sapphire." Nellie said in a sad voice, she looked close to crying.

"Whats the matter? Ice cream?"

Nellie sniffed and nodded so I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her down to the kitchens where we both got a tub of boysenberry ice cream and a spoon.

"So what has happened?" I asked.

"Is it something to do with why Snape was so pissy in potions? Like, more pissy than usual?"

"Yeah..." Danelle said sadly, eating a huge spoonful of ice cream.

"My mum died yesterday." She said and burst into tears. I put down my ice cream - that I was enjoying - and went over and hugged her.

And people say I'm a bad friend. Pshht.

"Shhh, it will be ok, shhh..." I patted her back awkwardly as she sobbed into my shoulder. I really suck at comforting people.

"B-but I kn-knew it would h-ha-happen!" She sobbed.

"Shhh. Just calm down and then talk." I said and rubbed her back until she was breathing evenly.

"I knew it was going to happen. I have been having sort of visions, ever since I came to Hogwarts. Last year in april I had a vision that she would die from an incurable sickness around this time. I did all I can to stop it, I basically ran from fate, but I happened. I hate the visions. They just give me things I don't want to know."

So Nellie was a seer. For some reason this made me think 'one down, two more to find.' I have no idea why. Fuck my retardness.

"I have seen visions of you as well, you know." Nellie said quietly after a few minutes of silence.

"Like what?" I asked, half afraid of what she might have seen. What was my future?

"I see you. And me, and a boy with silver eyes and a boy with a broken heart. And a little girl with colour changing eyes. We are all about 17. And we are in a room with this little girl and she is saying something but nobody understands. But the boy with silver eyes asks something and then it fades..."

Who were these people? And what did they have to do with me and Nellie?

"Anything else?" I ask.

"Not really. But I can tell that you will find out things that scare you but make you braver as well." Nellie sighed.

"I really hate the visions. I would rather be clueless than know some of these things."

"One day they will be a good thing. You don't know what you've got till its gone. Just, appreciate your gift. Okay?" I said, thinking of my mother. She had been a seer when she was little but one day the gift just went away and she realised how much she had relied on it.


After we left the kitchens, I suggested pranking the Slytherins to cheer Nellie up.

We put soap right outside their common room entrance so that as soon as they stepped out, they would slide down the corridor, hit the curved wall, slide down the next corridor and out the front doors. If all went to plan they would end up sliding right down to the black lake. The soap was something Nellie had invented and it made any surface very slippery and could only be removed with magic.

Then we asked the house elves in the kitchens to only serve fried snake to them at dinner. We were just walking back up from the kitchens when I heard a cold cruel voice coming towards us that made shivers run down my spine. I looked around, nowhere to hide.

"Where is she, Draco?"

"I-I don't know, father. I don't see her much." My brother stuttered.

"Why are you at Hogwarts, father?"

"I had business to discuss with that crackpot old fool, Dumbledore. How things have gone to the dogs here."

"I quite agree, father."

"Nellie, tell Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the twins what happened. No time to explain." I whispered, scared, just as my father and brother walked around the corner.

Draco looked at me, with wide eyes. He looked very scared. I whispered a summoning spell for the notebook he had given me for my birthday and felt it zoom into my hand behind my back. I shrunk it so it slipped easily into my back pocket.

"Sapphire." My father snarled.

"F-father." I stuttered.

"Come with me, now. I am taking you home. You are not to attend Hogwarts any longer." Lucius Malfoy grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of the castle and i to Hogsmeade where he apparated me to Malfoy Manor. My prison.

"Get down there now. You filthy piece of scum. A Gryffindor using the Malfoy name with not happen." My father hissed and pushed me down the stairs. I tumbled down and hit a door at the bottom. I lay in a heap with my head burning as my father opened the door and kicked me into the dungeon.

"Try escaping now you little bitch. Anti-escape charms everywhere. Filthy squib."

"I am NOT a squib!" I said through gritted teeth. Even the small movement talking required hurt my body immensely.

"Do not talk back to me bitch! I don't know why we even pretended you were our daughter. No squib could ever come from Malfoy blood. Crucio."

I writhed in pain, my lips glued firmly together, determined not to let a single scream escape. I will not give in. I could Gryffindor the fuck up and fight back but that would probably get me killed.

"For now, bitch." My father left the dungeon and I lay curled up in a little ball. I drifted off to sleep and when I woke I remembered the notepad.

I still had my wand so I enlarged the notepad and grabbed the pen. According to Draco, whatever I wrote on mine would show up on his.


I am in the dungeons. No way to escape. I have already been tortured. Please get help.

~ Sapphire'

I shrunk the notepad again and slipped it back into my pocket. Then I curled up on the cold dirt floor and fell asleep.

<Nellie's P.O.V>

As Sapphire was dragged away by who I'm assuming was her father, I was freaking out in the corner, unnoticed by Lucius Malfoy.

"Malfoy." I said quietly when Sapphire had gone. Malfoy's head snapped around and his eyes focused on me.

"Her going is not a good thing, is it?" Malfoy looked at me and shook his head.

"No. He will torture her, to the point where she is almost dead. And if mother doesn't know she is there - which I'm guessing she doesn't - then Sapphire won't heal herself fast enough. She will be dead within a week. Tops." The way Malfoy said that, like he was about to cry, made me realise that he cared about her, lots.

"Can we rescue her?" I asked.

"I don't know. Sapphire is usually pretty smart so I'm guessing father would have made sure there were no loopholes in the enchantments he put on the dungeon. She should not be able to get out. I don't know about people getting in but I'm guessing that would be pretty well covered too."

"Crap. Well, lets both think of something, meet tomorrow, and then consult Dumbledore? I know he isn't here right now. Your father told you a lie."

"Good plan."

"Ok, meet me at interval in the courtyard. Will it be ok if I bring Harry, Ron and Hermione?"

"Only for Sapphire." Malfoy muttered.

"Ok. She did ask me to tell them so I'm guessing they would want to help. Oh, I'm Danelle Snape, by the way. But you can call me Nellie." I said, holding out a hand.

"Draco Malfoy. I guess you can call me Draco." Draco replied, shaking my hand. He was pretty ok for a spoilt Slytherin first-year.

"Ok, meet you tomorrow. I hope she's ok. Bye Draco."

"See-ya Nellie." We parted as he made for the Slytherin common room and I went towards the Gryffindor one.

'Tell Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the twins...' I kept repeating in my head. I stopped outside a portrait of a fat lady. A round-faced first-year was just about to go in.

"Hey, you. Can you let me in?" I asked. He looked at me in a sort of scared way.

"But you're not a Gryffindor."

"Look, I'm a second-year Ravenclaw and I need to find the best friends of Sapphire Malfoy. I don't care how but I need to get into that common room. Just whisper the password or something."

"Sure then. I'm Neville, by the way."

"I'm Nellie. Now, not to be rude or anything but this is a kind or urgent matter, can you please open the bloody door?"

Neville whispered the password and I climbed through the portrait hole into a red and gold clad room with lots of comfy looking armchairs and a blazing fire. It was much nicer than our boring Ravenclaw common room, filled with boring books.

I went over to Harry potter and his friends and I asked them to follow me. I also grabbed the Weasley Twins and dragged them along as well. We ended up in a deserted classroom.

"So, I'm going to get this over with. My name is Nellie. I am a second-year Ravenclaw, Snape is my uncle, and I am friends with Sapphire."

"Where is she?" A twin asked.

"Yeah, I haven't seen her for ages!" Harry added.

"Her father came and took her home. According to Draco she will be locked in the dungeon and tortured, she will be dead within a week at the most, and there is no way for her to escape. Also there will be very little ways for someone to get in there and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to get back out unless let out by the door."


"That's terrible!"

"We have to help her!"

"I know! I know! But I don't know how. I am meeting Draco at interval tomorrow to see what ideas we have come up with and to talk to Dumbledore who is, at the moment, away. You guys can come as well."

"Malfoy wouldn't come with us there." Harry pointed out.

"He said only for Sapphire." I assured them.

Just then, Draco himself came running into the classroom with a notepad and pen in his hand.

"She just wrote to me." He panted.

"We both have a two-way notepad so we can talk to each other. She just wrote me a message." He shoved the notepad towards us and we read with wide eyes.


I am in the dungeons. No way to escape. I have already been tortured. Please get help.


"What kind of torture does she mean?" Hermione asked quietly.

"The cruciatus curse, and physical abuse." Draco replied and I was surprised at how nicely he spoke to Hermione who was apparently a muggleborn.

"Then you were wrong, Draco, the amount of mental and physical pain that would give her is immense." Everyone turned to look at me.

"With that much pain, she shouldn't survive more than three days."

Authors Message:

So how was that??!! Did you like???

I know that pretty much every Malfoy sibling fanfic has them getting taken back to the manor and tortured but this is pretty important for stuff that will happen later on.

Was that long enough for you?

Questions :D

1: are you confused about anything that has happened so far in this story?(I will explain things if you are)

2: did you like Nellies P.O.V?

3: if you had to change one thing about this story, what would it be? (I need some feedback and constructive criticism)

First person to answer all three gets a dedication!!

(@hellohi5 she used the notebook!! Haha Xx)

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