3: The Hogwarts Express

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Untraceable chapter 3

UNCLAIMER!!!(yeah, thats right, unclaimer. Got a problem with it?) All characters and places belong to J K Rowling apart from Sapphire Malfoy - she is mine. Also the main plot goes to J K Rowling as well.


The redhead looked at me like I was crazy and Harry just said

"I think shes just naturally crazy." What a lovely boy.

"Well thanks!" I said haughtily and he just rolled his eyes.

"Anyone sitting there?" The boy asked Harry. Pointing at the sear opposite Harry but beside me. Fine then. Ignore me!

"Everywhere else is full."

Harry shook his head and the boy sat down. He glanced at Harry and then when Harry saw he quickly looked away, pretending he hadn't looked.

"Hey, Ron." Fred and George were back.

"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train-" said Fred.

"Led Jordan's got a massive tarantula down there" finished George.

"Right" said Ron quietly.

"Harry," Fred said. Haha that rhymes.

"Did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. See you later then."

"Bye" everyone said, and the twins gave a little start when they saw me still sitting there.

"And would the lovely lady tell us her name?" Asked Fred and I blushed.

"Sapphire!" I said confidently, staring him in the eye. He had looked at me like I was shy. Which I'm definitely not.

"Sapphire what?" Asked Ron.

"Just call me Sapphire, I don't like to be associated with the people I share a name with. Speaking of - anyone have a name that goes nicely with Sapphire?" I replied smartly.

"Okay then... And sorry, no." The twins replied and then went to leave.

On their way out, the twins whispered something to Ron that made his ears turn red. He shook his head violently and the twins laughed.

"Remember that." Said Fred seriously. The twins shut the compartment door on the way out. Winking at me.

"Are you really Harry Potter?" Ron blurted out. Harry nodded.

"Oh, well I thought it might have been one of Fred and George's jokes. And have you really got, you know..." He pointed at Harry's forehead and Harry moved his hair to the side, revealing the lightning scar.

"So thats where you-know-who -?"

"Yes, but I can't remember it." Said Harry.

"Nothing?" Asked Ron, eagerly. Geez! Leave the boy alone!

"Well, I remember a lot of green light. But nothing else." Said Harry.

"Wow." Said Ron and then he just sat there staring at Harry for ages before blushing and looking away.

Then Harry kept asking Ron questions about his family. Harry was obviously interested in Ron's family because they were all wizards and Harry was raised by muggles. I just sat in the corner while they talked, zoning out and thinking about candy and llamas. Then Ron had to ruin it and start asking me questions.

"So, Sapphire... What's your blood-status?"


"Are you rich?"

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