5: Im A Prankster Biatches!!

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Untraceable chapter 5

UNCLAIMER!!!: all characters belong to JK Rowling apart from Sapphire Malfoy. the main plot belongs to her as well. I OWN NOTHING!!

I woke up in a huge bed the next day and rolled over dreamily, falling back asleep. Until, that is, Hermione jumped on me and woke me up. We got dressed together and went down to breakfast.

The following week was horrible for me. People ignored me and those who didn't were the Slytherins and they were the ones who were saying nasty stuff about me. "Blood traitor", "squib", and "should've been shot at birth", were just a few of the things they said. The actual words weren't what hurt me though, it was when people from other houses nodded and muttered how they were right. My only true friend was Hermione. Lavender and Parvati were nice enough but they said they didn't want to ruin their reputations by being friends with me. THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE REPUTATIONS!!

I managed to find my way around the castle with a small bit of help from Hermione, I also found many secret passages and shortcuts around the school. I was always one of the first to class. Unless I met Peeves. He would slow me down as much as possible and I still hadn't thought of a prank good enough to earn a pact with him.

The only person worse than Peeves, however, was the caretaker, Argus Filch. He would wander around and if you looked like you were causing trouble he would grab your arm and drag you away to your head of house. It happened to me twice. Ane then there was the dratted cat. Mrs Norris would prowl around, break a rule in front of her and she would run straight off for Filch, her master. Stupid bloody cat. I hate cats.

Then there were the actual lessons. They were resonably easy but the theory work was BORING! And every wednesday night we had to study the skies through our telescopes and learn the name of every planet and constellation. Three times a week we went out to the greenhouses for herbology with Professor Sprout.

The most boring lesson by far was History of Magic. It was tought by Professor Binns, a ghost with the most droning, boring voice in the world. He had been very old when he fell alseep in the staffroom one day and the next morning he got up to teach and left his body behind. I usually drew random pictures or fell asleep in his class. Hermione was probably the only one who didn't.

Professor Flitwick was a merry little teacher who tought charms. He was so short that he had to stand on a stack of books to be able to see over his desk. It was funny when he read Harry's name on the roster, he gave a squeak and toppled out of sight.

Professor McGonagall was a different story altogether. She gave us a strict talking to as soon as we first enered her class.

"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." She was obviously lying but I don't think anyone else noticed. Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. Everyone was very impressed but soon learned that we won't be attempting that for a long time.

After writing out many long, complicated, boring notes, we were each given a match that we had to try turn into a needle.

"Needleify." I said, pointing my wand at my match. It immediately turned into a needle.

"AWESOME!" I yelled and McGonagall looked up from some papers she was grading.

"What is it miss Malfoy?" she asked and I grimaced at my last name.

"IT TURNED INTO A NEEDLE!!" I shouted in reply. McGonagall came over.

"WEll done, miss Malfoy" sbhe said, examining my perfect needle.

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