13: The Land Of In-Between

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Untraceable chapter 13

UNCLAIMER!! I own nothing from the Harry Potter world, all of that belongs to JK Rowling. I only own Sapphire, Danelle, and other random characters or things I have made up.


That's all I can see. I turn around and look up and down but I can see nothing but black. I raise my arms and feel my body. It seems my hair has been washed and I have been put into some clean clothes. A dress by the feel of it.


I don't hurt anywhere!


But where am I? Am I dead? I was hit with avada kedavra... Am in heaven? No, heaven wouldn't be black. More like silver and gold.

I slowly raised one of my hands and pressed it to one side of my chest.

"HOLY FUCK I HAVE A HEARTBEAT!" I screamed out in surprise. Well it seems like I am just as loud as usual.

"Um... Is anyone here? Where am I? Hellooo? Well this is just a teensy bit awkward..." I said into the blackness.

"Hello, miss... Weston." Came a voice, whispering and echoing all around me. It was soft, but it sounded weary, like it had seen too many bad things.

"Hello? Who's there? Where am I?"

"You are in the land of in between. The land where the Weston's can come and go and where others must go on.

"Who are you? Why can't I see anything? Am I a so-called 'Weston'? What is that?"

"I am the defender of the doors, my name is Leonardo and I am a servant of death."


"I work for death, I defend the Westons path from those who should not use it."

"Um... Ok... Why am I here? Why am I alive? I got hit WITH A FUCKING KILLING CURSE HOW AM I STILL ALIVE!?" I yelled.

"Calm down. You are here because you are a Weston. That is also why you are alive."

"Yes, yes, yes, but what is a Weston?"

"An ancient family with a special gift in the women of this family. You are descended from a Weston. Your mother was one."

"Ok, I get that you probably won't explain fully to me about this Weston business and you won't tell me about my mother - or who she is - so I'm going to ask things that are more important at this very moment." I said.

"Wise choice, ask away, but I may not be able to answer everything."

"So, I'm here because I' a Weston and that's also why I didn't die. Here is the land of in between and you are a worker for death and your name is Leonardo." I classified.

"All correct."

"Well then, why is everything black?"

"Because your eyes are closed."

You have got to be fucking kidding me.



I opened my eyes and squinted at the colours that were in front of me. I seemed to be at some sort of picnic table in a park full of beautiful trees and colourful flowers. There were birds flying about and little kids running around, taking no notice of me and this man.

I looked over at the middle-aged man on the other side of the table. He had gold hair streaked with grey and a powerful build. He was pale and his face was kind but his eyes told a sad tale with lots of death. It was obvious he had once had to work right up with death. His job here was obviously much nicer.

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