9: Denial is the first step to acceptance

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Untraceable chapter 9

UNCLAIMER!!! The Harry Potter world and anything in it all belongs to JK Rowling, I only own Sapphire and other characters i have made up. Everything else belongs to the talented author JK Rowling!!!

CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!! We woke one morning to find Hogwarts covered in sparkly, soft, floaty looking stuff that was snow. I had never seen it before so I ran outside, ignoring the cold, and face-planted into the first big pile of it that I could see.

It was not sparkly.

Or soft.

Or fluffy.

Not even a little bit.

It hurt.

A lot.

And I ended up in the hospital wing.


"Why are you always in here, Miss Ma-"

"Call me Sapphire. Or your highness. Or your sexiness. I answer to any of the three."

"Okay then, Sapphire. Why are you always in here?"

"Because Harry Potter is a big fat bully and he keeps pushing me down stairs and such! I don't try to hurt myself you know!" I said with a huge sniff and burst into fake tears at the end. I peeked through my fingers and saw Madam Pomfrey looking shocked.

"That is not good. Go tell Dumbledore!" She exclaimed.

"Just kidding, I'm a klutz." I said with a cheeky smile.

"Well take this and then you can go." She replied, giving me a purple potion that smelled like raspberry ice cream.

Didn't taste like ice cream. THEY LIED TO ME!

I walked out of the hospital wing and saw the Weasley twins doing something with a pile of snowballs. I used my ninja skills to creep up on them.

"What you guys doing!?" I exclaimed loudly from right behind them. They jumped so high it was like I scared them. Probably because I did scare them.

HA! I scare the Weasley twins!!

"Holy shit Sapphire you almost gave us a heart attack!" Fred exclaimed. Is it just me or does he sound really hot when he swears?

I rolled over on the ground, hysterically laughing at their identical angry expressions.

"Ohmygod - you - I - scared - HILARIOUS!!" I choked out. They glared at me.

"Well fine then. Be that way. Laters guys! I have things to bewitch!" I said casually, dusting myself off as I got up off the ground and gave them a wave as I walked off.

"Wait! Sapphy, We need help!" George begged.

"Okay then! What you's need?" I said, sitting down next to them.

"How would you bewitch snowballs to fly around behind someone and hit them in the back of the head?"

"Ummm.... who?"


"Okay then uh... pass a snowball?"

"Fly around and keep whacking Quirrell in the back of the head." I said calmly, pointing my wand at the pile of snowballs. The twins looked at me in shock as the snowballs flew off the ground and down the corridor to where Professor Quirrells classroom was.

"THAT WASN'T EVEN A PROPER SPELL!" they said in unison.

"Well I bet you a galleon that it worked." I said smugly.

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