2: Diagon Alley

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Untraceable chapter 2

~Tom (the bartender)'s P.O.V~

"Of course Sir, there you go, that key's for room 27, up on the third floor. Oh, and here's your change." I handed the old balding wizard the three sickles change and his room key and he waddled off to take his trunk upstairs.

Just then, the door crashed open and through the evening light, I could just make out the silhouette of a young girl, about Hogwarts age, before she fainted and fell to the floor.

I rushed around the back of the bar and over to the girl. She was small and thin, underfed, and she had almost waist length curly dark hair, not quite black but a rich dark brown. It was very shiny and smooth which looked out of place on her scraggly body. The dark colour contrasted greatly with her pale skin.

I picked her up gently and carried her upstairs to one of the free rooms, 14, and lay her down on the bed. I removed her backpack but kept it close to her in case it held something important.

I pulled the sheets over her and tucked her in, she reminded me of my niece. I conjured up a glass and filled it with water. Then I summoned an apple and a plate of cookies from the kitchen. I put these on the bedside table and then walked into the bathroom.

I wet a hand-towel with cold water and then took a dry one and carried them both out there. I wet her forehead with the cold water and then dried it as she woke up.


~Sapphire's P.O.V~

I woke up in a large room on a double bed. My bag was beside me and my boots on the floor. There was also a creepy old pedo man sitting next to me. Jokes, he was old but his eyes had something in them that made me feel safe. I relaxed.

"You okay? Whats your name?" He asked me kindly.

"S-s-sapphire" I wispered, my throat burning.

"Thats a pretty name." He said softly, smiling at me. I hesitantly smiled back.

"It matches your eyes, you know. I'm Tom, the bartender and owner of this place. You can stay here as long as you want but I'm afraid that if you cant pay me then you may have to help do a bit of work for me." He said.

I dug out a handful of galleons and gave him 20. he gave back 8. Then I noticed a plate of biscuits and a glass of water. I looked at Tom and then the water, asking with my eyes. He nodded. I took a great big gulp of water and ate a biscuit. Already I was beginning to feel better.

"Thank you." I said gratefully once I had finished the food and water. My voice felt normal now and my head wasn't spinning.

"You're welcome, are you running away from home?" Tom asked me. I didn't know what to say.

"Not really... I've sorta been disowned..." I replied and he nodded.

"Well Im going to go now, you can come downstairs if you get hungry later, otherwise just go to sleep. I'll show you more stuff tomorrow."

I nodded my thanks and he left, humming a tune to himself.

~The Next Day~

I woke up and for a minute, I thought I was still up a tree, or in a small hollow at the base of one. Then I remembered what happened yesterday and a content sigh escaped my lips. Finally, I was free.

I took a proper look around my room and saw that it was very nice and comfortable. The walls were a light creme colour and the ceiling white. There was thick fluffy white carpet on the ground. The double bed I was in was in the left hand corner, opposite the door. In the right corner was a big armchair and beside that was a dresser with a mirror on top.

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