16: Filler... :)

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Untraceable chapter 16


"RON! RON! OHMYGOD, RON!" I yelled as soon as I was back in the safety of the common room.

"What happened? Where are Harry and Hermione? Tell me!" Ron asked frantically, getting up from his seat in the common room where he had been waiting up for us.

"Well we forgot the invisibility cloak and then we bumped into Filch - that bastard - and he got Harry and Hermione but I managed to slip away and they don't annoy the teachers as much as me so they will get in so much trouble!" I told him quickly.

"Bloody hell! I hope McGonagall won't take too many points off! We're in the lead!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yeah but everyone will hate them!" I worried, thinking of how Hermione had only just (sort of) gotten past all the hate she was getting in classes and stuff.

"But we won't so that will be ok!" Ron reasoned.

"Oh they better get back soon!" I muttered.


I had almost fallen asleep on a sofa in front of the fire when the portrait door swung open and Harry and Hermione scrambled through. I was surprised to see Neville follow but then storm off towards his dorm, glaring at the guilty-faced pair.

"What the hell happened?" Ron asked before my mind had even processed that I needed to open my mouth and talk. Harry and Hermione looked at the ground, ashamed.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor." Harry muttered.

"Each. And for Neville as well." Hermione added.

"WHAT A BITCH!" I yelled. Stupid McGonagall.

"Well that makes me feel slightly better about ditching you guys, I saved Gryffindor fifty points. Oh, and sorry by the way." I muttered at the end.

"Its okay, Sapphire." Hermione smiled.

"Yeah, you're right. At least that's fifty points more than if you had stayed." Harry agreed with a strained smile.

"Thanks you guys." I smiled back.

"Oh, everyone's going to despise us!" Hermione groaned.

"Don't worry, Ron and I will still like you." I said.

"I can't believe Malfoy got off with only twenty and the detention." Harry growled.

"What was he doing there? And what detention?" I asked.

"The git." Ron added.

"Well he had found the note and went to frame us but McGonagall caught him and he told her and Neville got caught up in it and he hates us too now!" Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples.

"Well I think we should go to bed now. Come on!" I put on a happy voice and glared at Ron till he dragged Harry to their dorm.

I gently took Hermione's arm and pulled her up to our room. I quietly got her bed ready and helped her into her pyjamas, she seemed so tired and helpless. I felt so sorry for her. I got into my own sleepwear and silently slipped into bed, trying not to wake any of the other girls. I soon fell into an uneasy sleep.


There were whispers flying around Gryffindor the next morning. People walked past the hourglasses that counted the house points and blinked a few times, walked back to check, stopped to make sure. Because surely Gryffindor couldn't have gone from first to fourth in one night?

By midday, word had gotten around that Harry Potter and some other stupid little first-years had lost all those points for us. One hundred and fifty points. Harry was no longer the loved  chosen one anymore. He was just a stupid first-year who did something stupid enough to loose us all those points. Gryffindors glared as they passed him, as did Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff who had been looking forward to Slytherin loosing for once. But the Slytherins walked past and cheered, clapping him on the back and thanking him for putting them in the lead.

I couldn't believe when Harry told me that he had offered to resign from Quidditch. He said Wood had refused. How else were they going to win all those points back? But Harry said even Quidditch had lost it's fun. No one would talk to him and if they had to they would refer to him as 'the seeker'. I was pissed.

Hermione and Neville were suffering too, not as much as Harry because they weren't quite as well-known, but still nobody would talk to them and Hermione had stopped raising her hand in class, instead quietly sitting there taking notes. Harry had sworn never to meddle in things that didn't concern him again. I honestly didn't believe that would last.

The only ones who talked to Harry, Hermione and Neville were me and Ron. Neville wouldn't look Harry or Hermione in the eye, and Ron, who was always with Harry, was hardly ever with Neville so my time was split between Hermione and Neville, the library and the greenhouses. I hadn't even had time to yell at the twins for ignoring Harry. I didn't actually end up yelling.

My self-control is getting better!

"I'm a ninja." I stated randomly to Fred. We were sitting on a couch in the common room. I had ditched Herbology and Fred had a free period.

"No you're not." He replied.

"Did you see me do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" He replied in a bored tone.

"Exactly." I smirked. He rolled his eyes.

"So what class did you bunk?" He asked with a slight grin.

"Herbology. The plants hate me." I sighed.

"You weirdo. Are Harry and Hermione ok with you ditching?"

"No but when did I ever care about what anyone else thought about what I did? Never. And why not Ron?"

"Because Ron is an idiot. He doesn't count." Fred smirked.

"Fair enough. And why aren't you talking to Harry or Hermione?" I tried to keep my calm, I purposely avoided thinking about how much hate Harry and Hermione are going through.

"Uh... Because they lost us the points..." Fred said slowly, very obviously thinking of what would be the right thing to say.

"Yeah! But you and George have lost may more points than that before!"

"But not all in one go!" Fred reasoned.

"So? That is pretty much the only points Harry has ever lost and definitely the only ones Hermione has lost!"

"But now Slytherin are going to win the house cup!"

"So? You don't know that! Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw might get a massive boost! Or even us! Loosing those points gives you no excuse not to talk to Harry. He is having a hard enough time already, without you and George being dicks." I said, starting to get very pissed off. Fred seemed to notice this too because he suddenly calmed down and said

"Fine. If it makes you that happy, me and George will stop ignoring them."

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Welcome." Fred grinned, giving me an awkward hug - due to the fact that we were sitting next to each other on a couch. But it was a nice hug. And Fred smelled nice, like cinnamon.

"SAPPHIRE! WHERE WERE YOU ALL LESSON?" Hermione yelled, totally ruining the moment as her, Ronald and Harry came into the common room.

"Oh, sorry, were we interrupting something?" She asked with wide eyes as she took in how close we were on the couch, one of Fred's arms was still half over my shoulders and our sides were touching.

"No!" We both said at the same time, I felt my face heat up as we slid apart to the opposite sides of the couch, Fred's face was redder than his hair. Hermione gave me a look that clearly said "I am going to interrogate you about this later". I face palmed.

"Well I have to go find George, wherever he is." Fred said, slightly awkwardly.

"Where is he?" I asked, Fred and George were barely ever apart.

"I think he's in the fourth-floor broom closet with Alicia." Fred said, smirking.

"Ew. T-M-I!" I exclaimed. Harry and Ron just grinned and Hermione looked shocked.

"Well anyway, see you four later!" Fred smiled, getting up and giving me a slightly less-awkward hug, Hermione a pat on the back, and Ron and Harry a friendly shove. Harry and Hermione looked amazed.

"He talked to us!" Harry grinned happily, coming over and giving me a tight squeeze.

"What did you say to him, Sapphy?" He asked.

"I told him how you guys have a hard-enough time anyway and how him and George have lost lots of points as well and he just said that if it means that much to me then him and George will stop ignoring you!"

"Speaking of, what was going on between you two there?" Hermione butted in, giving me a very over-exaggerated look. I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing! Fred just gave me a friendly hug!" I protested. Ron was looking confused and Harry was smirking, the prick. Hermione gave me a very sceptical look.

"Honestly! He is like my brother! There is nothing going on." I said firmly and Hermione shrugged, pulling out a random book from god-knows-where and settling down on a couch to read. People started to fill up the common room as classes ended for the day.

"I need to wee." I said randomly.

"That's nice, Sapphire." Hermione muttered absent-mindedly, not looking up from her book.

"Actually, no. That sounds too babyish. I need to pee." I changed my mind.

"Nope - scratch that, it sounds too dumb - I need to piss." I decided.

"Nah that sounds like I'm trying to be badass which I'm not... I need to... Uh... Tinkle!"

"No, actually, that sounds like a little kids word... I just need to go toilet!" Hermione sighed and shut her book.

"What is the actual word for... Whatever it is I want to do... Number 1's? Nah... Hermione?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Urinate. Honestly, Sapphire, I don't know how you are going to pass this years exams." Hermione sighed hopelessly.

"Hey! Are you calling me dumb?" I asked, offended.

"Yes, actually, I am. Nice work." Hermy said sarcastically. I gasped and put a hand over my heart."

"HERMY! How dare you use sarcasm on me?"

"My name isn't Hermy!" Hermy argued.

"And your heart is on the left side, idiot." She finished, going back to her dictionary of a book.

"You're mean!" I cried. She just continued to read her book, not making any sign that she heard me.

"FINE THEN BE THAT WAY! I'M GOING TO GO... URINATE! HA! I SAID IT RIGHT!" I shouted dramatically, walking calmly out of the common room, not bothering with the 'what-the-fuck' and 'are-you-retarded?' looks I was getting, they are quite a regular thing for me.

I didn't actually end up going to urinate - on my way to the bathrooms I met a certain Danelle Snape who looked very suspicious. She was carrying a big stack of parchment.

"Hey!" I called, popping out from the end of the corridor. Nellie jumped and span around to face me.

"Hey!" She said, but with a slight tone in her voice that indicated she was in a hurry.

"Where are you heading off to so fast?" I questioned curiously.

"Oh, nowhere!" Nellie said very quickly.

"Psht, whatever. What are you planning?" I asked, very pointedly staring at the parchment in her hands.

"Well, promise you won't tell?" Nellie said reluctantly after I had stared at her for a full three minutes.

"Do I look like I would tell?" I muttered sarcastically.

"Okay then, I'm planning and third year and over party in the room of requirement tonight!" Nellie said excitedly.

"What's the room of requirement? And aren't you only a second-year?"

"The room of requirement is this room that changes depending on what you need and yeah but I'm organising the party so I'm invited. Plus - all the hot guys are third-years!" Nellie pouted.

"Well I would love to come! Thanks for inviting me! But I have to wait for Hermione and Harry to finish their detentions so I'll pass." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry! But then other first-year would get all shitty at me!" Nellie defended.

"No, it's okay, I actually do have to wait up for them!" I smiled.

"Well ok then... If you say so..." Nellie muttered unsurely. I grinned.

"Seriously! But if you get pregnant I will rip the fathers balls off and feed them to Fluffy. Get it?" I threatened.

"What's fluffy?" Nellie asked.

"One of Hagrid's pets. Anyway, I have to go so bye!" I gave Nellie a big hug and walked off to the library to annoy madam Pince. Then I got bored of being loud and annoying in the library so I went to the great hall.

"OHMYGOD IT'S EDWARD CULLEN!" I yelled, pointing at a golden-haired, fourth-year Hufflepuff.

"LIKE WHO?" He yelled back.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I replied. Then I calmly went to pat Fluffy, which I hadn't done in a while.


That night, Harry, Hermione, Neville and Draco all went to serve their detentions together. Ron and I had no idea what they were doing or who with so we sat in the common room and Ron attempted to teach me how to play wizards chess.

"This is boring! Can we do something else! I'm hungry! I want food!" I moaned.

"Should've gone to that party!" Ron muttered. He was pissed off at me when he found out I could have pushed matters and pulled strings and invited us to a third above party.

"Yeah but we have to wait for Hermy and Harry. Stop complaining." I told Ron.

"Seriously? Me stop complaining? You are..." Ron trailed off.

"Pretty? Gorgeous? Talented? Fabulous? Amazing? Annoying? Crazy? Weird? Retarded?" I offered a few suggestions.

"Sapphire." Ron said.

"What?" I asked.

"Sapphire. Like, you are so Sapphire. Or, Sapphire-ish." He explained. I bet he feels special. Probably the first time he has ever had to explain something un-quidditch-related. Just then, the portrait hole opened and Fred, George, Alicia, and Nellie came in, looking a little bit tipsy. Nellie will probably end up staying in the spare bed in my dorm. What a homeless person, has to use the spare beds in Gryffindor!

"Want to play truth or dare?" George asked, his voice just the smallest but slurred.

"Depends how much you've all had to drink." I replied smartly.



I'm smart!

I feel stupid.

"I only had two glasses, George had two, Alicia had three and Nellie had five." Fred said. Hehe, that rhymes!

"Of course Nellie had five!" I rolled my eyes at the dark-haired girl who was leaning heavily on Alicia Spinnet.

"Whatever, sure, we'll play!" Ron answered with a grin. Fine then, I guess we will. Whatever, doesn't bother me!

"Sweet!" George said happily. He picked up an empty water bottle off a table and we all sat in a circle. George spun the bottle and it landed on Alicia.

"Dare." She said confidently.

"I dare you to... Spin the bottle and give whoever it lands on a makeover." George decided, obviously not able to think of anything else.

"Ok. It can be their turn next." Alicia said happily. She span the bottle and it landed on Fred. Well this will be entertaining.

Fred put up a lot of protest at first but eventually Alicia managed to put foundation, bronzer, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and falsies on him. Needless to say he looked ridiculous. After he had run to the bathroom and washed it off, he chose truth and Alicia gave him a question. She seemed to think for a while before deciding on

"Who has the best eyes you have ever seen?" Fred blushed and muttered

"Sapphire." I fist pumped the air!

"Point one to Sapphire!" I grinned.

"Point one of what?" Alicia asked as if she genuinely cared.

"Of points." I stated as if it were obvious. George rolled his eyes and Fred span the bottle.

"Ronald." He grinned evilly. Ron looked scared.

"Truth." He said after a bit of thought, but a glance of Fred's evil face changed his mind.

"Dare - no, tru- actually dar - no... Dare?" He asked in a small voice.

"I dare you to... Lick Nellie's face." Fred smirked. Nellie was very drunk and I had no idea what type of drunk person she was, Fred obviously had a clue though.

"Ew!" Ron said.

"Well you could do the chicken dare and dance on the table in your underwear tomorrow." George offered.

"Never mind, I'll lick her face." Ron said quickly.

He went over to Nellie who was giggling to herself about something and put his face really close to hers. You could see his look of disgust as he stuck his tongue out and licked her cheek. All at once, Nellie leapt up and started to attack Ron. She pulled his hair and punched him and kicked him. He ran away and she chased him, trying to attack him. All while me, Fred, George and Alicia were laughing our arses off. Eventually, Ron came and sat back down. He had a few scratch marks on his face and arms and he had lots of bruises. Ron span the bottle and it landed on Nellie. Ron looked frightened before saying:

"Truth or dare." In a small voice.

"Truth." Nellie said. Looking quite normal and calm.

"Er... What is your middle name?" Ron said quietly, obviously deciding on a save question. Nellie however, whose cheeks were already rosy from alcohol consumption, turned bright red and slurred

"Mildred-Rose." George scoffed and Fred chuckled lightly. Nellie glared at them, seeming to have sobered up a bit. She span the bottle. And it landed on me. Oh god.

"Dare." I said instantly. And Nellie smirked. Whoops. This will probably be embarrassing and highly annoying.

"I dare you to... Kiss Fred." She said in a smug voice.


That's not even bad!

Before anyone could make any specifications like "lips", "three minutes", "tongue", etc. I leaned over and placed a quick kiss on his red cheek. Everyone else looked very disappointed and Nellie frowned.

"I meant lips!"

"You should've said." I countered smugly.

"You could've at least snogged him!"

"Llama." I explained.



"What the fuck, Sapphire?"

"Llama. Duh!"

"What is wrong with you?"

"Don't question crazy people."

"Oh god."

"Shut up."

"No you shut up!"

"Whatever. Just spin the bottle.

"Well okay then!" I grinned and span the bottle. It landed on Fred and Nellie decided to pipe up again.

"Hey! We should play spin the bottle instead! Starting now!"

"Grrr." I replied while everyone else but Fred nodded happily.

"Did you just growl at her?" Fred asked in an incredulous tone, it was the first thing he had said since I kissed him. I hope that won't ruin our friendship! I need his pranking expertise!

"Yes I did just growl at Danelle Mildred-Rose Snape. Do you have a problem with it?" Nellie glared daggers at me and Fred shook his head, laughing.

"Well anyway. Hermione and Harry will probably be here soon so you guys should piss off so they can tell us everything exciting that happened. Which they won't do if you are around." I announced to the group.

"No offence." I added as an afterthought. Everyone laughed.

"You're so blunt, Sapphire!" Alicia remarked, laughing at me. She gave us a wave and went off to bed.

"Nellie, there's a spare bed in my dorm, second door up on that staircase." I pointed to the girls staircase. Nellie waved goodbye, pouting that she couldn't stay and wait up for Harry and Hermione.

"Well, we should be off -" George began.

"Goodnight, you two!" Fred finished. The twins hugged me and went to bed.

"How come they hug you and not me!" Ron exclaimed.

"Cause I'm SPECIAL!" I yelled. Ron rolled his eyes.

Harry and Hermione eventually came into the common room with wide eyes. Harry quickly explained all in a rush about their detention. This is what I gathered from it:

Their detention was with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest. Something had been killing unicorns and they had to try find it. Harry and Hermione had been with Hagrid and Neville with Draco and Fang but Draco scared Neville so Harry had to go with Draco instead. After they had swapped, Harry and Draco saw a unicorn lying in a clearing with a cloaked figure leaning over it, drinking the unicorns blood. The figure had looked at Harry and he had got a pain in his scar. The cloaked person was going to kill Harry but some centaurs saved him. Apparently the figure was Voldemort  and he was drinking the blood to give him a half-life until he could get up to the school and steal the Philosophers stone and come back fully.

Then Harry and Hermione went up to bed. Leaving me and Ron to follow with a lot to think about.


Hey hey heyy!!

What's up guys?

Did you like this chapter? It was a filler chapter because I am lazy. IM SORRY OKAY!!?


I'm sorry that this hasn't really been that crazy or weird or random or high or anything lately... I haven't really been in a crazy mood...

So anyway, thanks to @babigurl16 for the truth or dare idea! And to someone else for something else that I put in... I can't remember :/ anyway THANK YOU!! :)

Uh... I'm home from school sick these last two days and probably tomorrow but mum takes the Wi-Fi so I can't actually do anything important till she gets home... But I have managed to finish this!

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