8: "I TOLD YOU SO!!"

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Untraceable chapter 8

UNCLAIMER!! The Harry Potter world, characters, spells, etc all belong to JK ROWLING!! Not me. I only own Sapphire and Danelle so yeah... Blah blah blah everything else belongs to JK Rowling :D

As we entered November, the weather turned cold, the mountains around the lake became icy grey and the lake already had a thin layer of ice crusting the surface. Every morning the ground was covered in frost.

The Quidditch season had begun and that was one thing I agreed with Hermione about - people talk about Quidditch too much.

On saturday, Harry would be playing his first ever game after weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. If we won, we would move up to second place for the house cup.

No one but me, Ron, and the Quidditch team had seen Harry play because Wood decided that as their secret weapon, Harry should be kept secret. But the news that Harry would be playing seeker had leaked out somehow.


But I only told Danelle! Its her you have to blame!

Just kidding, I told all my Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff friends as well.

But it was pretty funny whenever people told Harry he would fall off his broom and they would make sure there was a bed reserved for him in the hospital wing unless it was their own. Probably because that was me telling him. He just rolled his eyes and sarcastically said I'm a great friend. I said I know and he ignored me. Rude!

But it was good that we had Hermione for a friend because now we were able to get through all our homework. Harry because he had Quidditch practice all the time and couldn't find time to do it himself, and me because I'm lazy and Hermione loves me. But Hermione also loved Harry because she leant him Quidditch through the ages to read.

Hermione had become a little more relaxed about breaking the rules since Harry and Ron had saved us from the mountain troll and she was much nicer for it. The day before Harry's Quidditch match we were all in the freezing courtyard during break and she had conjured up a small fire the colour of bluebells that could be carried in a little jar.

We were standing with our backs to it when Snape crossed the yard. We instantly moved closer together, hiding the flames from view because even though I may not be the smartest person alive - even I knew that they weren't allowed.

I noticed Snape was limping and a glance at Harry told me he saw it too. Unfortunately, my loud singing of the smurfs song seemed to annoy Snape and he came limping over.


"Shut up." He snapped at me.

"No thank you. LA LA LA LA-LA-"

"Shut up." He snarled at me with that look he always reserves for Harry and now me. I did the right thing and shut up because Hermione kicked me and her kicks hurt.

"What's that you've got there, Potter?" Harry showed him the copy of Quidditch through the ages.

"Library books are not to be taken outside the school." Said Snape.

"Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor."

"He just made that rule up." Harry muttered angrily as Snape limped away.

"Wonder whats wrong with his leg?"

"Dunno, but I hope its really hurting him." Said Ron bitterly.

"Hey, Snape, you're ugly, one hundred points from Slytherin. Oh, whats that you have? Oh its just your huge nose. Another fifty points." I said, mocking Snape in a deep voice.

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