Chapter Three

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"Beth?" Andrea giggled as Derrick brushed forest debris off his jacket; no guessing what they had been up to. 

"Hey you two," I winked at Andrea as she blushed and Derrick coughed to clear his throat and hopefully the awkwardness now felt around us.

"Shall we go back?" He offered, looking guilty. We nodded and headed back down the path. Entering the clearing the group had settled slightly, all gathered around the fire.

"Lets tell ghost stories!" One of the girls who looked similar to Andrea called out, her French accent not as strong. I couldn't help but wonder if they were related and as if hearing me she waved over to us.

"Beth, Derrick this is my sister Elise," Andrea introduced as, taking a seat between Elise and Derrick. Going to the right of Derrick I sat beside him as Andrea continued to talk. "Elise just came back from Australia on an exchange program for six months"

Her pride was obvious as she spoke of her sister and the redheads quickly started to speak in their native tongue to one another. A few minutes later a pretty blonde girl finished her ghost story, I was glad she too wore red so at least if anything happened I wouldn't be the only one to be under attack.

A guy got up this time and started history, he spoke in French and it seemed Derrick and I were the only ones unable to understand so we made up a game of naught and crosses in the sand between our feet.

"Tu crois aux fantômes?" The guy jumped at the girl beside him causing her to scream. 

What ever his story was everyone was mesmerized by it and I decided to get Andrea to retell it later. After the laughter died down the guy who had been all over the blonde in red stood up.

"Once upon a time, in a village on the other side of the ocean," He had a thick English accent and it was nice hearing something familiar, "there was a WERE WOLF" he yelled for emphasize. The girls around him giggled and the blonde looked at him lovingly.

"There was a beautiful virgin in this village," he winked at the blonde. "And the were wolf wanted to make her his. Every day the girl would go into the forest to collect flowers in her red coat and the wolf would watch her. Finally he couldn't stop himself and attacked the girl but thankfully one of the villagers hunters was there to stop him from hurting her and shot him twice with two magic bullets!" He clutched his chest as if he had been shot, falling to his knees.

"Thinking she had set him up he cursed her and her village. The girl was thankful to the hunter whom saved her life, married him and went on to have a bunch of babies. The werewolf didn't forget and now on every full moon," He waited as the girls instinctively looked to the sky and gasped seeing the full moon. "He comes back to the village-" He stalked around the circle dramatically and I found myself being sucked in like all the others.

"Looking for the girl in the red coat that betrayed him to have. His-" he stopped behind the blonde, grabbing her by the shoulders roughly as he yelled, "REVENGE!!!"

She screamed and every one started laughing. Catching Andreas gaze I rolled my eyes at the show and she laughed more. Someone on the other side of the fire got up and started talking, but really my mind was left thinking on the wolfs revenge.

Was this really the case? 

Marshmallows were being passed around as it neared midnight, and again goose bumps broke out over my skin. All night I had the feeling that something was going to happen and had ignored it. Now it was getting stronger and I had to resist the urge to head into the forest and go to whatever it was. As I watched the white ball of goodness turn black and the blue flame appear over it, the group went silent. The ghostly howl of a wolf interrupted the party and no one said anything as we all looked at each other nervously.

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