Chapter Twenty Two

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Christmas Eve was due to be spent at one of my Grandparents friend's manors just outside of London. It was a forty-minute drive and the only reason I was going was to see Jocelyn, as like most people in our circle, these were the kind of events everyone was expected to attend. The last two days I had been busy doing Christmas shopping and showing James the sights of London. Three trips on the Eye had me regretting taking him there, sure it was fun the first time but going around in a circle only did so much for me. James sat between Dylan and I as the pair talked about all the cartoons they'd ever seen. Ahead in the limousine our grandparents rode with Dylan's parents and his sister Cordelia who had just turned sixteen. I had managed to avoid Dylan up until now and I still had no idea what to do about the Andrea situation.

"You've been very quiet tonight" Dylan interrupted my thoughts as James grabbed my black Chanel clutch, getting out my iPhone he opened up Angry Birds. I nodded and looked out the window wishing they had let me ride up front and put Cordelia in this car. I heard him sigh and giving up he was silent the rest of the trip.

I had just stepped out of the car and was in the process of and adjusting the red fifty style cocktail dress I'd picked up yesterday in one of the vintage stores when I was practically tackled to the ground.  If the car wasn't behind me I'd be in the gravel. My wolf went into defense mode as the familiar smell of Daisy by Marc Jacobs hit me.

"Joce, come on!" I whined as I felt James by my side, nervously looking around. Laughing she let me go from where she had me pinned against the car. Her brown eyes were surrounded by a dusting of green glitter which matched the emerald and black brocade of her dress. Her usually pale skin was lightly tanned and her brown hair had been pinned up in a French roll. She looked beautiful.

"Wow Beth, you looked amazing" She hugged me again but with less force and I eagerly responded.

"You too! What is wrong with your skin, is that a tan?" I teased. She poked her tongue out and laughed. God I had missed this girl.

"Jocelyn is right, you do look stunning tonight Bethy," Dylan came up beside us and smiled hopefully at me. Jocelyn looked at him curiously, and back at me. I shook my head knowing what she was thinking.

 "It's Elizabeth Dylan, and thank you" I said courtly, taking James's hand and linking my free arm with Jocelyn left him standing there. My Grandparents had just entered and I found myself comparing it all to William's ball. 'Stop it' I growled, hating her constant reminders. Once inside we left our coats and headed inside.

"God I hate these" Jocelyn complained beside me and I nodded agreeing. It was all a contest really on whose children had done what, how much money made that year and of course the biggest topic was on what ever scandals had broken out. Times changed in many ways but not amongst the wealthy.

"Would Sir like to join the other children in the games room?" One of the staff approached us and motioned to James. I knew he was bored and agreed but left Dylan and Jocelyn to take him. We had just entered the main foyer when I shivered, my wolf pushing through to get me alert. Each day she was getting stronger and the barrier separating us was getting weaker. I was glad she was still there but being able to block out her insistent whining about William was easier with the barrier. I glanced around but not seeing anything kept walking. The games room had a large flat screen set up with a variety of consoles and a pool table took up the center of the room. A few nannies followed after some of the smaller kids and a buffet of party foods like mini pies, hotdogs and junk food.

"You going to be ok in here?" I asked and he nodded excited already itching to get away from me. "Just ask one of the adults to come get me ok?" I wasn't sure if he heard as he ran towards the play station set up. He was going to be fine. I stopped by the restroom and reapplied my lip-gloss, a sinking feeling growing in the bottom of my stomach. Ignoring it I ran my hands through my straightened hair and adjusted it over my shoulders. I straightened up the dress and admired myself in the mirror. It had a black lace insert that covered my shoulders, the red of the dress starting just over my bust. I felt just as glamorous as I did the night of the ball. Groaning at thinking of it again I left in search of Jocelyn. 

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