Chapter Thirty Three

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On the second day Mum locked me into the spare room. So far I'd been sleeping on the sofa. Thankfully I was still allowed to shower but she also kept me inside all the time. Parker had gone early on the first morning and I never thought I'd miss him. But I did. It was nowhere near how much I was missing William or Eric and the rest of my friends. And James. I worried for my brother the most. I sat on the single bed focusing all my energy on Margaret, hoping it would make her appear but she never did. I didn't bother trying to escape the room, my first attempt and knocking Mum over and trying to get out was the cause of me being locked away. I felt something around me in the room and decided not to fight that either. In some ways I guessed she was still Mum, that she still cared. She had given me my luggage and my meals were constant. Nothing fancy but food is food.

It was now heading into the third day. I had told James we would be back at the end of the weekend and that message would have been passed through to everyone. Being Monday and no signs of us, I knew the panic would have begun. Voices interrupted my daydream of home and moving to the door I was thrilled to hear Parker had come back.

"Did you do it?" Mum demanded. "Good. You can do it tonight then. I want her more obedient so once it's completed you can make her do as I say. If not I know the threat of killing you will have obeying" Her words made my blood run cold. Do what?? I stepped away from the door, looking around for something I could use as a weapon but the room came up empty. I looked at my hands, the sparkle long gone. Maybe I could bring it back?

"I'm going out tonight. I trust you'll be done by morning? On Friday when there is a full moon I will be doing it then, Mother is coming that day so the girl needs to have any resistance out of her system. Once we're finished you can do what you want with her. I don't care. Break this agreement and I make sure Eileen kills both of you," the door slamming shut echoed through the cottage and the engine of the car roared to life. I hid in the corner of the room, not sure else what else to do and waited. And waited. Finally the shower was turned on and I slowly crept to the door. Surprisingly it opened and entering the hall I looked around nervously. Nothing.

Satisfied with the noise of the shower I crept into the main room, finding my boots and a jacket I put them on and went to brave the cold of the night. What ever was happening I didn't want to stick around. I quickly pulled my boots on and had my jacket in my hands as I opened the front the door. Fresh snow covered the yard and I had taken my first step when Parkers voice came to me.

"I wouldn't run if I were you," he taunted. Turning to look he stood naked, water still running in beads down his bare chest as a towel covered his more private area. I gulped taking him in and he smirked, his eyes lighting up, as he knew I was checking him out. 'Stupid' I cursed myself and without thinking, I ran. As I got to the gate my wolf appeared urging me to stop but she was to late and as I went to cross the boundary into freedom I was thrown back as if by an electric shock. Dazed I just stayed in the snow, the dampness sticking to my clothing.

"I told you not to run" Parkers hand appeared before me and I took it as he pulled me up. The heat from his body seemed to steam as the cold air hit him. He put me over his shoulder and carried me inside, to shocked I didn't protest. He dropped me in front of the fire and disappeared into one of the rooms, soon coming out in a pair of sweat pants that hung off his hips in such a way I had to bit my lip as I admired his body again. It was pure attraction, no substance but not that my hormones cared about any of that. I don't know if it was from lack of seeing anyone else but even my wolf was eager for the interaction and thinking of William soon had her hanging her head in shame.

"Are you ok?" he asked, going into the cupboard he found a bottle of vodka and a couple of shot glasses. I nodded, shivering slightly as the wet of my clothes stopped me from getting warm. "Go change" he suggested and so I went and did as he asked. The heat from the fire kept the place warm so I put on a pink tank top and white sweatpants, heading back out he was pouring to glasses on the coffee table.

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