Chapter Thirty Two

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When I woke up the next morning the tingles were back, though not as strong as before. Deciding it must be something to do with being around William again got used to the familiar feeling they had within my body. I never asked Finn last night about Parker and when I mentioned his name to William he got, tense. As much as I didn't want to, I was going with Mum today. Unable to be here to let me go William and Eric had left by seven and I sat with James and my Grandparents having breakfast. Everyone seemed on edge; even James and I hoped staying with him last night hadn't been the reason for it. But we had to go; we had to keep them all safe. It was just before nine when Mum knocked on the door. James hung back by my Grandparents as she came in. She seemed more like her normal self. Her hair was shiny, the wrinkles gone. Her smile was genuine as she greeted us though she seemed to notice James's hesitation, which was, verified when she said it was time to go.

"But Mum I don't want to move again" he whined, his bottom lip trembling. I came down stairs with my small suitcase and frowned seeing him upset.

"Why don't you stay the weekend with Grandma and let me and Eli set things up?" she offered. My wolf stirred, paying attention as she heard those words. James nodded eagerly and I was thankful he would be safe here, away from her. I hugged them all tightly, tears forming. My Grandfather noticed it and I could see him and Grandmother looking at each other worried. I had kept them out of the loop on so much, but it was better this way.

"It's not goodbye dear, you'll be back before you know it" Grandmother whispered in my ear as I gave her another hug. I wished I could tell her I wasn't sure if I would be. I kissed James on the forehead, ignoring how worried he felt.

"But Eli, who will hold your hand tonight? What if the monsters come for you?" He asked innocently as I went out the door. I glanced over at my Mum, she frowned at his words and I wondered just what was going on with her. She seemed so normal, like the mother I had known for my whole life.

"They won't James. They know I have you to come and find me. Be a good boy ok? I love you" I really felt like this was the final goodbye. I didn't want him to worry. He nodded and gave me another hug before my Grandmother lead him inside. Getting in the car I sighed heavily, again Mum frowned and I wondered if they had got it all wrong. No mother would hurt her children.

"So where are we going?" I finally asked, the city being left behind over two hours ago. We had spent the whole trip in silence, the pair of to deep in our own thoughts.

"Nearly there" she answered. I stared back out the window, the country nothing but rolling hills and forest with the odd farm fencing or livestock seen. I got out my phone to text Eric and told him about the last sign I'd seen for Yorkshire so they'd have some idea on where I had gone. I had just hit send when Mum snatched it from my hands and quickly threw it out her window.

"What the hell?" I snapped, glaring at her. She shrugged, looking at me briefly.

"You're always on your phone. We're in the country, you don't need a phone" I looked at her in shock and prayed it had gone through. 

"It was nice of you to let James stay a little longer with our grandparents. He really likes it there with them" I broke the silence about twenty minutes later, wondering if I could get her talking.

"He really has no use for me, I don't need to keep dragging him around" she said casually, yet her words made me shiver. We turned down a dirt road I hadn't even noticed from the main road and headed towards the forest.

"No use? He is your son!" A smirk appeared on her features as if she was thinking of something that amused her. Margaret's words came to mind, Mum didn't think James was a were. Of course she had no use for him. She had once seemed proud to call him human, seems she had a change of heart.

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