Chapter 28

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[A\N]: This is the final chapter of this book. Thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter. The prologue will be after this.

The paramedics kicked the doors and rushed Liam through the hospital to the emergency room. They had to dodge and barrel through people to get Liam to the emergency room. The doctors know they have Liam's life in their hands. Now it's mandatory that he'll be saved. He's gotten an IV in his arm, a breathing mask over his face, and the machine activate. Liam was dying.

"Everyone stand back!" A doctor pulled out the defibrillator warning everyone. "CLEAR!!!" The presses them on Liam's chest sending a shock wave through his body. I didn't work.

"CLEAR!!!" The doctor shocks him one more time. It didn't work.

"One more time!!" The doctor frantically rubbed them together.

Before he could bring them back down on Liam's chest........he flatlined. Liam is gone.


"(Y/N)?" A doctor called for you with a sad expression on his face. It's getting pretty obvious that he has some bad news.

"Is Liam okay?"

"No.....I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Before we could do anything for him.......Liam had died.

Your heart shattered into pieces and now your just in denial. "No.....he can't be."

"He is (Y/N). I'm sorry."

"N-no......LIAM!!!!" You quickly stood up and ran to the room where Liam was in. He was pale and just laid there motionless. He has a few minutes of brain activity left before he's completely dead. You ran to the side of the bed and shook and screamed for Liam.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE, YOU JERK!!! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" You screamed as tears streamed down your face. You couldn't believe that the one guys that has been by your side through thick and thin is actually gone.

"PLEASE LIAM!!! YOU CAN'T!!!......please don't go......" Your tone lowered as your head feel down in his chest and sobbed uncontrollably.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOUR GONE!" You sobbed mourning the loss of your loved one. Your Guardian Werewolf, Liam James Payne.


"Huh?.......Where am I?" Liam wakes up in what appears to looks like a safe haven for all werewolves to run wild and free.

"You've been beaten into a coma and now your here." A female voice echoed. A familiar female voice.

"But where am I?" Liam asked again.

"Your dreaming, Liam." A manly voice responded. A light shined from the top of a hill in front of Liam. Through the light was two wolves and they walked towards Liam. One large grey wolf and one smaller cream colored wolf.

"We are so proud of you, Liam." The masculine voice spoke but it's coming from the grey wolf.

"And we miss you so much." Said the womanly voice coming from the cream wolf. Where Liam is, the wolves are somewhat thinking out loud.

"Who are you two?" Liam asked.

"We're glad you asked." The voices said together. They slowly started to turn into their human forms revaling who they really were. Liam couldn't believe what he's seeing.

They wolves are Geoff and Karen Payne. Liam's parents that he's never gotten to know.

"Mum? Dad?" Liam's getting ready to cry.

"Son." They hugged their son who has been missing them for all these years. It feels great that he got to hug them for the first time, even though it's all a realistic dream.

"We've missed you so much." Geoff cried holding his son.

"You've finally done it, Liam." Karen kissed Liam.

"I-I avenged you guys. James is gone and the rest of him and.....I've failed (Y/N)." Liam dropped his head down in sadness. Geoff puts his hand on Liam's shoulder.

"You didn't fail him. And your not dead, Liam. After your fight with James, you in a really deep dream-like state. Close to a coma." Geoff explained.

"I'm proud of you, Liam. You've finally learned how to cope with behind a werewolf all by yourself. We were so worried if you couldn't control it and ou did. And in the process, you've found someone who loved you." Karen reminded Liam.

"That (Y/N) is one strong kid. Not many people love werewolves, as much as (Y/N) loves you." Geoff adds.

"Fortunately." Liam replied with self-doubt.

"It was bound to happen. You know Li, our pack always has each others back no matter what the cause is or who else is involved with us. (Y/N) on the other hand is a human who loves hard. We love hard so therefore you and him were meant to be." Geoff explained and Liam nods.

"Your right." Liam agreed as the werewolf world started to fade away. "What's happening?"

"Your waking up. It's time for you to go know, Liam." Karen warned as the a shinning light blinded everyone turning all three of them into wolves.

"I know you have made (Y/N) a few promises can you promise us one thing?" Geoff asked as a wolf.

"Sure." Liam replied.

"Can you promise me that you'll have more wolves with (Y/N)? I may not physically be there but I've always wanted to be a grandmum. " Karen asked innocently.

"Yes mum. We will."

"And can you promise to live up to the Payne family name by protecting and loving (Y/N) as much as you can. He's been there for you and all that you can give him is your love and protection. You made him that promise to be his guardian werewolf. Keep it." Geoff justified.

"I will dad." Liam nods.

"That's my boy." Geoff said proudly. He walked over to Liam and rubbed heads with him for the first time. Karen did the same and kissed Liam on last time before walking away with Liam into the light.

"G-goodbye Mum.....bye dad." Liam whimpered.

"Bye Liam. We love our little wolf. You'll always be our little wolf." Geoff and Karen said and walked into the lights back into the werewolf heavens.


"Beep.......beep........beep." The life support machine turned back on showing vital signs.

"Please don't leave me, Liam." You softly cried lying in the bed with an unconsious Liam. Suddenly, you feel an arm across your back and Liam's eye slowly opened.

"I won't." Liam groaned with a smile.

"LIAM!!!!!" You cried hugging Liam sobbing into his neck. "YOUR ALIVE!!"

"It's over, (Y/N). I'm here." Liam mumbled as a tear rolled down his face. "I can't hide it anymore."

"Hide what, Liam?" You brought your face out his neck.

"I know I've been telling you how much I love you all the time and I've been hiding something from you." Liam announced.

"What is it?" You thinking he cheated on you but he wasn't as he reached in his pocket.

"(Y/F/N), will you marry me?" Liam shows you a silver engagement ring that he's been wanting to give you for the longest.

"You want to marry me?" You breathed through tears.

"I do. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." Liam smiled.

"Of course I will." You cried holding out your hand. Liam slipped the silver band on your finger. It was the perfect fit.

"I love you, Liam.....Forever and always."

"I love you to, (Y/N)." Liam pulled you into a tight hug, embracing you. "Forever and always."

[A\N]: This is was heart breaking to write to be honest lol. I hope you guys enjoyed this story since the begining. The epilogue and final note are after this. Thank you guys!!

My Guardian Werewolf: Liam Payne (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now