Chapter 12

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Liam's still pissed off because of Andy

He's still wide awake while he slept with his toned arms around you holding on to you. You turned over looking at Liam who's still upset.

"Liam, are you okay?" You ran your hand down his face.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired of Andy."

"He won't be coming back. I'm sure of it." You assured him.

"I don't buy it. I'm pretty sure he might be scheming to get his friends to jump me again and I'll have to maul all of them to death." Liam said coldy.

"He said you were scary, Li. He learned his lesson." You ran your fingers through his hair.

"I'll take your word for it. I made you that promise that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. If someone does then I'll never forgive myself for it." 

"Oh hush!" You kissed him. "You get so worked up all the time, Liam!"

"I don't want you to be hurt. That's all." Liam stated.

"And I promised you that I'll always love you." You reminded him as he climbed out of bed.

"Have you kept that promise?" He asked.

"Forever and always." You showed him hand with the ring on it. Liam gave you and soft smile and walked out the room.


"What's the worst that could happen?" You asked him walking through the dark park.

"I'd lose my shit and tear everything up." Liam explained. Once he really gets upset things will get ugly.

"Your so tough, Liam!" You kept walking but he stopped. He sniffed the air a few times and a growl escaped him. "Liam?"

"I think I smell, Andy." Liam warned.

'It's just your imagination, Li. He's gone remember?" You pulled him but he didn't move.

"I'm not kidding, (Y/N). He's here. I know it." Liam's eyes changed color. On instinct you cupped his cheek and kissed him causing his eyes to change back.

"Liam. He's gone. Relax." You talked some since into him and he calmed down.

"Fine, but I'm still keeping my still keeping my fangs out." Liam's fangs grew out his mouth.

"Keep those out. You look good with fangs." You complimented him. 

You and Liam kept walking towards the exit of the park. "See? No Andy." You grinned. Liam rolled his eyes and shrunk his fangs back into normal teeth.

"I guess I was over exaggerating." Liam mumbled.

"It's okay, Liam. I think that you want to protect me." You wrapped your arms around his neck. You two both closed your eyes and brought both your faces closer together......

"That's really cute." A voice that neither one of you wanted to hear.

You and Liam both turned to Andy who's standing with a group of guys behind him. Liam was right about Adam getting his friends to try and jump Liam again. 

"Haven't you learned your lesson?!" You yelled. 

"Somethings not right." Liam warned. You don't have any idea what Liam's talking about and you know that this can't be good.

"You notice anything different." Andy grinned.

"That your still bruised up from Liam tossing you around the parking lot?!" You insulted. All of Andy's friends laughed at your response making Andy more upset.

My Guardian Werewolf: Liam Payne (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now