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"HELP!!" You were running through the forest screaming for help as a group of psychos came shooting up a party in the woods that you and few friends have been invited to.

Your running as twigs and branches were cutting across your body. Your hyperventilating as your running for your life and you go and hide behind a tree. You take a deep breathe in trying to calm yourself down.

"I saw him run this way" you hear one guys voice say. You peak past it to see four guys heavily armed looking for you with flashlights attached to their guns. Then a light shines on you.

"Found him" he yelled then you ran off before he pulled the trigger.

Your running faster than before and as your running through the woods you eventually see street lights in the distance then you tripped. A cliche ending when your gonna get killed.

You foot was stuck in a ditch and you were unable to move. Your pulling on your leg to free yourself but it hurts even more trying to free yourself.

"Shit!" You swore to yourself as the guys are slowly approaching you.

"HELP ME!!" You screamed and at that moment you hear something flying through the woods.

"H-H-Hello?" You voice starts to break as the guys come towards you.

"Well, well, well. We got the last one" the guy said aiming his gun at you.

"Let's see how fast you can say ''Help Me' again" he said mocking you ready to pull the trigger. Tears roll down your cheek and you can't believe what's happening to you.

"GGRR" you heard something growl who knows that it is.

"W-what was that?!" One of the guys panicked.

"Who cares it might be a baby wolf or something?" Another guy said.

Then you hear footsteps approach behind you and you turn around the the rest of the guys drop their guns. They're glowing hazel eyes in the foggy woods coming closer and closer and it appears to be walking closer and closer and closer......and then it snapped.

The beast let out a loud grow and jumped over you and attacked the guy aiming at you. Mauling into its chest bleeding all get over the place. The gun screamed in agony as the beast mauled him. They all reach for their guns but the beast jumped at the rest of the mauling them to death before they could even fire. They were all screaming in pain and hurt and all there blood and clothes were scattered around the trees and dirts. After the best was done with you it slowly walked towards you and your already crying.

"Please......don't kill me" you whimper then the beast started to change. It's hind legs turned into human legs, it's front legs turned into toned muscular arms and went from a savage beast to an attractive guy.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"How did?....What are?....You just-"

"I'm a werewolf." He said bluntly then reaching for your leg caught in a ditch then removing it.

"Who are you?" You asked him

"I'm Liam" he introduced himself.

"I'm (Y/N)" you introduced yourself. "Guess I'll go home now" you said getting up.

"Thanks for saving me, Liam" you said to Liam.

"Your welcome. Get home safely" he said before disappearing into the dark woods.

You run to your apartment and you take a quick shower and go to bed. What the hell happened? Some werewolf who came and saved your life and he was an attractive guy.

Who knows when ever you'll see him again. Then you turn on the tv and you go to sleep.

As your sleep, Liam is speeding thought the wood till he's at the top of the peek looking at the full moon in the sky.

"Don't worry (Y/N). I'll protect." He said to himself as images of you being so weak and vulnerable before he saved you.

"I won't let anyone else ever hurt you." He said determined to himself slowly turning into a werewolf, howling at the moon.

My Guardian Werewolf: Liam Payne (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now