Chapter 19

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*Liam POV*

It's official. (Y/N) hates me now. The one person that I promised to protect and love unconditionally hates me now. We were just walking home then someone or something scratches me. Then I blacked out and attacked (Y/N).

Because of it, I hade to go back to the abandoned cabin I hid in. The beds awfully uncomfortable only made for one person and if (Y/N) was here, I'd held him on top of me and cuddled.

, I have an old small tv, and no heat or air conditioning. I had all that with (Y/N). We would snuggle in his bed, he'll feed me, and love me.

Now those days are over. He gave me back the ring I gave him that I'm rolling in between my fingers. It wasn't an engagement ring but I treated it like one until I got him a real one. That is if we were together for a longer time. I love him so much. It's been a day and he's all I've ever thought about. A walk in the park usually calms me down. Guess I'll go out for a walk.

It's a chilly day and everyone's dressed warm. Seeing families with their dogs reminded me of how (Y/N) and I were. When we played fetch for fun. And our late night walks were great too. Speaking of there he was standing at bridge over the small river. Still looks sad and hurt probably came outside to get his mind off of things. Here goes nothing.

"(Y/N)?" I called for him. He looked in my direction and walked back like I was going to attack him again.

"Stay away from me." He put his hands up in defense. I gently grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me.

"Can you please talk to me?" I asked softly. He nodded yes without saying a word.

"I haven't told you this but a werewolves weakness is wolfsbane. That scratch from yesterday was laced with it and it caused me to hallucinate. It would either make me see things or I die. And I thought you were James."

"If you knew this would happen then why did you keep attacking me?" He asked.

"I wasn't thinking at the time. I thought James was running from me but it was you


"Well I don't want any more part in the werewolf stuff. If James will stop attacking when we're not together then it's better for the both of us." (Y/N) said. I could read it in his face, he looks sad. He doesn't deserve what he's been through.

"Okay. I'll say it like this....I love you and I always will. I don't trust that James will attack again but I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to be with me anymore but I'll still protect you." I slipped the ring back on his finger where it belonged. "Keep it so you'll be reminded who will be there for you when you least suspect it. The leader of a pack never leaves his other wolves behind. Even if they don't love that wolf  doesn't love them anymore.


"Even when you think your in danger, I'll be there. I'm sorry regardless if you don't love me anymore, I still love you." I try to fight back tears.

"You really scared me, Liam. I thought you were going to kill me." He's starting to shake.

"If I did then I probably wouldn't forgive myself. I can't live without you but I have to."

"You'll find someone, Liam. Someone stronger and faster than me." He completely put himself down.

"I don't care about your physical side. Your one of few people that have these." I pointed to his heart where I used to have a place in.

"A heart?" He mumbled on the verge of tears.

"A big one too. If I had a choice, I'd stay with you and most likely marry you if we were still together." I told him honestly. He's husband material and someone I would if I had a choice. He gasped when he found out how much he meant to me.

"Wow....I didn't know you loved me that much. But you still hurt me."

"I know. And I'm sorry.....Can I have one thing before I let you go?"

"And what is that?" He asked nervously. I didn't say as I kissed him one last time. We brought our faces apart and tears rolled out his eyes.

"Be careful okay?" I asked wiping my eyes.

"Okay..." He mumbled walking away with his head down.

Then I walked away from the boy I will always love.


My world came crashing down once (Y/N) left. Until James and his pack are still alive and attacking, I'll be there to protect him until I can't anymore. Now I'm stuck in a cabin with alone and it's storming outside.

It was usually the one holding (Y/N) until the storms passed. I miss him so much. I hopes he happy with who ever he's with and then we probably won't need me anymore. He's is my heart and always will be.

He clouded up my mind until I cried myself to sleep holding the pillow close wishing that I was holding him again.

My Guardian Werewolf: Liam Payne (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now