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Slinging my bag over my shoulders and stretching my lithe body, I released a long, tired groan and turned to Bethany, my sorority sister "I've barely spent a day here and I already want to run back to my parents in San Francisco" I said, stifling a yawn "I'm so exhausted"
She smiled and pulled me into a quick embrace "You'll live. How's your first day going?"
I gave a slight shrug and popped a bubble gum into my mouth "Well, I don't have any other classes to take today. My first lecture was good though"
"Of course it was good" she smirked "We're in Harvard, sweetheart. Y'know, like one of the best universities in the world? Hello?"
I nodded, glancing around the prestigious campus I was privileged to be standing in. My application for a scholarship had paid off immensely and here I was, taking in the beautiful scenery of the abundantly vast university. I continued to admire the terrain when my eyes landed on a guy sitting on an isolated part of the field. He was resting his back against a tree, eating an apple.
"Who's that?" I asked tapping Bethany, still staring.
If there was anyone who knew almost everyone on campus, it was my gregarious roommate, Bethany.
She followed my gaze and responded lamely "Oh. That's Cameron King"
"Let me guess. Loner?"
"Worse" she replied lowering her voice to a whisper. "Psychopath"
I released a short laugh "How's he a psychopath?"
"He isn't normal. He's a nut job. Got mental disorders and all. Dude's messed up"
My eyes widened in surprise and I turned to stare at him again, this time around scrutinizing his every action, from him flipping through the pages of the book he was reading to him unconsciously brushing away the hair from his eyes. As if searching for something, anything, a sign that gave away the fact that he was a psychopath like Bethany claimed.
"Yeah. He's a psycho for sure so don't fall for his looks" she chipped in "He might look normal and act normal but trust me when I say he's far from normal"
I played with some strands of untamed red hair that had come loose from my hairband "He can't be that bad"
"Well, yeah, that's because he's worse" Bethany was getting exasperated already. "He can turn violent anytime, Keisha, anytime. You heard of bipolar? Otherwise known as MANIAC depression?" She whispered sharply, laying emphasis on the "maniac" and didn't wait for my reply before continuing. "He's got it. Know what that means? Know what someone in a fit of bipolar rage can do? That guy is a walking bomb. He beat a guy into a coma last year but you weren't there to witness it were you? No, 'cause you were still in your senior year in high school!" She paused to catch her breath. "Look, Cameron's a freak alright? And people here stay away from freaks. So you should stay away from him too. Keep your distance as everyone else does"
"That is such a harsh thing to say, Beth. He's human too. The same blood runs through our veins for chrissakes and we breathe the same air. He's not even really different from the rest of us. What's the point of stigmatising him?" I asked softly "Earlier I remember you mentioned something about him being depressed. That's a very solid reason he shouldn't be stigmatized can't you see that?" I asked again in a whisper "Y'all would drive him to suicide"
"He hasn't killed himself has he?" She muttered.
I shook my head in gross disapproval "He didn't create himself, Bethany. He has bipolar and other mental disorders. It surely isn't his desire to remain this way too" I spoke gently, placing a hand on her shoulder "I've got a theory. Wanna hear it?"
"What?" She asked lamely
"This whole "psychopath" stereotype created is not going to help matters at all, on the contrary, it's going to worsen things"
I paused to let this sink in before continuing. "Know why? Cause since y'all already view him as the psychopath, he is going to be driven to accept to become the psychopath... I don't know if you get me"
"Keisha, I don't give a deuce about your conjecture, I give a damn about you. Your safety. Oh, seems I forgot to mention that apart from this bipolar, he has something called I.E.D. I.E.D, Keisha. That's like a freaking impulse control disorder or something. Bipolar and I.E.D is a terri-fucking-ble combo. Cameron is dangerous"
"What's he studying?" My interest in the guy seemed to pique minute by minute.
"Psychology. He wants to be a psychologist. Hilarious right?"
"No" I turned to stare at her "Not hilarious...intriguing" I muttered, stealing another glance at him.
"I mean, shouldn't he deal with his mental issues first before studying a course that suggests he could become a therapist or something?" Bethany scoffed "The guy's actually a brainbox. Heard he had a 5.0 GPA in high school"
"A 5.0 is pretty impressive," I remarked then gave a slight shrug "He might be studying the course to understand himself better. I'm going to talk to him"
"Are you out of your mind?!" She exclaimed exasperatedly
"No, Miss Bethany Carson" I laughed shortly and repeated "I'm going to talk to him"
She was silent for a few seconds before speaking up. "Whatever. Still got that streak of stubbornness in you, huh? It's your funeral"
I glanced at my mini black dress and matching loafers, then smiled sheepishly "How do I look?"
"You always look good" she responded in a flat tone "Be careful, Keisha, really. I'm heading back to the sorority house"
"Alright I'll see you soon"
"Yeah, whatever" she replied over her shoulder.
I made my way to the field.

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