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"We're gonna have so much fun tonight! I am so excited!" Bethany squealed, twirling in her short dress.
"I know" I replied coolly, applying some mascara to my full lashes. I was just as excited as she was but I knew how to hold it in.
"There's someone I want you to meet"
"His name is Julian and I know you guys are gonna hit it off " she explained, studying her appearance in the mirror.
I shook my head "I'm going with Cameron, Beth. We're staying together throughout the party. The only reason he's attending is because of me and you know it"
"So he's like your sole protector now huh? What next? Following you around like some damn bodyguard?" She spoke
"Beth?!" I scolded
She shrugged "What happened to you that day was unfortunate. He cannot protect you all the time...some things are just bound to happen. Besides, you're not dating him so staying with him during the party shouldn't hinder you from having fun" Bethany adjusted her strapless gown "You look stunning by the way"
"Stunning? I'm not even as dolled up as you"

I was wearing a simple off-the-shoulder mini gown that hugged my hips and my hair was up in a messy knot, causing tendrils to hang down my face.
She came towards me and pinched my cheeks to give them some colour, then applied some gloss to my lips.
"There. You look perfect"
"Thank you. You look perfect too"
"Honey, I'm rocking a $400 Givenchy dress with this killer bod. Of course, I look perfect" Bethany took a look at herself in the mirror yet again. Satisfied with what she saw, she smiled and turned to look at me
"Let's go"


The field was already swarming with students by the time we arrived there. Stoned sophomores and freshers were spread out across the field indulging in different activities that involved alcohol or other gross stuff. Some were making out under the trees, groping at each other in the shadows, while some were dirty dancing to the loud music blasting through powerful speakers. You were to look for a category that suited you and fall into one.

"Julian's almost here..." Beth announced
"Look. There's Cameron. C'mon, let's go meet him. You can say hi"
Bethany froze "No. I thought I already made it clear to you that I'm not going near that psycho"
"He is not a psycho. Stop saying that. And remember, he saved me from that maniac"
"Doesn't make him any less dangerous" she muttered.
I frowned " The least you could do is go show some appreciation. Honestly, I don't know what it's going to take to prove to y'all that he isn't who y'all think he is. He hasn't even hurt me since we started hanging out. I thought you were more reasonable than this"
"I'm just being careful"
"Yeah. Careful my ass. You can stay here by yourself. I'm going over to meet him" I walked away angrily
"Keisha, hey, come on..."
I ignored her. Till I got to where Cameron was, Bethany didn't move an inch from where she was standing.

He was dressed casually in a fitted sweatshirt on cargo shorts and he was leaning against a tree, using his phone.
"Hey" I spoke softly, standing in front of him "Nice kicks" I complimented looking at the Nike sneakers that branded his feet.
He looked up from his phone and slowly took in my appearance. Blue eyes roved the length and breadth of my body. After staring at me for what seemed to be an eternity, he finally spoke nervously "You look beautiful"
I smiled "Thank you"
There was something about the way he looked at me that made me feel giddy.
Then he took a hesitant step forward. The intoxicating smell of his masculine cologne washed over me.
"You should wear your hair down..." He said, "Can I?"
I nodded.
Reaching for the loose band that held my hair in place, he carefully pulled it off, setting my hair loose and causing it to cascade down my back in beautiful bountiful waves. And then he stepped back to admire me. I just stood there awkwardly, blushing like an idiot. Moments like this were rare and needed to be cherished. Cameron rarely got this way. He was shy and withdrawn, and rarely showed his emotions ninety per cent of the time.
"Sorry. Are you Keisha?" Someone said behind me, jolting us out of whatever dream world we had slipped into. I turned around to see a tall, lean, attractive guy in a leather jacket. All American good looks and charm.
My face squeezed in confusion "Yeah?"
"I'm Julian," he said chivalrously
He was Spanish. I'd recognise that accent anywhere
"Oh. Nice to meet you, Julian"
"When Bethany said you were very beautiful I assumed she exaggerated because you're friends but damn...te ves como un look like an angel"
I play punched his arm "Stop flattering me"
My cheeks were reddening again. Cameron had backed away from us quietly and the urge to leave Julian and run into his arms was almost overpowering.
"I'm not flattering you. You're very beautiful, Keisha" he stated matter-of-factly. "Nice gown too, suits your figure" Julian was checking me out in an odd obvious fashion.
"Uh...thank you..." I replied slightly distracted. My mind was still with Cameron. "Nice camera" I gestured to the camera hung around his neck.
He smiled, giving it a gentle tap "It's a Hasselblad H5D-40. Wanna see what this baby can do?"
I shrugged, sneaking a glance at Cameron "Yeah?"
"You would make a beautiful muse mi ángel. Come, come" Julian took my hand and led me to a least occupied part of the field "There, stand opposite the bonfire under the oak tree. But before you go, put this on" He shrugged out of his leather jacket, leaving a plain white tee that hugged his taut muscles underneath, and held it out for me "You really should cover up. It's getting cold out here"

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