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My parents continued to stare in horror at the scene unfolding right before their very eyes.
"We should do something" my mum mumbled in a panicky voice. She whirled to the side to face her husband "Alan"
He shifted forward but I grabbed his arm firmly "No, dad. Not yet"
Keisha was now on top, and I was immediately swamped with a sense of pride.
My girl was a fighter.
"Don't you ever show your ugly ass face here again. I as much as smell or see you anywhere near Cameron I'll beat the shit out of you" the threat was instantly followed by a vicious slap.
Helen screamed.
"Someone get this crazy human off me!"
I wrapped my arms around Keisha's waist and lifted her from above Helen. She still desperately fought to break free from my hold
"That's enough Keisha, that's enough. Calm yourself" I said through my teeth, slightly pushing her into the arms of my father.
Helen scrambled to her feet, her hair a huge mess, bottom lip burst open, face pinkish and bruised. There were scratches on her arms too. Nail scratches.
"You're both crazy!" She yelled spitefully, glaring at Keisha "Why don't you just run a nut house together?!"
"That's enough" I took her by the upper arm and started leading her towards the door
"Leave" I ordered, flinging her out and slamming the door after her.

As soon as my dad released Keisha, mum hurriedly turned to look at her, taking Keisha's hands in hers "I'm so sorry, my dear"
"No, please, Mrs King, it's okay"
My mum looked at me and attempted to place a hand on my shoulder but I sprung backwards "Do not speak to me" I looked at my father "both of you. If it wasn't late already we would've gotten on the next flight to Massachusetts. Coming here was a mistake. Come, Keisha" I grabbed her hand "Let's go to my room..." I glanced at my parents again, angrily "...away from these people. I can't stand them another minute"
"Goodnight Mr and Mrs King. Thanks for dinner" Keisha said hastily as I dragged her upstairs.


I barged into my room furiously, flinging Keisha inside.
I finally come home after two years and they welcome me with this?
I turned to see Keisha bring out a bottle of my pills and toss it to me. I caught it and shook out some tablets.
Taking off her heels and shaking her hair loose from the bun, she walked around the room, hands flying in the air angrily "How dare she show her face?"
I shrugged out of my suit and loosened my tie, ignoring her. I was still pissed. Not at her but I didn't want to mistakenly say anything I would regret later.
She spotted my small fridge, strode to it quickly, yanked it open and brought out a box of pizza and a box of milk. "Great! Comfort food!" She carried them to my bed and dropped into it.
Mum must have restocked my fridge knowing I was coming home.

Slicing off a chunk and stuffing it into her mouth, she looked at me "The bimbo even had the guts to call me a bitch. How hilarious!" she reached for the box of milk and took a huge gulp, drinking it straight from the carton.
"Why can't she just leave you alone?! What's so difficult about that?!" Keisha exclaimed breathlessly, slicing off another chunk of pizza and stuffing it into her mouth again. I took the box of pizza away from her and returned it to its rightful place. The drugs had started to kick in and I could feel myself already starting to relax.
"Quit stress eating"
"Give it back" she demanded peevishly, getting up from the bed
"No" I replied blocking her way to the fridge "You need to calm down. Go take a shower" I tipped my head towards the bathroom door "Now"
She groaned loudly, simultaneously rolling her eyes before stalking off in the direction I'd indicated.

Minutes later I heard the shower come on. I took a look around my room and smiled. It remained the same. Posters of my favourite artistes and celebrities still hung on the walls. Picking up a framed photograph of Harvey and me, I fell into the bed, my head resting against the pillows as I studied the picture in my hand. We had taken it at a fun fair years ago. Years before I'd met Helen. I didn't know I'd spent about a good ten minutes reminiscing about the good old days until I heard the shower go off. Keisha was done. Suddenly feeling better and having the urge to lighten her mood, I got up carefully and tiptoed to the corner beside the bathroom. The door flung open and Keisha stepped out in a fluffy towel. I barely let her take two steps before grabbing her by the waist and lifting her, spinning her around.
"Cameron" she squealed

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