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Female students would gossip, that was a sure thing, so he had assembled them to spread the word.
Fucking cold-hearted bastard.
"Hey!" I hollered, stalking in his direction. The small group of ladies dispersed as soon as they saw me approaching them. "You got a problem with me, piss head?"
Julian faced me squarely "I'm only enlightening as many students as I can. Those who were gullible enough to believe you saving April suddenly atones for your past mistakes... suddenly makes you this 'hero'"
"What's your problem?" I demanded, stepping forward angrily "You're jealous, is that it? Or you're just so pained Keisha chose me over you? It's fucking pathetic that you have to stoop to this level…calling girls to feed them lies so they can spread it”
"Call it whatever you want, there's not a damn thing you can do about it" he replied brazenly.

The idiot had been spoiling for a fight for a long time.
I was silent for a moment "Quit being a fucking bitch" I warned "Stop saying shit about me"
"Or what, puta madre?"
My eyes narrowed in anger "Really?"
"Julian, what's your deal man?" Bethany interjected "Why are you doing this? Come on. This ain't you"
His face softened a fraction "Just stay out of this, Beth, okay?"
"Dude, someone else is going to love so just let this go." She said calmly "Let all this go. Let Keisha go" Bethany released a sigh "It's my fault you're this messed up" she admitted "I shouldn't have tried to hook you two up in the first place"
My head snapped to look at her "You introduced this dick to Keisha?" I gestured to Julian, the frown on my forehead deepening "It was you who..." I gritted my teeth and released an angry grunt "The fuck, Beth? And I was just considering accepting your apology!"
"Hey! Don't blame me. You were an ass to her back then"
"Once an ass, always an ass" Julian muttered, earning a death glare from me.
"That was my way of helping okay?" she continued "I only did what I thought was best for my BFF" she moved towards Julian "Look man, you need to stop. Doing this, spreading this false rumour isn't going to get you anything. Not even Keisha. She'll only hate you"
"Carino, I already made peace with the fact that she's never going to be mine..."

I burst into laughter.
It felt good hearing those words come out of the mf's mouth.
He continued talking to Bethany "What still pisses me off is how she went back to him no matter the many times he hurt her"
Bethany shrugged "It's pretty simple, Julian. She's in love with him and love makes people do the craziest things"
"You're going to keep hurting her," Julian said to me "Again and again. You know why?" he came close till we were standing nose to nose "It's cause you're damaged, Cameron...broken beyond salvation. There's no hope for you, you're only going to poison her with your demons. Corrupt her, taint her, burden her with your unrelenting problems" he looked me in the eye "If you have a heart you'll let her go. You'll let her be happy with someone else. For fuck's sake do you think she'll tell you if she's miserable?" a guffaw "Fuck no, 'cause she knows how it would make you feel. She cares way too much about you than she does herself that's why you don't fucking deserve her"
"Oh, I'm sorry and who deserves her?" I asked in a sardonic tone "You? You're an even bigger clown than I thought you were" I shook my head "Grow up, motherfucker. Keisha's old enough to make her own choices and she made the right one by choosing to be with me. You have a problem with that you can go crawl into a fucking hole and fucking rot"
The scumbag paled in anger.
"Don't let your petty jealousy turn you into a villain" Bethany chipped in, looking up at him sadly "I understand your hurt"
"I don't mind being the villain"
"Suit yourself, genius" she gave up "I'm done trying to get through to you. Cameron, let's go"
"You do know there was a time she was all over me though" He spoke up just as I'd turned to leave with Bethany
"Julian, just shut up"
He continued "You'd pushed her away and she came to the club with her" he pointed to Bethany who slapped her forehead frustratedly, groaning deeply. "She wanted to drink away her sorrows, her pain y'know. Gosh, the way she was all over me in that sexy, little dress. Tits all out, sexy back exposed, fleshy thighs out for everyone to see and she was grinding on me..."

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