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Keisha was incensed "What is wrong with you?!" She whispered irritably before storming off in the direction of the changing room.
"You really should chill, we were just..."
"Bug off, man" I growled
After he left I headed to the changing room, impatiently waiting outside for Keisha to come out. She did some minutes after, dressed in jean shorts and a strapless silky camisole. Much better. As I made to pat down her dishevelled wild hair she moved away.
"Don't touch me"
"Babe, c'mon
"Don't 'babe' me right now Cameron. I'm pissed at you" she huffed "What you did back there was so ridiculous"
"Ridiculous? He was staring at your boobs"
"He's a guy! And I was wearing a bikini! So what if his eyes wandered there? I'm pissed because you said he was hitting on me especially when you didn't hear our conversation. Your manner of approach was pretty crass too. What the hell was that about?"
I ran a hand through my hair "Just leave it, Keisha"

Seeing Helen after so long triggered a lot of emotions. Mostly anger.
"Who was that lady anyway? I leave you alone with her for a few minutes and you start acting strange" she came to stand in front of me, poised, arms akimbo.
"That was Helen"
Her face blanched in surprise. "Helen as in... the Helen? Your ex?"
I nodded affirmatively
"Well, did she say anything to you? Want me to go tell her off right now?" She started heading in the direction of the spot we'd last spoken.
"No. Come here, Keisha. Don't"
She continued walking " Cause if she said something upsetting I'm gonna..."
"Keisha, leave it. I said come here"
My anger was starting to bubble to the surface again. Why was she so damn stubborn?
"No. I'm not. She needs to explain why she broke your..."
"Just fucking leave it!" I yelled, grabbing her by the shoulders, and twisting her around to face me. My finger pads dug into her flesh as I shook her violently "For the first time in your life, do as you're told, Keisha!"
"My shoulders are hurting. Let me go" she said softly and I immediately released her, stumbling a step backward, terrified at what I'd just done. I stared at my hands in horror, then stared at the marks my fingers had left imprinted on her skin.

What had I done?
"K-Keisha... Keisha, I'm so... I'm so sorry" I stuttered
She shoved my chest roughly, fighting back the tears "I was just trying to help, you moron"
My heart tore.
She looked away
"I- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" I fumbled
Keisha turned from me and started walking away, I chased after her. "Keisha, look at me"
"I'm taking a cab home" she cut in "You can ride in your car alone"
"Just leave me alone and don't follow me. I've had enough of you for today"
She hailed a cab and got in. I stood there watching blankly as the taxi sped off.
Helen shows up and this happens. That lady was bad luck.
" had a fight with your girl. Was it because of me?" I heard her say behind me.
Helen seemed to have manifested out of thin air.

I took a long deep breath and willed myself to relax.
"What do you want Helen? Leave me the fuck alone. You've already caused enough trouble" I remarked irritably
She chuckled "I didn't even do anything"
"You don't have to. Your mere presence is repugnant"
"Let's have lunch together, I never expected to bump into you today. We can catch up on old times. What do you say?" She was giving me that lewd look. Deliberately wetting her bottom lip and eying my expanse chest. I wasn't wearing a t-shirt and boy was I ripped.
"What do you mean why?" I stepped closer, visibly irritated "It's because I hate you, Helen"
"I gave you my reasons.."
"To hell with your reasons. Y'know I'm glad you left me. Cause without that I wouldn't have met Keisha and I wouldn't have gotten to see you for the heartless bitch you truly are"
"I told you not to call me that" I snarled, my taut voice causing her to cringe.
"Keisha is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm not going to let you screw things up, so for the last time" I looked her dead in the eye "Fuck. Off"


Keisha was quietly curled up into a ball on the bed. I stood in the room watching her, after having maintained some distance. I didn't want to go near her especially after what I'd done.
"I was angry after seeing Helen again after so long. I didn't want to... I would never..." I faltered "I never want to hurt you" I said after what seemed like an eternity of quiet.
She remained silent
"Keisha please say something. Your silence, it's- it's killing me"
"Why are you standing so far away from me?! You should be hugging me right now!" She yelled amidst tears. Frustration was evident in her tone.
"I-I can't. What I did... I can't" I looked at my hands again "These hands hurt you, babe"
She continued to stare at me with those beautiful green eyes "So you're not going to touch me now or what?" She got up and came towards me, I backed away.
"How long are you going to do this Cameron?"

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