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Lectures ended later than usual. The sun was about to set but the campus was still alive, buzzing with activity. I was so exhausted and the only thing I craved at that moment was to get to my dorm and crash. It had been two days since Cameron and I last spoke and I missed him, but I wasn't going to try to reach out to him anymore. He wanted space. He'd get space.

I was too tired to walk all the way to my dorm and I didn't have any cash with me but luckily, I knew a shortcut. Bethany had shown it to me and we'd taken it together a couple of times.
I hadn't even gotten far when I heard a drawl behind me. "What's up, honey?"
I turned around and found myself facing a guy. He was tall, physically fit with rugged looks and I guessed he was in his final year.
I ignored him and continued walking.
"Hey. I'm talking to you"
"Look, dude. I'm not ready for a convo okay? Maybe next time" I replied without looking back
"You got a nice ass y'know"
"Assh*le" I cursed under my breath, maybe a little too loudly.
"What did you say to me?"
I quickened my pace but the jackass increased his as well.
"Hey! "He hollered, grabbing my arm forcefully. He spun me around and jerked me to himself.
"What the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed, trying to free myself from his grasp. "Let go!"
"You think you smart huh? I compliment yo ass and you what? Call me an assh*le? You gon pay for that bitch"
He shoved me to the floor roughly. Pain sliced through my entire body and I let out a wince. I was terrified but I didn't want him to see that, didn't want to give the bastard that satisfaction "What do you want with me? Is it money or what?"
His cold eyes ran over my body lasciviously as I struggled to my feet. I felt my insides grow cold with fear.
"Who said anything about money?"
"Look, dude. Go home, please. Maybe you drunk or something" I tried to keep the fear out of my voice but I couldn't anymore. My entire body had started to quiver
He took a step closer.
"Get back" I warned "Stay away from me"
I tried to hurry past him but he was quick. Caught me again and pushed me backwards, up against a tree.
"Stop it! What are you doing?" I fought desperately but this guy was strong. Though I was no match for his brute strength I didn't stop fighting back.
He cursed loudly when my foot struck him in the shin "You bitch!"
He raised his fist and struck me in the face. I fell to the ground, horrifically watching blood drop from my lip.
"You wanna play it rough? Huh? That's how you like it huh? Bitch?!"
The brute grabbed my hair and yanked me up with it, making me scream out.
"Shut up!" He hit me again, and the other part of my face grew numb " Whatchu tryna do? Huh?"
"Stop it please" I choked out "Please stop hurting me"
"That's right. Beg me. Get on your knees and beg me" he pressed my head down till I fell on my knees.

And people were calling Cameron a nut case? This guy was sick.
Every inch of my body hurt badly and it seemed to please the assh*ole. He was getting off on it, the bulge in his pants was proof enough that he was a sadistic maniac.
"Please, just let me go"
His rough hand grabbed my neck and pushed me to the ground, pinning me underneath him, the other took hold of my blouse.
I couldn't scream anymore, my vocal cords were sore. It hurt like crap and I could barely even breathe. The psychopath's hand was smothering the life out of me. My legs flew up in the air defensively, my hands reached out to attack his face, my nails clawing desperately at his flesh, anything to make him stop but the a****le wouldn't budge. Tears flowed down my cheeks.
"Stop fighting bitch!" He raised a fist to hit me again when suddenly, two hands came into view. Two hands that grabbed the guy's shoulders and hurled him across the floor.
"Get the hell off her!"

I simultaneously started to cough and gasp and wheeze as soon as the grip on my throat had been released. As soon as fresh air flooded my lungs, I looked up to see who had rescued me.
"Cameron?" I croaked in surprised
I watched his face pale as soon as he realized the person on the floor was me. It wasn't entirely dark yet so I could still see him. Quietly, I watched the expressions play across his face. Shock. Pity. Worry. Then anger. He glanced at the guy who was still struggling to get up. Glanced at me. Then glanced at the guy again.
"You fucking bastard" he whispered "How dare you?"
Cameron sent a jab to the guy's throat, a jab so powerful he went spiralling to the ground once more.
"You're fucking dead. Gosh, you're fucking dead!" He grabbed the guy by the collar and picked him up before slamming his back against a tree with such violent force. Then Cameron delivered a solid punch to the guy's groin before he could even recover from the previous attack. The guy started to groan.
"How dare you? HOW DARE YOU HURT HER?!"
Cameron continued to attack his lower abdomen
"Stop" I struggled to my feet and trudged towards him "Cameron, stop"
"Stay back Keisha!" he snarled menacingly "STAY BACK"
"Just stop it, Cameron! Stop it! Please just stop!"
"Damn it, Keisha!" He smashed a fist into the tree, a few inches away from the guy's face. "Look at what he did to you! Look...look at your face!" Look at..." He paused and released a long frustrated growl "...goddamnit look at the fucking...the FUCKING BRUISES on your arm, KEISHA" He gestured to the scrapes on my body. "Your neck for fuck's sake. Your..." Cameron was so angry, his hands had started to shake. "I'm just supposed to what? Let it go? Let him go like NOTHING HAPPENED?"

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