Chapter 4: Clue

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"Food?" Glory questioned, turning her head. Tsunami nodded "Moon here is feeling a little down and Clay got me into the habit of stress eating so..." 

"Really? No wonder you've gotten fat."

Tsunami hissed and charged forward, Moon could hear some scattered thoughts by some guards and they were close to stepping in. When Tsunami stood directly in front of Glory, you could see they were close in height, but Tsunami was a horn taller. They both growled and hissed, but then it turned into a warm smile.

"I've missed you Glory."

"Right back at'chya Tsunami."

They enveloped each other in a hug and Moon heard the thoughts of the soldiers in the trees breathing sighs of relief.  "So, Moon needs some cheering up?" Glory asked, looking back at the small Nightwing. Tsunami nodded approvingly "yeah, she's a little down about what happened last night." 

Glory turned her head "what happened?" She asked, looking at Moon. "Winter, he left. And I think it's my fault." Moon's wings dropped to the floor as she hung her head low, curling her tail around her back talons "oh, well, I can see where the food comes in. Let's go."

Right as Glory turned around, Moon noticed something off with her.  When she looked closer she gasped. "Glory... You're... With Egg." Glory froze and chuckled "you've noticed. Yes, I am." Tsunami smiled "that's great! I'm so happy for you!" Moon smiled and Glory led them to Hope's house.

The 2000+ year old dragon lived at the edge of the forest, overlooking the water. It was a small cottage that was enough for her and Darkstalker, or, Peacemaker now.

Glory raised her claw and formed it into a fist, as she raised  it to the door and knocked twice. 


The trio covered their ears, hearing Peacemaker's yell. They heard a sigh from Hope and then a small chuckle "the door is unlocked, feel free to come in!"

Glory entered first, then Tsunami, with Moon following behind after some consideration. "Queen Glory! It's good to see you again, Tsunami, always a pleasure."

"Hello again Moon. You've grown so much." Moon smiled "sorry to disturb you..." She apologized, flipping back her ears. "Nonsense, it's alright. I love having you all visit, me but, why may I ask are you here?"

Peacemaker cheered and ran around, jumping on Moon's back and flapping his wings around "MOON MOON! LOOK! I FLY!" Peacemaker climbed onto her neck and jumped up, flailing his wings and hovering in the air for a second before falling to the ground with a thump.

"Good job Peacemaker! You're learning to fly!" Moon cheered with a smile as the dragonet stood up and flapped his wings to get the dust off then gave her a proud smile before trotting away to another room.

Tsunami giggled then Hope sat them all at the table with a smile. "I've missed having chats like this..." Hope smiled then turned around to the stove, "I'll prepare us some tea, back in my day, us Nightwings always had a heart to heart with a cup of tea."

Hope left to get some ingredients, leaving Moon and Tsunami alone.

Glory took a deep breath and stood up "it's been a pleasure, but I must go take care of Queenly duties, blegh. Anyways, later." Glory left with another word.

Tsunami sighed "well, that's the last we're seeing of her for a while. So, how you feeling Moon?" She asked, her tail going over and gently resting on Moon's. She shook her head negatively "no, not really. I still think it's my fault."  Tsunami sighed "stop beating yourself up about that."

Moon sighed and lowered her head to the table and teared up. Just then, Hope came back with a tray of four teacups on it. The tray was rested on her semi-extended wing and gently slid it onto the center of the table. "Oh, I see she left. Well, more for us I guess."

Tsunami chuckled and grabbed a teacup and blew on the top and then took a sip and smiled "mmm, is this cinnamon?" Hope smiled and handed a cup to Moon "here, this will make you feel better."

Moon smiled and sipped the liquid, smiling to herself on how it had calmed her down. "So, what's on your mind Moonwatcher?" Hope asked, grabbing her own cup. "Well, a lot of stuff has happened during the past few days and I- I feel  that it's my fault that everything happened. I'm a Future Seer for moon's sake! I should have seen this coming..."

Hope put her cup down on the small plate and gave a sympathetic look to Moon. "Clearsight once told me that not every problem is foreseen, and she was probably the best Future Seer at the time. But, if something happens that you haven't seen, then it's alright. That means you get to make your own future."

Tsunami looked at Moon "she's right, my friends and I smashed that fake prophecy in the face! Pow pow pow!" Tsunami said proudly, before chugging the rest and standing up "well, it's been a pleasure but this is Moon's problem, so I'll let her tell you what's going on. So, later!"

They both watched as the Seawing left. But Moon shook her head "but I'm not capable " "No buts. Listen to your elder." Tsunami snickered, but hid it by taking another sip of tea. Moon looked down at the tea swirling in the cup and thought for a moment before shaking her head. 

"I know but, I'm still worried that it's my fault everything happened."

"Hey, don't feel bad Moon, I'm sure Winter will come back."

Moon's eyes widened at what she just said.

Never at one point did they even mention Winter or what her problem was....

So how does Hope know Winter left? 

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