Chapter 20: Known

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Winter was in his class, the only one in his Winglet there with him is Peril. They were right next to each other and it was during some study period. Winter tossed a rock and it hit Peril, the rock sizzling and falling to the ground. Peril looked at him and he called her over by waving his talon.

"Listen. You're the only one I can trust with keeping Moon safe." He said plainly "from who? Snowslide? He seems nice." Winter shook his head "I don't blame you for not knowing. But listen. Snowslide is dangerous. A borderline psychopath. He's like Darkstalker but without powers. He's a serial killer back in the Kingdom of Ice. He killed hundreds in the span of a few years. We kept it under wraps so the other tribes wouldn't know we're vulnerable."

"Really?" He nodded "notice anything off about him?" Winter asked, Peril thought for a moment.

"It's nice to meet you Moonwatcher." "Call me 'Moon', everyone does."

Peril blinked "he just arrived at the Academy and he called her 'Moonwatcher'. Sunny only said her nickname. He couldn't have known 'Moon' wasn't her full name." "Anything else?" He asked.

"What are you doing out here... All alone?" ..... "Would you... Want to walk back to the dorms with me?"

"He saw Moon alone on the cliff and asked if anyone else was here. When Moon said I was there with her he offered to take Moon back to her dorm." Winter nodded "rule #1 of murder: find your prey alone." Peril growled "damn it. I can't believe I missed the signs. They were plain as day!" Winter sighed "it's alright. It's easy to be fooled by him. He's done it before." 

Peril sighed, disappointed in herself. "What do we do?" Winter thought "we can't leave Moon alone with him. But we can use it to our advantage. Snowslide will only kill once he's sure Moon's alone. If another dragon is there or nearby, he won't do anything."

Peril nodded "I'll try to keep Moon around me as much as possible. I need you to tell Qibli." "Why not Turtle and Kinkajou?" Winter shook his head "they're both too soft and to trusting of people. Granted, Turtle knew right away not to fall for Darkstalker's charms. Me on the other claw..." "You were spelled. You couldn't have known."

Winter nodded "Snowslide will most definitely suspect that I told you. But you need to tell Qibli, and if anything happens to me in the sense I won't be able to protect Moon, bring her to Deathbringer. He'll be able to protect her." 

Peril nodded "you have my word."


Lunchtime. Winter hasn't had the lunch at Jade Mountain Academy in a while. He pushed his stone tray along the counter where other dragons were gathered. He pointed to the food he wanted and it was neatly placed on his plate.

He joined his Winglet at their designated table, the Gold Winglet being on the other side of the room. When Winter would see Snowslide looking at Moon, he would put his wing around her to block his view. 

Stop that! He hissed mentally at Snowslide. Moon heard his though and looked up at him, nudging his side and whispering. "What's so bad about Snowslide? He seems nice." Winter looked at Moon "just trust me. Stay away from him. I can't tell you right now because he'll- ... He'll-" 

Winter started to cry.

Moon had never seen him cry before. She always knew him to be cold and closed off. Not a softie. She gently placed her claw on his and smiled "I'm sure he won't do anything. Besides, I have you all here." Peril sighed and nodded to Winter.

"Moon. Listen to me. You can see people's memories when they think about them right?" Moon nodded "new ability I discovered a bit ago. Why?" He took a deep breath "let's go somewhere private and I'll show you everything."

He got up with Moon and he led her out of the room. Snowslide saw and stood up, and as he walked over, he heard a growl that sounded muffled by smoke. He turned around and saw Peril growl at him, her sky blue eyes and scales glowing bright. It seemed as though fire was pooling underneath waiting to be released.

Snowslide knew that Peril knew. 

"Telling the Firescales. Smart Winter."

Snowslide spun around with a smile and walked back to his Winglet, making an excuse when they questioned him for his sudden leave.

Peril calmed down when he saw him go back to his spot. "What was that about?" Turtle asked her. Peril growled at Snowslide "I knew something was off with him. So I stood near Moon." Peril needed to let them know. "Turtle, do you have a way to secretly communicate messages without being tracked?" Turtle nodded, "I have it in my dorm," "perfect. I'll go follow Winter and Moon and I'll come meet you guys when you have it."

Peril darted up and ran out of the room following the two dragons.


"Wait for me!" The two dragons looked back and saw Peril there. She stopped right in front of them "I made sure Snowslide wasn't following you, but I don't know if he's coming right now." Winter nodded and led the girls through the hallways and to a dead end. "Ready?" They nodded. 

Winter took a deep breath "Gift of Secrecy." Suddenly,  everything went dark. After a few seconds, they were in a small room. It was very cozy and well furnished. "This is the Gift of Secrecy. Only the royal Icewings have it and it's untraceable. It's where we discuss our secret things."

He turned to Moon and sat directly in front of her. "Pay attention to this okay?" She nodded and took a deep breath, peering into his mind. She was in the Kingdom of Ice, she knew she was looking at this through Winter's eyes. Seeing what he's seeing. 


He walked through many extravagant halls, lined with paintings and jewels. Suddenly, Winter walked  into an open room with a red carpet on the floor and many guards lining the walls. He stopped right in front of a magnificent throne where Queen Glacier sat, with her crown on her head. 

"Thank you for coming nephew." Winter bowed to his aunt. "May I ask why you have called me here?" He asked, raising his head. The Queen sighed "I'm afraid he's escaped." Winter turned his head "who's escaped?"

"The Gift of Death. Snowslide the Icewing Killer."

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