Chapter 33: The Real Story part 1

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Snowslide was young, about 3 years old, but very intelligent for his age. To his side, there was his older sister Australis, they looked almost exactly the same, except the dots on Australis extended from the tip of the top of her snout, going to her head and going down to her tail, the dots only on her top half. Australis was about two heads taller than Snowslide, her being 6 years old.

"You're here again?" She asked her little brother, motioning to the same snowy hill he'd watch all the sunrises and sunsets on. He smiled "I am." Australis smiled and kissed his head "just let me know if you're going out and I'll go with you." 


"I love you Snowslide."

"I love you too Australis."

They both cuddled together as they watched the sun slowly lower to beyond the horizon. "Are you still having trouble getting to the First Circle?" He asked her, to which she shook her head "I gave them the Gift of Elegance. So now the palace walls look like the weather outside of it." "I know! And it's veeery pretty!" Snowslide chirped and smiled.

Australis smiled sadly "I asked that since I've done a great service to the Icewings here, Queen Verglas should place me in the First Circle or give me a medal or something, but she wouldn't. She doesn't think Animi deserve to be on the Circles because they're already gifted."

Snowslide turned his head and tucked his wings in "that does make sense... But then why have Circles in the first place? Maybe they could have a separate one with the Animus Icewings and their Gifts?"

Australis nodded "and that's what I told her. But she denied me again." Australis tilted her snout upward "I'm in the Second Circle because I've helped coach the ice ball teams to victory and helped with the architecture of the palace. But... Apparently that doesn't give me a spot on First Circle."

Snowslide smiled and jumped on his sister and hugged her "cheer up sis! It's only a matter of time until they realize how aaammmmaaaazzziiinnngggg you are! Then they'll totally regret not putting you in First Circle!" Australis smiled "and I'll help you however you want sis! Just tell me!"

 Australis smiled and slowly lifted her brother off her. "Come on, let's go home. Mom and dad have dinner ready." Australis and her brother walked home, smiling and giggling along the way. 

Their house was a small igloo, among many others the same seize or bigger. But they all had room for the dragons living in them. When they got inside, Snowslide rushed to his parents and hugged them "mama! Papa!" They smiled and hugged him "hello Snowslide, are you alright?"

He nodded and let go of the embraced "why don't you go wash up for dinner?" His father asked,  patting his head. Snowslide nodded and left the room and started walking away. He arrived in their small bathroom and as he was about wash his claws, he stopped, oh wait! He turned around and began walking back.

I forgot to tell mom what I-

He stopped when he heard some shouting. He turned his head and crept like his sister taught him, silent as a fox in the snow. Snowslide continued to creep and move closer to the sound. He heard his parents shouting at Australis in a not so nice manner.

He peaked into the room and noticed Australis on the floor, away from her parents who were yelling at her. Snowslide became horrified. 

"You worthless daughter!" Her father screamed. 

"You can't even get ONE SPOT ON A DAMNED CIRCLE!" Her mother continued.

Snowslide looked at Australis whose face was stern, but if you looked closely you could tell she was about to cry.

"Your mother and I are already in the First Circle and your brother is on track to surpassing you! An Animus!" 

"We should have hurled your egg off the Great Ice Cliff when you were about to hatch."

Snowslide became horrified. He was taught to speak up to bullies, but watching his parents do this to his sister, someone he loved more than life itself was just to horrifying for him. 

Just then, their father raised his tail and thrusted it at Australis, cutting her cheek deep enough for a scar. Now that Snowslide looked closer, he saw that she had more scars like that all over her body. Well hidden, but it was obvious when looking closer.

Snowslide ran back and to the bathroom and washed his hands then came back downstairs, making his presence visible. 

He saw Australis with a small icepack on her cheek and she smiled at him "oh don't worry, I accidentally cut myself with the knife."

Snowslide nodded and looked at his parents and his mother scooped him up in her arms and kissed his cheek "how are you my baby? I made your favorite!" Snowslide nodded and his mother put him on his chair as his father put the food on the table.

"How was your adventure today son?"

Snowslide hummed "it was good." 

"Did you see any new creatures?"


"Meet any new dragons?"

"Not really."

"Did you have fun?"


Australis smiled to her brother "how about we go do something fun after this Snowslide? I know a good iceball court!"

Snowslide's face lit up as he nodded. "Yeah!"


Snowslide and Australis walked side by side as they made their way through the city. The lanterns lighting their way in the dark.

Snowslide looked at the small scar on her cheek that was still bleeding a bit. "Australis? Can I ask you something?"

She looked down and smiled, but her expression became saddened when she noticed his tear-stained snout. "You can ask me anything."

"How long have mom and dad done that to you?"

"Done what?"

Snowslide stopped and she did the same, allowing him to trace the scars on her body with his claw. "You saw, didn't you?"

Snowslide nodded. "I-I did. How long have they done those horrible things to you?" 

Australis hesitated and then sighed. "Ever since you could be awarded a place on the Circles."

Snowslide hugged his sister "I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner... I wish I could have helped." 

She smiled "oh but you can help Snowslide." She responded, with a devilish grin on her snout.


Snowslide sighed, tears beginning to travel down his face as he spoke. "If only I knew... If only I knew what I had done. And how many dragons were going to suffer because of it."

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