Chapter 34: The Real Story part 2

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"How?" Snowslide asked, looking confused. Australis smiled "I am an Animus after all, I can just enchant you." Snowslide thought for a moment. "But you can only use your powers once in your life."

Australis smiled and winked, putting one of her claws on his lips "it'll be our secret. Just for us." Snowslide nodded and rested her claw on her brother's head and whispered something.

Snowslide felt a strange tingling sensation in her claws and smiled, looking up at Australis "there! Now, you can take on all the strong dragons." Snowslide nodded "alright!"

Snowslide and Australis walked back to their house after a few rounds of ice ball. Snowslide looked at his parents and felt weird. "Hello you two, how was your adventure?" Snowslide smiled "it was nice, we played ice ball! Australis won by a lot!" Australis smiled "you don't need to exaggerate, Snowslide."

Snowslide smiled and wagged his tail, then looked at his parents. The same, strange tingling sensation was present in his tail this time. He felt a sudden burst of confidence.

"Perfect, why don't you head to bed and Australis and us can make your lunch for school tomo-"

"No." Snowslide retaliated, stomping his talon on the floor, getting his parent's attention.

"Excuse me?" His father said, shocked that his son talked back to him.

"I said no. I will not let you hurt Australis while I'm gone anymore!"

"Hurt her? We would ne-"

"Shut it."

The parents dropped the act.

"So you were there. Oh well, what are you going to do about it? Complain?" Australis laughed "he'll do much more than that." She hissed to them as she walked out of the room and went upstairs, causing something inside Snowslide to click.

He hissed and lunged for his mother, stabbing her through the heart. Snowslide hissed and angled the tip of his tail at her jawline and sliced it open, decapitating her.

Snowslide stood over his mother's corpse, encasing her in Frostbreath as if she could put her head back on and attack him.

His eyes turned his father and he growled, some ice dripping from his mouth and onto the icy tomb bellow him. His father immediately looked at where Australis had left. "What did you do to him?!" He yelled out to her, hearing laughter.

"I'll be in the First Circle now father."

Snowslide hissed and lunged for his father and tackled him to the ground. When Snowslide had him pinned, the dragonet grabbed the top and bottom part of his father's snout and forced it open, before shot Frostbreath down his father's throat, the crystals forming in his esophagus then spreading and expanding, piercing through his scales, decapitating him and making tiny pieces of ice sticking out from everywhere on the neck.

Australis walked back downstairs and looked at her two, dead, parents. She smiled.

Snowslide panted and looked at his sister. "You did well, now lets-"


They looked back and saw their neighbor Frostelle, looking horrified seeing the scene before her. Snowslide looked at Australis who had a face of horror "they attacked us! Snowslide had to kill them because they were going to kill us!"

Frostelle gasped and ran over to them "are you both alright? Are you both injured?" Australis shook her head "no, we're alright." Frostelle smiled and pulled back, cupping their faces "I knew something was wrong with those two... I'm glad you both are alright but we need to inform the guards."

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