Chapter 14: New Life

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Everyone was flying to the rainforest. Turtle slowed down and flew next to Moon. "Is that a falcon on your shoulder?" Moon nodded "his name is Newsbringer, he's a messenger falcon." "Oh. Get a letter?" Moon nodded, revealing the top of the paper. "It's from Winter." "Really? I never knew Winter had a messenger falcon. What does the letter say?"

"Well, he wishes us luck on the exam, and he made a terrible pun on my Future Seeing." She said with a chuckle "Winter making a pun? That's something." Moon nodded "this is Newsbringer." Moon said, shrugging up the shoulder with the falcon on it. Newsbringer let out a small yelp and looked at Turtle. 

"He's a cuddler." Newsbringer opened his beak and yawned, before shaking his body, ruffling his feathers before sitting back down into a small ball and closing his eyes. "Must've flown far." Turtle commented, flying a little closer.

Moon nodded before sighing "I miss Winter, I miss him so much..." Turtle nodded "me too, don't worry. We'll find him soon." Moon nodded and sighed "I'm just glad he's alright." Turtle smiled "so, what do you think on naming your first dragonet?" Moon asked in a teasing manner. "W-Well, Kinkajou have a few ideas. If it's a girl, I want to name her Waterlily, if it's a boy Kinkajou wants to name him Kelp."

"Those are beautiful names." Moon replied with a smile.

They flew for a little before seeing lush green trees in the distance. They all flew down to see multiple Rainwing guards. "Greetings from the Rainwing Kingdom." One of them said, they had a flower crown made of tulips and silver armor around their body. They had dark blue scales and light blue ender scales. They had yellow eyes and a few red scales under their eyes. The other one had silver armor and pale pink scales with spots of purple here and there, also scattered on the wings. They had blue eyes.

"Hello, we're here to pick some dragon fruit." Kinkajou replied with a smile. "Excellent, I assume you know where to go?" The one with the pink scales asked, stepping out of the way to let the dragonets through. "Yes, thank you." The Winglet began walking "have a nice day!" They called out, before vanishing into the trees.

Kinkajou led them on a tour of the rainforest before leading them through a small path into an open patch of grass being surrounded by some trees, with pink and green fruit dangling off it. Kinkajou went into a small bush and pulled out some baskets "alright Jade Winglet! Divide and conquer!"

The sudden yelled caused Newsbringer to jump up and screech, before glaring at Kinkajou and sitting back down on Moon's shoulder. Kinkajou ignored the bird and handed one basket to each dragonet and they went to separate trees and began to pick the fruits, putting them neatly in the basket. Moon was picking two tress in between the ones Turtle and Kinkajou were picking. Newsbringer flew off of her shoulder and grabbed some dragon fruits, before going to place them in the basket.

Moon suddenly froze, then she heard a ringing, then a flash of Glory yelling.

She dropped her basket and looked at Kinkajou, then back at Turtle. "Kinkajou.... It's time." The Rainwing smiled and her tail began to wag. She looked at Turtle who was confused. "Qibli, Snowslide?" Moon called out, causing the boys to look at her. "Kinkajou, Turtle and I are going to go somewhere, we'll be back soon."

Kinkajou grabbed Turtle's arm and lifted them into the air, before leading them to a denser part of the forest where a bunch of Rainwings were either having Suntime, eating, building new houses or talking with other Rainwings.

"Where are we going?" 

Turtle asked, looking at the girls. "We're going to the Rainwing Palace." "Why?" He asked, looking at Moon "Queen Glory's about to have her egg!" Turtle blinked a few times, then smiled.

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