Chapter 35: Reconcile

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Snowslide finished his story, the rest just patiently sitting around the table, sipping their tea. Snowslide looked down, stroking Peacemaker's head with his claw. "That's pretty much it. That's how I became the monster that I am today."

Turtle pat Snowslide's shoulder and smiled "it's alright, it's over now. You're you again." Snowslide smiled and sighed "yeah, thank you all once again. I don't know how I could ever repay you for what you've done for me."

Qibli smiled "you have no need to repay us. Just live your life the way you want to." Snowslide smiled and then looked at Winter. "If it's possible, could we leave for home tomorrow?" Snowslide then looked at Moon "you can come if you'd like."

Moon nodded "of course, I'll go."

Snowslide looked down and gently stroked Peacemaker's snout "hard to believe that this dragonet was Darkstalker of all dragons." Snowslide smiled "if he can make it work... Then I should do it too."

Snowslide looked at Turtle and Kinkajou "I know you both are going to make great and caring parents. Even if you both will face problems in the future, I know that you are going to solve it together." 

He looked at Peril "you can get past what you've done. But the first step is forgiving yourself. I know you can do it." 

Snowslide turned to Qibli "Qibli, you have a good heart and you surround yourself with trustworthy dragons. You have good intentions and aren't afraid to do the right thing."

Snowslide looked at Moon and Winter "you both are amazing dragons, and I know your future will be bright together."

Winter and Moon intertwined their claws and smiled to each other, then to Snowslide "thank you for your kind words. And we'll make sure you can get your life back together."


Moon, Winter and Snowslide stood in front of the Great Ice Cliff. No more ice shards were going to be shot out at any dragon who goes over that isn't an Icewing variation. Everyone was free to go in and out as they pleased. However, they still needed the Gift of Diplomacy, but instead of only three bracelets, there was a few hundred. They could all be tracked and if someone were to take them, the bracelet would be teleported back to the Icewings and the guards would be alerted to the thief's location.

Moon already had one of the bracelets on her wrist and was examining it curiously "so... This would allow me to go over the Great Ice Cliff and I won't be affected by the cold?" Winter nodded "as long as you have it on, yes." Snowslide stretched and lifted his wings "ready?"

The two others nodded as they lifted into the air, along with other Icewings and dragons from other tribes who were talking and thinking about visiting the icy tundra. When they were over the giant wall of ice, Moon stared at the Icewing's home for the first time. It was covered with snow and ice with a bunch of ice pillars scattered around. In the distance, there was a bunch of ice pillars lumped together. That must be the palace. She thought to herself.

She heard Winter chuckle as he grabbed her wrist with the bracelet on it. "Come on Moon, I know it's a sight to see but we got to go." "O-Oh! Right. Sorry." The three continued flying and Snowslide kept looking around "home has changed a lot in the past few centuries. There are a few more houses and more dragons."

Snowslide then looked at the palace "the palace has gotten a little bigger." Winter nodded "yeah, it can now house more dragons and it's usually saved for when royals from another tribe visit. They also took down the ice spikes from the Great Ice Cliff and the Circles. The Diamond Trial is gone now as well. Dragonets usually use it as a fun maze to play Hide-And-Seek."

Snowslide looked somewhat disturbed at what Winter had said "do they know what those halls were used for? How many dragons died in there?" Winter nodded "some yes, some no. But there is a rule there. If you ever come across a frozen dragon head, stop and pay your respects."

Snowslide nodded and sighed "we'll go there first. I want to pay my respects to Everest before anyone else."

Winter nodded and the two Icewings led Moon to what was the Diamond Trial. When they arrived at the entrance, there was a small ice wall next to the entrance with a map of the maze as well as a few rules that dragons had to abide by when they were in the maze.

Snowslide took a deep breath and walked in along with Winter and Moon.

As Snowslide and Winter expertly navigated the icy halls, Moon could see reflections of other dragonets of all tribes having fun in the maze and occasionally stopping to look at a frozen dragon and pay their respects, before going off again and playing.

"We're here." Snowslide said in a saddened voice.

When Winter and Moon looked at where Snowslide was looking, they saw a small ice tomb with Everest's name engraved on the front. Snowslide slowly walked over and knelt in front of the tomb and lowered his head.

"Everest.... I'm so... So... So sorry for what I did. You have every right to be mad at me. But I hope you found rest wherever you are now."

After a few seconds, he sighed and stood up and walked past Moon and Winter "I know where the others are buried but this might take a while. If you both want, you could just hang out and I'll come find you when I'm done."

Moon looked at Winter "are you sure?" Snowslide nodded "I'm sure. I need to do this." Snowslide flew off and left Winter and Moon at Everest's grave. "Poor Snowslide..." Moon whispered, looking at the grave. Winter put a wing over her and held her claws in his "I know. But all we can do now is support him."


Snowslide walked out of the maze and out onto the streets of his home. 

He saw how much everything had changed. There were more Icewings and everyone was laughing and talking to one another with a few dragons from other tribes getting a tour of the kingdom.

He would have loved to explore too but he has more important things to do.

He walked into a large fenced-off area with many graves of different shapes and seizes. 

Snowslide walked along a small designated path that led to the back of the graveyard. There, there was a specific section that had a small memorial for the Icewings that he killed. He went in front of the many graves that were lined in a row and knelt down in front of them and lowered his head.

"There are no words to describe how sorry I am to you all. I've done terrible things to you all and there is no way to make it up to you now. I sincerely hope that you all have found rest in the Great Beyond. As a way to atone for what I've done, I have decided to devote the rest of my life to be in service to the other Icewings with whatever they need."

Snowslide sighed and looked up "I know that nothing I do is going to fill the void in my heart, or magically make everyone forget the horrible things I've done. But I am prepared for that."

Just then, he felt many dragons standing around him.

He looked down and saw all the ones he's killed around him. Some young some old. He lowered his head as they approached. 

He expected to be yelled at, scolded, made fun of or even worse but it never came. Instead, Snowslide felt a claw on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Everest. She was a spirit. They all were. They looked like how they did when they were alive but their eyes were pure white.

"Get up Snowslide." She said calmly. He obeyed, but refused to look at her in the eyes. 

She smiled and gently lifted his chin with her claw and smiled "when you pinned me down that night in the Diamond Trial, I knew right away it wasn't you. You were one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving dragonet I knew. You would never do something like that." She pulled him in for a hug.

"We assure you, we aren't mad in the slightest at you. We knew right away that it wasn't your fault but your sister's. We are thankful that you are free now and we'll support you into your rehabilitation." 

Snowslide smiled, wrapped his wings around her and looked at the other spirits "thank you all... I promise I'll make you proud."

Just then, they vanished.

Snowslide felt comfort and reassurance for the first time in his life. 

And he was going to spend the rest of it atoning for his mistakes.

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