Chapter 22: His-Story part 2

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The guards looked at each other and ran to a small vase, lifting it to see a red button underneath labeled: Gift of Warning. The guard pressed the button and an alarm sounded, the windows shutting and locking in all directions.

"Prince Winter, we highly advise you take shelter in your room." Winter shook his head "my sister and my cousins are in danger! I can't leave them unprotected!" He pushed past the guards and ran out, despite the guards telling him to return. 

Winter flew through the halls, where he saw Mink and Snowfall in her room. Snowfall looked at him "whoa. What walrus did you fight?" Winter shook his head "Snowslide is in the palace *pant* You and Mink need to hide *pant*." Snowfall grabbed Mink despite her whining something about their game not being finished.

"What about you?" Snowfall asked, looking at him "I need to make sure Icicle is safe, then I need to warn our parents." Snowfall ran up to Winter, hugging him along with Mink "don't die you tusk-for-brains." Winter nodded and hugged them, before pushing them away and Snowfall locking the door.

Winter rushed down the hall into the room Icicle was in and burst in. "Snowslide is in the palace!" He yelled to her, Icicle stood up "He's here?!" Winter nodded "hide, I'll go make sure mother and father are alright."

Winter bolted out of the room as he ran down the hall, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a trail of blue blood. Winter stopped and looked in the room. On the floor, there was an Icewing on the ground, with a big slice in their abdomen. Winter ran to them and knelt down, gently shaking the Icewing.

"Hey..... Hey! Can you hear me?!" He yelled, there was no response.

"You're too late. She's dead." Winter looked behind him and saw Snowslide. He was as tall as he was, with dark blue spots on his tail, the spikes on his tail being stained by the blood. "You." Winter spat, standing up, facing the Icewing. "You must be Prince Winter." Winter growled and inhaled, shooting ice at Snowslide, but he dodged and fired it back. Winter dodged and growled.

"Why are you doing this?" "Why do Queens serve their kingdom?" Snowslide retorted "because it's their responsibility." Snowslide nodded and approached the Prince, his tail being level with Winter's heart. "Same as me. I was created to kill. Specifically the Icewings in the First Circle."

"You were created out of jealousy! Australis wanted to be in the First Circle but could never do so. Now you're compelled to murder for the rest of your life. You were born from nothing and you'll die nothing."

Winter whirled around, throwing snow into Snowslide's face. Snowslide roared as Winter went behind a small pot grabbing a solver knife with a dark blue grip. He pointed it up to Snowslide as his vision cleared. "The Gift of Anti-Animus. Clever." Winter growled.

Right then, he heard someone "Prince Winter?" He looked back "Gelid!" He yelled "run! Get out of here!" Gelid looked past Winter and his eyes went wide "m-mother...?" Gelid walked past Winter and Snowslide, to his mom and knelt down, gently putting his claws on his mother's shoulder and shaking her.

"Mom? .... Mom wake up....  This isn't funny.... Mom.. Mom wake up!" Gelid's eyes began to water "your mother is dead." Snowslide replied coldly, before pointing his tail to the dragonet "as you will be in a few seconds." Winter stood in front of Snowslide and Gelid "you'll have to go through me first."

Snowslide laughed "really? A six year old dragonet protecting a three year old? From a dragon who is six centuries old? Don't make me laugh." Snowslide lunged forward, his tail extended and Winter dodged, kicking his side and sending him back.

Snowslide growled at Winter, as he looked back "Gelid ! I'm sorry there's nothing we can do for your mother, but you need to go if you want to live." Gelid sniffed and nodded, before jumping back. Snowslide shot his Frostbreath at Gelid , which hit his wings, freezing them together.

"Gelid !" Winter yelled, running to him. Gelid tried to break his wings apart, but it wouldn't work. "Get on my back, I'll take you somewhere safe." The dragonet climbed onto his back and Winter sprinted out of the garden, passing guards "Snowslide is right behind us!"

Winter looked behind as he was running, he saw Snowslide dodge the guards slicing them open with his tail, before throwing them aside. Winter gasped and ran faster, before spreading his wings and taking to the air. "Hang on tight"  he told Gelid  who wrapped his claws around Winter's neck.

Snowslide ran after them. "You're dead Winter!" Snowslide yelled, spreading his wings and taking to the air. Winter growled "Gelid, rub your tail spiked against the Frostbreath, it'll crack it and then break." Gelid nodded and did what he was told.

Winter turned around and shot his Frostbreath at Snowslide, hitting his snout, blinding him. Winter dove down and hid went into the garden, running past the two dead guards. He hid behind one of many snow-piles and crouched down, Gelid sliding off his back.

They heard a thump "you can't hide forever Gelid ... And when I find you... You and that Prince will be dead."  Winter gently held his and Gelid's snout shut. Gelid shivered and Winter put his wing over the dragonet.

They heard the Frostbreath firing, and then a loud crash. "Come out come out wherever you are~" Geild tucked his head in Winter's chest. There was silence. An eerie silence.

Either he's gone... Or he's-

Winter gasped and rolled over, taking Gelid with him as they heard a loud 'poof'. The snow pile they were hiding behind was gone, replaced by ice spikes from Frostbreath. "So you knew. I must applaud you for acting so swiftly." Winter stood up. "You won't hurt this dragonet. There is no purpose for you anymore! Australis is long dead!"

Snowslide growled and shot another Frostbreath at the two, but Winter rolled them out of the way and shot back. Winter stood up and charged for Snowslide, the knife in his hand ready to kill the dragon. Snowslide spun around, hitting Winter's back with his tail, knocking him to the ground. 

Snowslide started walking towards Gelid, but Winter bit Snowslide's tail, and threw up back into a nearby ice wall. Winter panted and stood up, "Gelid! Run!" Gelid nodded and started running, but Frostbreath went right to him, blocking his exit. There was a flash.

Winter looked back and saw Snowslide, holding Gelid by his throat firmly, despite the squirming dragonet. "You won't kill him if there's another dragon around!" Winter yelled "it was in your enchantment!" Snowslide laughed "as long as I kill the dragon present the enchantment doesn't apply.... You're on my list too Prince Winter." 

Just then, there was a slice. Gelid started gagging and looked down, seeing the tip of the tail spike right through his neck, before it slid down to his chest, right to his legs, cutting him in half before he was tossed to the side.

"Gelid!!!" Winter yelled. Winter looked back at Snowslide who was covered in blood. "He's over there! Quick!" Snowslide looked past Winter, seeing the guards rushing towards them. "This was fun while it lasted. I'll see you very soon... Prince Winter."

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