Chapter 17: Return

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It was a beautiful morning. The cockatoos were singing, the monkeys were chirping and the dragons both Rainwings and Nightwings were busy doing their business. There were some dragons from other tribes taking a tour or going to pick the fruit that was offered from merchants or just from trees.

Glory had a small leafy pouch on her front with the egg inside, encased in warm leaves. She walked through the streets, showing the egg to the dragons passing by who smiled and bowed and occasionally asked questions. Deathbringer smiled, waving. Glory rolled her eyes and flicked her mate with her tail. "Deathbringer, you're one, King of both tribes, and two, the representative of the Nightwings in the courtroom." He nodded "I know, but, I never thought I'd be 'King' before. I'm an assassin."

As Deathbringer watched as his mate adjusted the leaves around the Royal Hatchery. "Is our daughter going to be alright?" He asked, walking next to her with a smile. "Of course, we have our best guards here and just in case.. I've invited two of my personal friends." She looked back and at the entrance, there was a small Sandwing but the flaps on their tail were replaced with spikes, and a large Mudwing with a giant scar on their leg.

"I believe you've met Clay and Sunny."

Sunny trotted over and hugged Glory "it's been sooo long Glory! I've missed you!!" Glory chuckled and spread her wings, Clay joining the hug "yeah! you never invite us over for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Not even snack time!" Glory chuckled "I'm sorry! I would've but I had some Queenly things to do."

Sunny pulled away and squinted at Glory "where's Silver?" She asked sternly. Glory chuckled "Silver is at the groomers. I've issued an official order to have a sloth groomer opened in the rainforest. Of course, it was by majority vote."

"How's the Academy?" Glory asked, looking at Clay "it's going well, all the students are getting along nicely.... But still no sign of Winter..." Sunny nodded "Moon is feeling down, but she's strong." Glory looked at Deathbringer and nudged his side "I'm sure if any of us hear anything about him, we'll you let both know. But as to why you're here... Deathbringer is going to be out for a mission, probably take a day or so, but I need someone to stay here and watch the egg. Tsunami is busy with Queen Training, and Starflight... So can any of you watch the egg while Deathbringer is away?"

Sunny smiled "I'll do it. My scales are warm so that'll be good for the egg." Clay nodded "I'll stay back at the Academy. Good luck!" Clay hugged his friends one last time before walking out of the hatchery and taking off.

Glory looked at Sunny who went to the galaxy egg and laid down next to her, her tail curling around the precious egg. "I'll take good care of the egg. Now go! Your kingdom needs you!"  She said, flicking her wing at Glory who laughed and walked out. Deathbringer chuckled "thanks again Sunny," "no problem. Always happy to help a friend."

Deathbringer walked outside and met up with Glory "I'll see you soon my love." He said, kissing her "mmhm, be back soon." He smiled and took off.


Deathbringer flew along the coastline of the desert, seeing Queen Thorn's Stronghold in the distance. He smiled and dipped his left wing, flying into the open sea, seemingly as if he was lost. But he wasn't.

He was going to see a friend.

After a few minutes of flying, he saw a small little island in the distance. One side were covered in trees and the other half was a plain field with a small cabin in the center. He landed on the beach and walked over to the small house with a smile. He stopped on the porch and knocked. "Come in!"

Deathbringer opened the door and entered the cabin, seeing Winter on the table reading a scroll while petting Newsbringer. The Icewing looked up at him and smiled, seeing Deathbringer approach. "I didn't know you were visiting me today. You should be back in your kingdom looking after your mate." He nodded "I know, but I came to check up on you. I care about you Winter." He chuckled "you care about me more than my parents did. And I've only known you for a few months now." 

Deathbringer turned his head to the side and shut the door behind him, entering the cabin and sitting on the table across from winter.

"Your parents didn't care about you?" Winter shook his head "they only cared about my place in the Circles. It's an Icewing status pole, First Circle is the highest class. Seventh Circle the lowest class. I was usually around the Second or Third Circle. My parents were obviously furious because since I'm of royal blood... I should be in First Circle." He let out a long sigh "when my brother came back, we were forced to compete for a spot in First Circle. Meaning we fight Foeslayer at the time and then fight each other to the death. I obviously said no and Hailstorm went out, making everyone think I was dead then Foeslayer and I escaped, and she became Hope."

"So the taboo you committed..." "Was that." Winter twirled a claw on his table. "I was disowned by my parents and I went to live in Sanctuary and Jade Mountain but then..." Deathbringer put a claw on Winter's shoulder "it's alright, you don't need to tell me more."

Winter nodded and smiled, "Moon wrote me back." He said happily, holding up the scroll. "That's cool." "I just read about the egg, congratulations." Deathbringer smiled "Moon said it's a baby girl." Winter smiled, looking up at Deathbringer. "That's good. Plan on having any other dragonets or just one?" Deathbringer chuckled "I'd like another, but it's all up to Glory if she wants another or not." 

Winter smiled and looked back at the letter. "New student?" He asked, looking at the Nightwing. "Yeah, he's pretty cool. I've met him." "That's nice. Maybe I'll know him. What's his name?"


Winter blinked a few times. "S-Snowslide?" 

"Yes...?" Deathbringer replied, confused. Winter stood up "about this tall... Black eyes... Spots on his tail...?" Deathbringer nodded "yeah? Why? You know him?" 

Winter's eyes went wide and he whipped around, going down the hallway and grabbing a small bag, before running to Deathbringer and grabbing his shoulders "how long was he at the Academy?!" He asked forcefully, baring his fangs at the confused Nightwing. 


Winter yelled at Deathbringer, "a-a few days... Why?" Winter growled and pushed him away, running out the door. Deathbringer stumbled and then stood upright and saw Newsbringer following the Icewing, causing Deathbringer to run after them, closing the door and locking it. 


No response.


Winter flapped his wings faster. Deathbringer caught up with the hawk and the dragon. "Winter what is going on?" 

"Snowslide! That's what!" 

"What do you mean?" Winter looked at Deathbringer "he's a dangerous Icewing. Like Darkstalker but without powers." 

He looked ahead. "If he's at the Academy..." 

"Why is he at the Academy...?"

Winter looked at Deathbringer, with tears in his eyes.

"To kill Moon."

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