Chapter 25: Plan?

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Moon squealed, pointing to herself. Qibli nodded "yeah. You're already on Snowslide's list so you'll be able to lure him to a better spot where we can trap him. Obviously, as a safety precaution, Kinkajou could follow you around in camouflage just in case Snowslide decides to act before the trap is set."

Winter shook his head. "Absolutely not. You aren't gonna put her in a situation where she could get killed! And especially Kinkajou who is with egg!" Winter snarled, pulling Moon close to him and sending a glare to Qibli.

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Qibli asked Winter "and remember, you guys asked me to make a plan."

Winter let out a long sigh, "I don't know. I wish I did. But one thing is certain. We need to end Snowslide." Kinkajou nodded "I'll do it. I'll disguise myself as Moon and lure Snowslide somewhere private and then I'll blast him."

She said, shifting her scales to look like Moon. "Thanks for the offer, but you can't kill an Animus-Touched dragon or object without the Gift of Anti-Animus. It's the only way to kill Snowslide." Kinkajou nodded "then I'll lure Snowslide, and you'll be waiting there."

Turtle shook his head "no, Kinkajou, I don't want you to put our dragonet at risk." He said, hugging her tightly. Kinkajou returned them embrace, turning a light shade of pink.

"What if I carry Kinkajou's egg?"

Everyone looked at Peril.

"What? I'm at that age where I can carry and besides, Clay and I have been talking about it for a while now."

Kinkajou looked at Peril "are you sure? It's not as easy as it looks." Peril nodded "I'm sure." Turtle took a deep breath. "But only until Snowslide is defeated okay?"

The girls nodded. Turtle lowered his head and whispered something, then raised his head. Kinkajou's eyes shot wide and she looked down at her bump, and it was gone. "I feel so much lighter!"

Everyone looked at Peril who was panting heavily. "I feel tired, miserable, overjoyed, full, and starving at the same time."

Kinkajou chuckled "sounds about right." Peril rolled her eyes and yawned "don't worry, your dragonet is in good talons." Turtle sighed "don't worry, I made sure that if you get a blow, the egg won't be harmed." Qibli nodded "alright, now that we have that out of the way, we can get the plan started."

"So Kinkajou, disguised as Moon, will lure Snowslide out the back where it's private and Winter will kill him." Winter thought for a moment "simple, yet convoluted... This could work. But we always need to assume that Snowslide know what we're up to. So if the plan changes, don't be surprised."

They all nodded "alright, I'm gonna go take a nap, then ask Clay to take me out to that all you can eat buffet he's been telling me about." Peril explained with a yawn before walking off, the bump on her being visible.

Winter looked at Kinkajou "are you sure you want to do this?" Kinkajou nodded "it isn't the first time we've vanquished evil. And besides, knowing that our baby is in good talons puts my mind at ease." She responded looking at Turtle with a smile.

"Okay. So where do we lead Snowslide? We need somewhere private but with enough space so we can move around." Moon closed her eyes and thought for a moment before speaking up "what about the old court-yard? It's barely used and it has plenty of room."

"Alright, we have the 'where' and 'how', now we just the 'when'." Winter said, looking at Turtle "most of the school is going on a trip to see the new Summer Palace, in two days. So we strike then. It might be obvious but at least we'll be prepared."

"So it's in agreement?"

Everyone nodded.

In two day's time. They are going to kill a great and ancient evil, and save the academy.



Qibli was walking next to Winter while Moon, Turtle and Kinkajou were walking in front of them discussing the egg.

"Hey Winter? I got a few questions." Winter looked at the Sandwing. "Sure, ask away." Qibli squinted his eyes at him "how come none of the other Icewings know about Snowslide?" Winter sighed "only the royal guards and the royal family knew that Snowslide had escaped his prison. We didn't want to cause total panic."

"Alright, why did you come back?" Qibli asked, "when I found out that Snowslide was here at the Academy, I had to come back and hopefully keep him in check until I'm- We're able to kill him. I'm just confused on how Snowslide found out that Moon was at the Academy."

Qibli sighed "the pamphlets the Academy has, they were sent to all the Kingdoms before the school started. He could have found out about the Academy like that and hung around, then heard maybe rumors or maybe some talk about a Mind Reader and a Future Seer being here?"

Winter sighed "alright, next question." Qibli extended his wing in front of the Icewing and they both stopped walking. "Where were you." "Huh?" "Where were you. Do you know how worried we all were about you? Do you know that you made Moon cry? She was so sad." He said with a sigh "I didn't want to hurt her or any of you. I thought that me leaving would be beneficial to everyone because I caused so much trouble."

Qibli sighed "Winter, you're like a brother to me. A big, grumpy, brother but one none the less. You're important to me and I just want you to be happy." Winter smiled "thanks Qibli, you're like a brother to me too. You know, we should get Turtle in on this, he could use some guy time."

"Yeah, agreed."

Winter bit his lip and turned to Qibli "why didn't you do it?" "Didn't do what?" "Why didn't you make a fuss when you saw me and Moon together? I know you like her, I know you've liked her for a long time. I was so mean to her and you were so nice to her. Why did you- Why didn't you-"

"Because I want you both to be happy."

He said plainly, but Winter heard some slight whimpers. "Even if you didn't see it at the time I really cared for you Winter, you were like a friend to me and I wanted you to be happy. I wanted Moon to be happy too."

He looked at the Nightwing who was laughing as Kinkajou was shifting scales and making impressions of some other dragons. "I still love Moon, but if she's happy with you, I'll step aside."

Winter smiled and teared up, giving Qibli the hug he never got from Winter. "Thank you. Thank you. I promise I'll take good care of her Qibli." The Sandwing nodded.

"I know."

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