Chapter 9: But Why?

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Moon slowly opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was back in her room, Dream Visitor still in claws. She smiled and held it close to herself. Thank you. She whispered to it as if it could hear her.

"Moon? You awake?"

She looked over and saw Kinkajou in her bright colours looking right at her. "Kinkajou... I saw him... He's alright." The Rainwing's tail began to wag excitedly. "Really?! Do you know where he is?" She asked, walking over to Moon and lying down next to her. "No, I don't know but he was in his house. It's near a beach somewhere and he's taken up gardening and cooking."

"Cooking?" Kinkajou snickered. "That doesn't sound like Grumpy Ol' Winter." Moon smiled "yeah, it was nice talking to him again. I'm glad he's doing alright." She said, tracing the patterns on the Dream Visitor. Kinkajou squealed "I know that loook~" She teased, poking Moon's cheek with her claw "someone's in looooooove~~" She sang in a whispering tone, causing Moon to blush. Even the Rainwing was impressed by how the Nightwing's scales changed.

"W-What? N-No!" Kinkajou snickered and kept poking Moon's snout "yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" "Yes!" "No!" 

"What's going on in here?" 

The duo was interrupted by none other than Peril. "Oh uh-" "Moon's in love!" Peril froze in place as Moon groaned and buried her face in her talons. Moon felt warmth coming closer and closer until it stopped. Moon looked up at Peril's sky blue eyes and her stone expression turned into a happy and excited one. "Who? Why? When? I want all the details."

"It's Winter, I don't know, I don't know. So spill it Moon." Kinkajou said for her, looking right at the love-struck Nightwing. Now, Moon had both Peril and Kinkajou pressuring her to talk about her crush. "Moon~" Peril sang, "it's alright, you can tell us~" "We promise we won't tell!" Kinkajou added, giving Moon the puppy eyes.

"Alright! Yes! I like him.." She admitted to her friends. Peril squealed and threw herself onto Moon, hugging her. Moon was about to push her off but her scales weren't melting. Kinkajou noticed her confused face and giggled "Turtle gave her a small bracelet that she would tap to cancel her Firescales. Though they're very warm, they won't burn anything. Only Peril can control the bracelet."

Moon nodded and returned the hug to Peril "I'm so happy for you Moon!" Kinkajou joined the hug and her scales turned bright pink with hints of red here and there. "Alright, now, we need you to confess your feelings to him!" 

Moon broke the hug and pulled away. "But I don't know where he is. Well, I don't know where in Pyrriah he is. I know what his house looks like. And besides, I told him to send letters."

"Even better! Who wouldn't want a handwritten confession in the form of a poem?" Kinkajou swooned dramatically, throwing herself on Moon as if she had fainted. Peril smiled and held out her talons as if she was holding a scroll "he'll read the poem you wrote for him and fall tail over horns for you~! He'll say 'Ooooh Moon! How my heart longs for the warmth of your wings! The days grow so long without you'." 

Moon sighed and Peril giggled, followed by Kinkajou flapling her wings to go and join Peril. "And then you'll dance into the sunset, gazing into each other's eyes...... THEN HAVE LOTS OF BABIES!" 

Moon rolled her eyes and sighed, stuffing her head back into her leafy bed until morning. The three girls walk out of the room giggling profusely only to be met by Turtle and Qibli "what was all that noise in your room last night Moon?" Qibli asked, eyeing the Rainwing and the Skywing as they pranced off "n-nothing..." She replied, tucking her wings close.

"So, did ya get in contact with Winter?" Turtle asked, motioning to the Dream Visitor Moon was holding. "Yeah, he's alive and doing fine. He's taken up gardening and is making this thing called Pyrrihan Soup with ingredients from all across the continent. Even if it was just a dream, the soup was very good. And he promised to write to us! So that's good..."

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