Chapter 10

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Hey. Guys! Why did the toys cross the road? Hamm asked Not now, Hamm. Buzz replied Oh. I love riddles. Why? Rex asked  To get to the chicken on the other side! [Across the road is Al's Toy Barn.

Yippee! The chicken! A lot of cars come zooming past. One of them hits a can and it lands on the pavement in front of the toys] Ah, well, we tried Rex turns to leave but Buzz grabs his tail to bring him back

We'll have to cross Buzz said as the toys responded What the... What?!You're not turning me into a mashed Mr. Potato Head said. I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is Slinky added.

There must be a safe way Buzz said as he sees something which gives him an idea. Later, the traffic lights change from green to red after some cars pass. A bunch of traffic cones are on the pavement

Okay. Here's our chance. Ready. Set. Go! The cones then move across the road. Rex whimpers nervously in his cone. The Traffic lights turn from red to green and cars come rolling towards the toys Drop! Everyone stops and drops their cones. As a car swerves to avoid them and goes into some spikes on a driveway, punctuating the tires, Another car crashes into it Go! Says Buzz they move on until Buzz hears the cars again DROP!

Some of them except Hamm and Mr. Potato Head drop I SAID, DROP! Buzz said as they drop and cars swerve to avoid the cones, resulting in a crash and a wheel rolling) Go! (The toys walk on. As Hamm mutters to himself, a monster truck comes zooming over his cone, making it spin around for a second before stopping. Hamm shakes himself and walks on.

Buzz hears more cars coming. Drop! Buzz said the toys do so and a car swerves around to avoid them, then a truck with a concrete pipe brakes, making its trailer move around in a big U turn. Go! (The toys move on.

As the as the trailer leans, the chains holding the pipe break and it rolls off the trailer and onto the road. Mr. Potato Head's shoe gets stuck on some gum.

Mr. Potato Head stops and searches for his shoe until he finally touches it. As the pipe rolls towards him, he strains to get his shoe free until he finally gets it free and runs to the other side just as the pipe rolls to the gum and gets it stuck to its side. The toys arrive on the other side of the road and put the cones down

Ah, that went well Mr. Potato Head said

Good job, troops. We're that much closer to Woody Buzz said.

Thank goodness. You're here Al said to the man standing in the doorway the specimen ready for cleaning?

Geri puts down his briefcase and flicks two upper locks to open it. It opens up to move out into little presses. Geri takes Woody from his glass case and touches a button which reveals a mini hair saloon chair and puts him on it. He removes his hat, presses another button which opens a hat stand and he puts Woody's hat on it. He looks through drawers until he finds a pair of glasses and puts them on.

He then raises the chair up So, uh, how long is this gonna take? Al asked You can't rush art. [He turns on a torch on his glasses and it shines bright.

A shopping trolley with a cow's face and udders is moving towards Al's Toy Barn by Buzz pushing it. As they near the entrance, they see a sign that says "SORRY, WE'RE CLOSED".

Oh no. It's closed said Slinky. We're not preschool toys. Slinky. We can read Mr. Potato Head said as They see a worker drinking a can while walking towards the door which opens with the moo sound effect and he goes in.

Hey, Joe, you're late! We got a ton of toys to unload in the back a worker said as Joe replied. All right. All right. I'm comin'. I'm comin'! Come on! Let's get movin'! Said the Worker

Buzz Lightyear: All right. Let's go said Buzz. But, the sign says it's closed! Rex spoke as they all run to the door and jump on the mat trying to open the door

No. No. No. No. All together. Now! Buzz as they jump together, grunting, and the door opens. As they run inside, Rex goes over to a manual shelf and sees a Buzz Lightyear video game manual with a note saying "WANT TO DEFEAT ZURG? SECRETS REVEALED!"Vallia would sure love this Rex spoke

Geri is using a   to clean Woody's eyes and ears. He sprays a little pink paint on Woody's cheeks and using brown paint, he sprays Woody's hair

Then he puts down some close-up glass to Woody's shoulder and with shaking hands puts a thread in a needle, he sews the arm back on Woody's shoulder.

He uses a long, thin strip of paper to polish Woody's boots before using a deeper brown paint, painting over Andy's name on the sole of Woody's boot. He puts Woody back into his glass case

There you go Geri said and chuckles as he closes it. He's for display only. You handle him too much. He's not gonna last. It's amazing! You're a genius! He's just, like, NEW! Al said happily Wow. Buzz said as he walks  amazed by the sight of his aisle. Then below the display stand, he sees a sign that says "NEW UTILITY BELT".

I could use one of those Buzz said as he climbs up to the display stand and sees a new Buzz Lightyear toy standing tall and proud just like he did when he first came to Andy's room and met Woody.

In another aisle, Rex and Mr. Potato Head are walking down it. Rex is reading the manual as he walks
You know. They make it so you can't defeat Zurg, unless you buy this book. It's extortion. That's what it is. Rex says as Mr. Potato Head pulls out his ears so he won't hear Rex's jabbering] Hey. I always thought the golden scepter was the only....

Both Rex and Mr. Potato Head yell as Hamm and Slinky arrive in a toy car So, how about letting a toy with fingers drive? [He starts driving the car and bumps into a shelf, then reverses into another shelf. Then as he drives off, he knocks over a pile of buckets of soldiers which falls over onto the floor.

Am I really that fat? Buzz said seeing the doppelganger's new utility belt and whistles. He reaches down to touch it when his doppelganger suddenly grabs his hand and swings him to the ground

Ow! What are you doing? The real Buzz asked as Utility Belt Buzz said You're in direct violation of code 6404. 5... Stating all space rangers are to be in hypersleep until awakened by authorized personnel.

You're breakin' ranks, ranger. Utility Belt Buzz says as he opens his wrist communicator and talks into it] Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. I've got an AWOL space ranger.

Tell me I wasn't this deluded Buzz said. Utility Belt Buzz hears him and presses his face to the glass again] No back talk! I have a laser. And I will use it!

You mean the laser that's a light bulb? [He presses the laser button, making it beep loudly. Utility Belt Buzz gasps and leaps onto a model of a planet above Buzz.

Has your mind been melded? You could've killed me, space ranger! Or should I say, "traitor"! [He aims his laser at Buzz's forehead whilst Buzz looks on in annoyance and un-amusement I don't have time for this Buzz said.

The two Buzzes fight until the newer one overpowers the old one and pushes him towards a special box. Listen to me. Listen. Wait. Wait. Wait.
Utility Belt Buzz stops pushing and Buzz goes straight into the box.

We've been down this aisle already said Slinky as Mr. Potato Head replied We've never been down this aisle. It's pink!  Face it. We're lost said Slinky
Hamm: Ooh! Back it up. Back it up said  Hamm as they reverse back and they look to see lots of Barbie dolls having a pool party.

What a great party! A barbie doll said as Rex, Slinky, Hamm and Mr. Potato Head's mouths dropped in awe at the sight. How low can you go? The Barbie Dolls Said. How low can you go? Another said  Stop splashing me! A Barbie Doll giggles

Excuse me. Ladies. Does anyone know where we might find the Al of Al's Toy Barn? Hamm asked

I can help!  Tour Guide Barbie said as she slid down the slide and into the car next to Mr. Potato Head I'm Tour Guide Barbie! Please! Keep your hands, arms, and accessories, inside the car! And no flash photography! Thank you!

I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud said Mr Pototohead repeated Then, make room for the single fellas! Hamm said as he climbs over Mr. Potato Head and lands next to Tour Guide Barbie as she starts to drive the car down the aisle and goes onto another aisle.

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