Chapter 9

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It's showtime! Al said as he places Stinky Pete, Jessie and Bullseye on a table which has a western town model on it before turning to Woody

Money, baby. Money, money, money. Al said giving an evil chuckle And now, the main attraction.
[He opens the case and pulls out Woody, unaware that a stem from Woody's ripped arm has caught up on a big handle, which is used to hold the arms, and began to unravel.

When Al places Woody beside Bullseye, he sees that Woody's arm is gone.

Al gasped and shouted No! His arm! Where's his arm?! He sees Woody's arm on the floor, picks it up and tries to put it back on but to no avail Oh! No. No, no, no, no! Oh, what am I gonna do? Oh, I know. I know. [He picks up his phone and dials frantically.

Come on, come on, come on, pick up the phone! Al said as a man's voice answered the phone Hello.
It's me. It's Al. I got an emergency here Al said. Well, I'm busy the Man said

Yes, we're all busy, but... Look, it has to be tonight Al said What? You've got to be kidding me said the man
Al: All right, all right! But first thing in the morning Al said as he leaves the room.

AAAAHH! It's gone! I can't believe it! My arm is completely gone! Woody shouted as Vallia mumbled his name over and over again.  Come here. Come on. Let me see that. Oh. It's just a popped seam. Easily repaired. You should consider yourself lucky said Stinky Pete.

LUCKY?! Are you shrink-wrapped?! I am MISSING! MY! ARM! Woody shouted

Big deal. Jessie said as she shoots a dart at Woody's poster stand up at the forehead] Let him go! I'm sure his precious Andy is dying to play with an one-armed cowboy doll.

Why, Jessie? You know he wouldn't last an hour on his condition. It's a dangerous world out there. For a toy said Stinky Pete.

Al is fast asleep on the sofa, holding a bowl of Cheetos. His grip on the bowl starts to loosen and it falls on the floor. Woody unfreezes and looks to Al's shirt pocket where his arm is stored.

He gracefully opens the door of his glass case. Al snorts in his sleep. Woody hops down to the floor but as he tip-toes across to Al, he hears a crunching noise. He looks down to see that he has stepped on a Cheeto. He looked up to see Cheetos laying all over the floor in front of him.

Gracefully, he tip-toed over the Cheetos and tries not to step on them when he hears a crunching sound behind him. He turns to see that Bullseye stepped on the Cheetos]

Bullseye. Bullseye. Go. Go. Go. Go. Oh! Come on. You don't wanna help me. I'm the bad guy. You're gonna go back in storage. Because of me. Remember? Now, just go. [Bullseye licks Woody's face] Bullseye... All right. All right. But you have got to keep quiet. Now come on. [Woody and Bullseye tip-toe across the Cheetos and towards the side of the sofa] Over here. Attaboy. Okay, Bullseye. Upsy-daisy. Woody said as Bullseye lifts him up to the sofa.

Woody climbs on Al  and reaches for his arm, trying not to lose his balance when Al suddenly giggles in his sleep. Woody looks down to see Bullseye licking Al's hand which is covered in Cheetos

Bullseye. Cut it out. Stop it. Stop it. Bullseye. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it! [Bullseye stops licking Al's hand and steps back with a sorry look on his face.

Woody continues to reach for his arm but as he slowly starts to pull it out, he hears a rumble and he looks at Al's stomach. The rumble travels up his stomach to his head  Al burps in Woody's face.

Woody gags at the smell and uses his hat to fan it away. He holds his breath and pulls out his arm from Al's shirt pocket.

Al snorts again and continues sleeping. Woody sighs with relief but as he is about to climb down, the TV turns on suddenly, much to Woody's shock and surprise

Woody's Roundup Come on, it's time to play~ causing Al to wake up with a start What?! No, officer! I swear! What? 

As the theme song plays in the background, Al gasps when he sees Woody on the floor and sees his glass cabinet empty. Picking up Woody he  puts him back in the glass cabinet. Oh, get in there. There you go. Cheap case. Where's the remote? Where is the remote? [As Al searches for the remote, Woody sees the remote under Jessie's glass cabinet and gets shocked by the thought that she might turn the TV on before he freezes when Al passes him.

Why don't I put it in the same place everyti-- Oh, here it is. [He picks up the remote and turns off the TV. Yawning, he leaves the room, holding Woody's arm in his hand.

Woody turns to Jessie angrily and opens his glass case to jump down to confront her

What is your problem?! Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that Woody said

What? You think I did that? Jessie asked Oh. Right, right. Yeah, the TV just happened to turn on. And the remote magically ended up in front of you! Woody shouted

You callin' me a liar? Jessie asked
Well, if the boot fits Woody responded .

You callin' me a liar? Jessie asked Well, if the boot fits Woody responded

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Jessie said her voice dangerous 

Jessie said her voice dangerous 

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If the booT. FitS Woody said enunciating each word

 FitS Woody said enunciating each word

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Okay, cowboy... Jessie said as Bullseye hides in a Woody's Roundup cookie jar as Jessie lunges at Woody and begins to fight him

How do ya like that?! Take it back! TAKE IT BACK! Jessie said angrily Don't think just 'cause you're a girl! I'm gonna take it easy on ya! Woody replied just as there was a scream
Woody stopped fighting Jessie and ran to where he had hid Vallia holding her in one arm and it was the next morning that the cleaner came and fixed Woody's arm.

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