*:Backstage Passes:* Chpt. 1

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!A/N Welcome to the first chapter of this story! If you skipped the information part you should read that first or you will be confused. So, anyways, enjoy! A/N!

3rd person pov

Genya was in the crowds cheering for one of his favorite stars, Toki. (The star name is just four letters from Mui's last name). He is standing there with a few of his friends. "Why did I have to come too, Genya." Zenitsu cried. "Because your best friend got us these tickets." Genya argued. Zenitsu sighed and looked back up at the stage where Toki was speaking. "I hope you all enjoyed my show today! I will be going on tour in a month so get your tickets for that!" Toki said having a pep in his voice. "Have a goodnight everyone!" Toki shouted joyfully to the crowd as he waved. "We love you Toki!!" The crowd cheered. Toki walked off the stage through a back door.

"Come on guys, hurry up!" Genya said, speed walking to the backstage. Tanjiro who is one of the managers for Toki allowed them to come backstage. "Sorry, that we're not as enthusiastic as you." Zenitsu scoffed. "I JUST WANNA SEE GONPACHIRO!!" Inosuke shouted. They stepped through the backstage door seeing Toki talking to Tanjiro.

"Do I have to meet them Tanjiro?" Toki asked. "Yes, please, they've been dying to meet you." Tanjiro said, pleading a little. "Fine, for you Tanjiro." Toki sighed, putting a cold towel on the back of his neck. Genya calmly walked over. "Hello, Genya!" Tanjiro said happily. "Tokito, this is Genya and Genya this is Tokito or Toki as you know him by." Tanjiro introduced them to each other.

"Nice to meet you Tokito!" Genya said, lightly shaking Tokito's hand. "Lovely to meet you too." Tokito said with a fake smile. "Tokito you can act normally around them if you'd like to." Tanjiro said, encouraging him to do so. "Ah, okay." Tokito said, sighing. "So you're Genya? It's nice to meet you." Tokito said, now his voice didn't have much emotion. "Woah, that's what you really sound like?" Genya asked, surprised. "Yea, I guess." Tokito said, shrugging his shoulders. "Cool!" Genya said. "Oh, also, you can call me Muichiro if you want. You too Tanjiro." Muichiro said, pointing at them both.

Suddenly Muichiro's phone went off.

Muichiro pov

My phone went off. I grab it from the table. It's my mom. The text reads, "Hey son, I'm not able to pick you up today, please find someone else to do it." I sighed at the message and went back to everyone. "My mom said she couldn't drive me home." I said in a sad tone. "I can drive you home!" Tanjiro said happily with his normal smile. "No, worry about your little siblings." I ordered him. "I can drive you home." Genya spoke up. "Hm... sure." I said, shrugging. "Let me just get changed out of this... shiny suit." I say, walking into the dressing room.

I grab the clothes I came here in and start changing as I think to myself. "Honestly, Genya was kinda cute... gah, what am I thinking?" I mumble to myself. I finish changing and put the suit in the wardrobe. I head back out to my friends. "You ready, Muichiro?" Genya says with a smile. "Yep." I say in my usual tone. "Alright, bye guys!" Genya waved to his friends. They all said bye as we left.

Genya opened the car door for me and I got in. "What's your address?" Genya asked, looking at his navigation system in his car. "Oh it's, **** on ****** road." I said as he typed the address in. He started backing out of the parking spot. He got onto the main road and turned on some music. "So, what's your family like?" He asks me, trying to strike up a conversation. "Oh I have my parents, my twin Yuichiro, and my younger brother Koketsu." I say, counting them off on my fingers. "That sounds nice, I only have my older brother, 'Nemi." He says, focusing on the road. "Oh, what happened to your parents?" I ask, trying not to sound rude. "Well my mom and 6 younger siblings died in a car crash when I was 10 and my father was sent to jail 4 or 5 years ago." He says in a dull voice, checking his rear veiw mirror. "I'm sorry..." mutter. "It's okay, you didn't know."

We pull into the driveway of the house and Genya opens the car door for me. "Thank you." I say. "No problem." He smiles. We get up to the door and it's locked. I bang on it a few times and finally Koketsu opens the door. "Mui!!" Koketsu yells in joy. "Hey Ketsu, let me just say goodbye to my friend." I say. "Okay! Hurry up though, dinner is ready." Koketsu says, running back into the house.

I turns towards Genya. "Thanks again for giving me a ride." I say, smiling a bit, a real smile. "It was no big deal. Oh, also, could I get your number?" Genya asks, taking out his phone. "Sure." I say, typing my number into his phone. I hand back his phone. "Thanks, Mui!" He yells, walking back to his car. I nod and wave goodbye. Once his car pulls out of the driveway my face heats up. "Oh my god, did he just call me Mui??" I think, still dying of embarrassment.

Once I calm down I go inside the house and neatly put my shoes next to the door. "Welcome home, Muichiro!" My dad calls from the dinning room. "Hi dad!" I say, as I walk into the room. "How was your show?" My mom asks. "Good, I met this really nice boy afterwards he was, sweet, calming, handsome..." My voice turned into a mumble as I went on. "Ooooo, Mui has a crush!!" Koketsu says, laughing. "No I don't!" I yell at him as I begin to blush.

Genya pov

I get home after dropping Mui off. "Hey Genya, how was the show?" 'Nemi asks me. "It was good, how was your date with Kanae?" I smirk at him. "Shut the fvck up, also it was good." He scoffs. I laughed a little to myself and grab a frozen meal. I watch as it heats up in the microwave. It finally finishes and I take it out of the microwave with oven mitts. I put it on a plate and grab a fork. "Gonna eat this upstairs, 'Nemi." I say, stepping up to the first step. "Okay, I don't give a shit." He says in a dull tone.

I sit at my desk and start watching a random show. I finish my food and leave it to clean up tomorrow. At this point it's eight pm. I lay down on my bed and watch tiktok for however long.

11:35 p.m.

I look at the clock and it's been over 4 hours?? I quickly get changed and brush my teeth. I lay back down on my bed and fall asleep.

3:42 a.m.

My phone goes off... I wake up to the sound of my phone dinging. I turn it on and see it's a text from Mui!

Mui: You awake? I can't sleep

Genya: I am now, what happened?

Mui: Ah, just a nightmare

Genya: Of?

Mui: My fans attacking me...

Genya: Don't worry about that, I will protect you

Mui: Thx Gen

Genya: Np Mui, night

Mui: Night Gen <3

I stare at the final text he sent. I blush over it. "He called me a nickname and sent a heart??" I think as I stare at my ceiling. "Probably just friendship love." I think, feeling disappointed. I roll over and fall asleep again.

!A/N Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter! I have nothing much to say but, the new chapter will be coming in the next 2 days! Anyways, have a good day/night! A/N
Word Count: 1,337

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