*:The Bar:* Chpt. 6

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!A/N Just want to let you all know that the legal drinking age in Japan is 20! So no one is going to be drinking illegally. So, enjoy. A/N!

3rd person pov

The weather was nice today. The gang got to the next destination this morning and now it's six pm! They were all hanging out at the mall. "So are we going to talk about your guy's kiss last night?" Zenitsu asked, staring at Genya and Muichiro. "Nope, not at all." Muichiro simply said. "I think we will!" Zenitsu said. "So, as Aoi said, it looks like you two have kissed before. Have you?" Zenitsu asked, walking backwards in front of them. "I don't think we ever kissed before that, if I remembered correctly." Muichiro said. "Hmmm, okay!" Zenitsu said, shrugging and turning to face the right direction. They continued throughout the mall laughing and talking. Muichiro finally thought he met some good friends.

Muichiro pov

I never had many friends as a kid. My best friend was my twin brother who rarely wanted to be seen with me because of his popularity. All I was seen as was his clingy younger brother. But once Ketsu was born it was a different story. Ketsu wasn't a planned kid. Me and Yui were supposed to be the only ones. Ketsu is four years younger than us so when we were in fourth grade he was just starting kindergarten. But since Ketsu usual hung around me he would always be around and people would call him cute and adorable so I soon became popular too. As me and my twin moved to fifth grade it was a race to see who could get more popular. He had his friends and I had Ketsu. Except he had the upper hand and I was soon forgotten. Through the rest of my school career I knew no one. I had no friends to talk to. I couldn't share this with my parents because they would get worried. So as a first year in high school I dropped out. I began a career as a dancer and I started to gain fame. I met the Hashiras as a sixteen year old. We grew close quickly. They seemed to almost be my second parents. When we'd go on tours or late night shows they'd make sure to take care of me. Two years later, I rarely saw them anymore but I met Genya, who is now my best friend.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tug on my wrist. Someone pulled me back. "You were about to falk into the fountain." Genya said, having a little blush on his face. He pulled me into his chest. He hugged me and we stood there for a moment. "Hey, guys! We got the-" Tanjiro started. "Shush Tanjiro, they're having a moment." Zenitsu said. "Em, thank you, Genya." I stuttered. "No problem buddy!" Genya said. We walked over to the rest over our friends. I was disappointed. Was I friend-zoned by Genya?

I tuned back into what they were talking about as we ate the hot dogs. "Hey, Genya and Kanao, I saw a bar down the street, you wanna go tonight." Zenitsu asked. "I'll pass, thank you." Kanao said with her usual smile. "I don't know, Zenitsu..." Genya started. "Oh come on Genya! It'll be fun!" Zenitsu whined. "Fine, I'll go with you." Genya said, rolling his eyes. We finished up our hot dogs and headed outside. "Bye Genya, have fun." I say, hugging him. "I will. I'll be back at the hotel by eleven." He says. "Okay!" I say. I start walking in the opposite direction from him. I walk with everyone else. "They are totally going to get drunk." Tanjiro says. "Yep." We all agree. "NO MENGAYA CAN HANDLE SOME BEER." Inosuke shouts. "Probably not." I say. We continue to walk back to the hotel as the sun set.

Genya pov

Me and Zenitsu start walking to the bar. It's about a block away. We get to the bar and see the Hashira? "Oh hey, wasn't expecting to see you guys here." I say. "Who are they? How do you know them?" Zenitsu questioned me. "You don't know the Hashira?? Mui, introduced me to them!" I say proudly. "Genya-san! Come sit with us, and bring your friend too!" I heard Kanroji call. "Okay!" I say. "Come on Zenitsu." I say, starting to walk over to their table. I get stopped by a security guard though. "This is the v.i.p section, you are not allowed over hear." He says. "Oh, I'm actually with them." I say, pointing to the Hashira. "Nope, can't let you in still." The security guard says. I see Kanroji start to walk over. "Genya-san! Sir, he's with me." She says. "Oh... okay Miss. Kanroji." The guard stutters, opening the red belt that was separating us.

We walk over to thr table with Kanroji and sit down. "So younger Shinazugawa, who's your friend?" Rengoku asks me, taking a sip of his drink. "I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma! Pleasure to meet you all!" Zenitsu says, stuttering ever so slightly. "Just another one of his sh!tty friends. Don't get your hopes up." 'Nemi says, pouring himself a shot. "My friends aren't sh!tty!" I shout. "Yes they are!" He shouts back. "Alright, stop fighting." Kocho says. We both nod, knowing where it could go if we didn't.

"Hey Genya, I'm going to go get something to drink, you want anything?" Zenitsu asks, standing up from the table. "Yea, get me anything." I say. He nods and walks over to the bar counter. He comes back with two glasses in his hands and sets one down in front of me. "What is it?" I ask looking at the drink. "It's a damn beer." My brother says. I scoff and pick up the drink. I take a small sip. "It doesn't taste half bad." I say. Zenitsu nods in agreement as he got the same thing as me. We had a few more drinks after that and then I drew a blank to what else happened that night.

Obanai pov

We will still out at the bar. At this point it's ten thirty. I notice that both younger Shinazugawa and Agatsuma are out of it. "Hey we should get them back to the hotel." I mention. The rest of the Hashira look at them. Agatsuma is sleeping with his face down on the table and young Shinazugawa looks like he's about to faint. They all agree and we stand up from the table. We leave money for the bill and some more for a tip. Rengoku and Uzui help Agatsuma and me and the loner help young Shinazugawa. We help get them to the hotel and leave Rengoku, Uzui, and Agatsuma to deal with getting him back to his hotel.

Me and loner head up to our floor with young Shinazugawa. We knock on Tokito's door. He opens it and sees us. "Oh hey..." He looks at young Shinazugawa. "Did he get wasted?" He asks. "Yep." I answer. "Alright, put him on the bed." Tokito says, letting us in. We walk in the hotel room is quite nice but there is only one bed? We set young Shinazugawa down on the bed. "You guys share a bed?" I ask. "Yea, it's not that bad." Tokito answers. "I see. Well we'll be leaving." I say. "Bye, Iguro. Bye, Giyuu." He says. "Goodbye, Muichiro." The loner says. Tokito shuts the door. Me and the loner go down the hall to our rooms.

Muichiro pov (again✨️)

I lie down next to Genya who looks like he passed out. I'm already changed and ready for bed so I shut my eyes. I feel something on my chest. I open one of my eyes and it's Genya, resting his head on me. I smile softly and shut my eyes again. "Mui." I hear him say. "Hm?" I hum while opening my eyes. I see Genya staring right into my eyes. "Pretty." He says, snuggling his head into the crook of my neck. My face gets hot but I ignore it. I try to close my eyes again but Genya kisses my neck.

"Genya, what are you doing?" I ask. "Kissing your neck." He answers. "I know that, but why?" I ask. "Why not." He mutters. I sigh and let him keep doing whatever he's doing. Just as I stop paying attention to him he bites my neck. "What the hell?!" I shout. "Snuggles." He simply says. "Okay." I say, rolling my eyes. So I figured out Genya is very clingy when he gets drunk. I snuggle up to him and he throws his arms around me. "Goodnight, Gen." I say. "Nighty night..." His voice trails off as he falls asleep. I smile for a moment as a nuzzle into his chest. I fall asleep soon after him.

!A/N Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry I'm posting it so late at night🥲. Anyways, have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,521

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