*:I'm Worried:* Chpt. 10

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!A/N This chapter will also mostly be about Yuichiro! But there will be Genmui and the ship that was in the last one, Senjuro x Yuichiro's. Anyways enjoy! A/N!

Muichiro pov

I wake up earlier than usual and look over to see Genya hugging me. I kiss his cheek and try to get out of his grasp. He let's go so I get up out of bed. I look down at the floor to see Yui and Senjuro cuddling on the futons. I smile then start taking pictures though it wakes up Yui. "Hey, what the fvck?!" He yells at me, reaching for my phone. "Stop Yui!" I shout back. This wakes both Senjuro and Genya. "What's going- oh..." Genya starts. "Why am I so close to you?" Senjuro stutters. "Because that's where you ended up." Yui answers, still trying to grab my phone. I hear his phone ring. "One moment." He says, reaching for his phone.

"Okay... alright. I'll be there in a few." I hear him say to the man on the other end. "I gotta head out." He says, hanging up from the phone call. "Go where?" I ask. "No where important." He says, going into the bathroom with his clothes from yesterday. He comes out in a nice looking suit. "Where'd you get that from?" I ask. "I was wearing it yesterday." He answers. "Bye guys." He says. Leaving the room but he comes back and says something else. "Bye Senjuro." He says, smiling. He leaves once again. I notice Senjuro blushing.

"Oooo, someone has a crush." I say, poking at his arm. "Wha? No I don't!" He says. "Yes you do." I say. "Agh... fine maybe I do... he's just so nice and cute..." Senjuro says. "Alright, alright. Enough talk, let's go get breakfast." Genya says. "Only if I can choose where to go!" I say. "Alright." Genya says. Senjuro just nods. "I wonder what Yui is doing?" I think.

Yuichiro pov

I just got the job I had to do. I had to kill some gang for stealing something from head quarters. They gave me what the car looked like and the license plate number. I see the car in front of a warehouse. I park my car and walk over to the main entrance. I'm greeted by a man who's standing near the entrance. "Hey." He says. "Hi, do you know about any shipments that were brought in this morning?" I ask him. "Yea, I was a part of the heist why?" He asks. "Such a fool. You should never tell anyone what you're a part of." I think, quickly shooting him in the chest. "What the hell?!" He screams. I walk away going to the offices. I notice a few more people a part of the gang and shoot them too. A few of them put up a fight.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" One of them yells. "My job. Stupid." I say, emotionless. He punches me across the face but I after I kick him in the shin, sending him to the ground. I shoot him leaving him dead on the floor. Another one comes from the room behind me and cuts my arm. I whip around and punch him in the stomach. He steps back and tries to throw the knife at me. I grab the knife and set it down on the floor. "Who are you?!" He shouts, his back against the wall. "I will not give you my name but I am an assassin who was sent here to kill you all." I say. I shoot him after my sentence. I count the bodies on the floor. "Got all of them." I mutter to myself. I go back outside and get in my car. I call my boss.

"Did you kill them?" He asks. "Yes, but I will not be coming into work today. I have plans." I say, buckling my seat belt. "That's fine, I'll have guys pick up the stuff from the warehouse." He says. "Alright, goodbye." I say, hanging up. I drive back to the house, not worrying to clean off the blood from my clothes and face. I unlock the door and step into the house. I see them eating breakfast at the table, looks like food from a donut place. I take off my shoes, my jacket, and my tie and sit down to eat with them. "Yuichiro, are you okay?? You have blood on your face." Senjuro says alarmed, he grabs a napkin and starts wiping the blood off my face. "I'm fine, Senjuro." I say, but I don't push his hand away. He finishes wiping off the blood and smiles at me. "Hey, I also have a cut on my arm, could you check it out later?" I ask. "Sure." He says with a smile. I hear Mui and Genya snickering to each other. I shoot them a glare and they stop. They didn't get any food for me so I just take some of Senjuro's. He didn't mind.

We finished eating so I asked Senjuro of he could look at my cut. "Sure, lemme see." He asks. I turn around and roll up my sleeve but a sharp pain goes through my arm. I stop rolling up my sleeve. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It hurts..." I say, trying to roll it up again. "Well, stop if it hurts and your probably going to need a bandage so go to the bathroom I'll be there in a second." He says. I nod and go to the bathroom.

Senjuro pov

"I'll be back in a second." I say, standing up from the table. "You can kiss him if you want!" I hear Muichiro say. "Is this whole sleepover thing just to get me and Yuichiro together?" I question in my mind. I walk in the bathroom to see Yuichiro with his shirt off. "Why is your shirt always off when I see you?" I ask. "I don't know." He answers, turning around to face me. "Anyways, let me see the cut." I say. He nods and lifts up his arm. "Jeez, how did you get this?" I ask, looking at the cut on his forearm. "I fell." He says. "Must of been a nasty fall." I say, grabbing rubbing alcohol and bandages from the cabinet. I go back over to him and put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. I rub the cotton ball across his cut. I notice him wince a little, probably from the sting. I throw the cotton ball in the trash and start wrapping the bandage around his arm. I finish pretty quickly and look up at Yuichiro. "All done." I say. "Thanks, Senjuro." He says, putting his shirt back on. "Y'know Senjuro, you're really sweet." Yuichiro says as he neatens his shirt. "I am?" I stutter.

"Yea, you're also kinda cute." I hear him mumble. I blush at his comment and look him in the eyes. "You really think that?" I ask. "Well yea I guess." He says. "But, I can't love anyone..." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Well... I'm not a banker. I'm an assassin and it would be difficult to have a relationship with the risk of me going to jail." He says. This worried me. "An assassin why? How?" I wonder. "Why are you telling me this?" I question. "Because, I can trust you right?" He asks. "I mean yea but not even your family knows this?" I start to panic. He hugs me. "They don't know. I'm only telling you this because I trust you and I love you." He says, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Yuichiro.... I love you too." I say, wrapping my arms around him. "But Yuichiro, if you keep getting this cuts and bloodstains on your clothes people are going to worry about you... like me." I say. "I know, I know. But I have to keep this job. It's the only thing bringing in money for me." Yuichiro says, pulling away from our hug and putting his hands on my shoulders. "But Yuichiro, there are many other-" I'm cutoff by a kiss. "I'm keeping the job and that's final." He says sternly, leaving the bathroom. I touch my lips. My face gets extremely hot as I think to myself.

"Is this what love feels like?"

!A/N So I think I'm going to try to focus on some other characters for a little because I've been doing a lot of Genmui and I think I need to focus on some of the other characters for a while. There will still be Genmui but just not as much of it for the next few chapters. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,469

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