*:I'm A Father?:* Chpt. 14

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!A/N Hello everyone! There will be trigger warnings in this chapter. If you feel uncomfortable at any point I will put where the trigger starts and stops. Anyways, enjoy. A/N!

TW: Suicide

Genya pov

It was an rainy morning. There was a knock on the door. "Who could be here? It's six am." I thought, getting up from the comfort of my bed. I walk to the door. I open it to see a police officer. "What did I do??" I think, panicking. I look down to see Souta and he's crying? "What happened..?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking. The officer simply hands me a note. I start to read it, carefully.

!TW starts here!

"Hello, Genya Shinazugawa. If you are reading this I've decided to kill myself. I am very sorry I decided this outcome. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had Souta at such a young age and being a single mother just made it worse. I have to restart. I'm giving Souta to you because you have a strong bond with him already. He has no other family. They've all abandoned us for my stupid actions. Again I apologize this is so sudden. Just, please, don't let him down I know he needs someone like you. Love, Kaiya."

I look at the note, sweat rolling down my forehead. I look up at the officer for a moment and back down at the note then to a crying Souta. I look at him, I understand his pain of losing someone so dear to you. I begin to panic. "What should I say, my answer could ruin him, could ruin my future, to ruin his future." I think, millions of other thoughts racing through my head. "One moment." I say, before going back inside and closing the door. I call the only person I know that can help me through this, Mui.

"What." He groans. "I have a situation." I say, my voice still shaky. He sighs, "What happened?" He says dully. "Well, you remember Souta? From the park." I stutter. "Yea, what about him?" He asks. "Well, his mother killed herself, and she gave me the responsibility of taking care of him." I say. "You?? Half the time you can't even make food without someone's help." Mui says in disbelief. "Well, could you just get over here and help me out?" I ask. "Fine." He replies, slightly annoyed I woke him. I hang up the phone and head back out to the porch.

!End of most TW!

"My partner will be here in a few minutes. Would you like to have a seat?" I ask the officer, showing her our outdoor chairs. She nods and takes a seat. I sit across from her and Shouta sits down next to me, leaning on my arm. The officer says nothing to me. She just stares at me until Mui shows up. I watch as Mui's car pulls into the driveway. He steps out of his car and walks over to us. He sits down next to Souta and looks at the officer. "So, are you two willing to adopt him?" The officer finally asks, looking at both of us. I look over at Mui and he looks at me. He gives me a nod. I look down at Souta and back up at the officer. "We are. We would love to adopt him." I say. "Alright, you can come over to the station later today and sign the papers to be his legal guardians." The officer says, standing up. "His things are at his old house, here's the address. You can come pick them up anytime today." She says, handing me a note and leaving.

"Hey Genya?" I hear Souta mumble. "What's up buddy?" I ask. "If your adopting me... does that mean I can call you dad?" He asks. Tears start to flow out of my eyes. I've always wanted to be a dad. "Of course." I say, hugging him. "Well, should we go pick up his things?" Mui asks. "Oh, sure. Come on Souta!" I say, picking him up and going to my car. Mui follows closely behind. I notice him smile. I smile a big smile back at him. I buckle up Souta into the back seat of my car and go to the driver's side. I get in my car and put in the address to where his old house was. I see Mui get into the car too. I drive away from my house and start heading to our destination.

Muichiro pov

We pull up to Souta's old house. It isn't in the best condition. Boxes are sitting outside. They are probably his things. Genya gets out of the car and starts to put the boxes into the car. "Hey, you're Muichiro right?" Souta asks me. "Mhm! What's up?" I ask him. "Well... I know that you are dating dad. So what does that make you to me?" He asks. My face flushes and I look away for a moment to think about my answer. "Well... I guess that would also make me your dad?" I answer, unsure. "Cool! Can I call you dada?" He asks. "Uhm- sure." I respond. "Yay! Now I have two awesome dads!" He shouts cheerfully. I fake laugh and sink into my seat. "I'm not ready to be a dad yet! I'm only eighteen!" I think. Genya was finished packing boxes into the car so he got back into the driver's seat. "Hey Souta, do you want to go anywhere before we sign the adoption papers?" Genya asks. "Hmm... can I get a new toy?" He asks excitedly. "Of course!" Genya says, starting the car. He drives to a nearby store and we go inside.

We go to the toy aisle. "Oh, oh, I want a dinosaur!" Souta happily shouts, pointing at the dinosaur. "Alright, buddy." Genya says with a smile. He picks Souta up and helps him grab the toy. I can't help but smile at this. Genya put Souta down and looks up to me. "Do you need to get anything, Mui?" He asks me. I snap out of my thoughts. "Ehm, no I don't think so." I respond. "Come on, dads!" Souta says. "I'm coming, buddy." Genya responds. "I know this is a big change, Mui. But we can handle it." He says, kissing my cheek. I nod and we walk together hand in hand while Souta is just infront of us. We get into one of the checkout lines and a lady walks up to us.

"Are you his father?" She asks rudely. "Uhm, yes why?" Genya answers. "Then this must be your girlfriend." She says, pointing to me and looking me up and down. "Erm- No ma'am, I'm his boyfriend." I answer, pulling Souta closer to me. "That's not possible! Your both men!" She yells at us. "You should both be with women!" She yells at us. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this is how it is." Genya says. A security guard recognizes me. "Excuse me Toki, is this women bothering you three?" He asks. "Yes, she is." I say calmly. "I'm sorry about her." He says, taking the lady away. "You will hear from me again!" She yells, being dragged out of the store. "That was strange..." Genya mentions. I nod in agreement. "Dad, why was she saying you need to be with a woman? You and dada are great with each other." Souta says. "Some people don't like that two men are in a relationship." Genya answers. "That's dumb." Souta says. "Mhm." Genya says in agreement. We quickly checkout and go back to the car. Right now it's eight am. We decide to head over to the station and sign the papers.

We arrive a little after eight thirty. We head into the station. "Hello, we are here to sign the adoption papers for Souta." Genya says to the front desk women. "Alright, here you go." She hands us four papers. We walk over to the seats and begin to sign. Souta sits there looking bored. "Daddd, when can we go home?" He whines. "Soon, buddy, don't worry." Genya says, continuing to sign the papers. "Dada, am I gonna get a big room?" He asks me. "I think so." I say. We finish signing the papers and go back to the front desk women. She looks over the papers, making sure they are signed correctly. "Alright, Souta Shinazugawa is all ready." She says, smiling softly. "You year that buddy!" Genya says, picking up Souta. "I'm a Shina-ga-zuwa!" He messes up the last name. "Shina-zu-gawa." Genya kindly corrects him. "Shina-zu-gawa?" He asks. "That a boy!" Genya says. "Yay!" Souta cheers. We go back to the car and start to drive back to Genya's house.

We arrive at his house. Genya looks back at Souta. "So Souta, you have an uncle. His name is Sanemi, okay?" Genya says. "Okie dokie!" Souta replies, full of energy. We go inside the house and the first thing we see is Sanemi shirtless in the kitchen. "Hi, Genya- AH WHAT THE HELL IS A CHILD DOING HERE?!" He yells. "Hi, uncle 'Nemi!" Souta says happily. "Genya, when did you have a child?!" Sanemi yells at Genya. "Since we adopted him a few minutes ago." Genya says calmly. "We?? You and Tokito adopted a damn kid?! Are you out of your mind??!!" Sanemi yells. "Maybe." Genya says, shrugging. "Dada?" Souta asks me. "What is it?" I ask him. "Why is uncle 'Nemi mad?" He asks. "He's just not used to you yet." I say. "Oh..." Souta says, sounding upset. "Alright, I'm going to ask him an important question and if he gets it right he is okay!" Sanemi shouts, squatting down infront of Souta. "Who is the best Hashira?" He asks. "Ermm... Dada!" He yells happily, pointing at me. "Hmm..." Sanemi hums. "Alright, he's fine." He says, going back to what he was doing in the kitchen.

"C'mon Souta, let me show you your room!" Genya says, going down the hall. Souta follows and I follow shortly after them. "Woah!" Souta says, looking around. "It's so nice!" He says. "Alright, I'll go grab the boxes you two stay here. Genya leaves and I sit down on the floor next to Souta. "I have a question." He asks. "What's up, son?" I answer.

"When are you and dad gonna get married?"

!A/N That's it for this chapter. Also I apologize if the adoption part was not accurate to real life. I have never experienced an adoption. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and have a great day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,777

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