*:Little Interruption:* Chpt. 17

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!A/N Sorry this took me so long to post! Also, this part will mainly have Genmui and Yuichiro x Senjuro. This chapter will also have spoilers for the actual Demon Slayer manga and anime. But, I hope you all enjoy and thank you for still reading this story. A/N!

3rd person pov

It was a rainy afternoon. Genya and Muichiro were at the Shinazugawa residents while Souta was off at school. It was peaceful without Sanemi there. The TV was on at low volume as Muichiro slept on Genya's shoulder. And Genya was watching basketball. Specifically the team he was going to play for this spring. The team name had a nice ring to it, they were called. "The Seekers". It was surprisingly a quite popular team in the region of Japan they were in. Genya's eyes were glued to the screen. Specifically on a person with black hair and pink eyelashes. On the team he went by the name of Akaza. He seemed to be one of the best players on the team, but really he wasn't. A taller man by the name of Kokushibo was the best player. He would always score baskets. Once and awhile some of the less known players would have a chance in the game, like: Daki or Enmu. They weren't the best but they scored sometimes. But, what Genya saw right now was amazing. Akaza made a basket from all the way on the other side of the court. Genya shook Muichiro awake in excitement.

"Did you see that, Mui?!" Genya exclaimed, smiling brightly. "Huh?- Yeah, sure, whatever." Muichiro groaned, laying back down. Genya looked back at the TV in excitement as they announced the winning team. It was of course The Seekers. Genya cheered as they were handed the trophy. They've won the championship! Genya hugged Muichiro. He woke up and hugged back, not knowing what was going on. But, to interrupt this precious moment, there was a knock at the front door.

Yuichiro pov

No one was answering the damn door. I knocked louder. Nothing again! "Muichiro, open the damn door! I know you're in there!" I shouted. Soon enough Genya opened the door. "How did you find out where I lived?" He questioned. "You don't need to question me. Anyways, Mui, I need help." I say, walking into the house, uninvited. Muichiro jolted up from the couch. "What?" He asked. "I want to go on a date." I say, dully. "With who?" Muichiro asked, smirking at me. "Senjuro." I state. "Good job. You finally pulled someone." Muichiro spoke, patting my back. "Shut up." I grumbled, blushing. "Anyways, you should get him flowers. He loves orange and yellow ones." Genya spoke, leaning into my ear. "Both of you, shut up! But, thank you." I shouted at them, leaving. I was already in a nice-ish outfit so, I went to the small flower shop down the road. I pick up some yellow tulips and some orange lily. I pay for them in cash and wave a nice goodbye to the women that owned the store.

Time skip brought to you by my mom

Still Yuichiro pov

I walk up to the front door and carefully knock. A man who looked like an older version of Senjuro opened the door. "Hello, Tokito!" He shouted, a smile plastered onto his face. "Hi... I'm here for Senjuro." I answer. "Senjuro, your boyfriend is here!" The man shouts into the house. I hear Senjuro rush over. "Yui!" He shouts happily. He places a kiss on my cheek as I give him the flowers. "Have fun you two!" Rengoku shouted, going back inside. "Okay, brother!" Senjuro shouted back. "Let's go, Yui!" He spoke, dragging me towards the car.

We got to the place where we would have dinner. It was lovely. There were small chandeliers over each table and they exquisite foods. Me and Senjuro both ordered meals and shared laughs together. "Hey, Yui, do you ever plan on marrying someone? Y'know, with your type of job and all." Senjuro asks. "Well of course. I plan on marrying you someday." I say, smiling a big goofy smile at him. He giggles and continues eating. We shared an ice cream dessert together and went out on the balcony of the restaurant. "I love you  Senjuro." I spoke, smiling at him. "I love you too, Yui." Senjuro says. I pull him close to me by the waist. I plant a gentle kiss on his lips. He grabs my head and brushes my hair back. The moment as a whole was nice. Until gunshots could be heard from inside the restaurant. "PUT YOUR HANDS UP, THIS IS A ROBBERY!" The person could be heard from inside.

3rd person pov

Yuichiro pulls away from the kiss. "Senjuro, c'mon." Yuichiro says strictly, pulling Senjuro back to the car. Yuichiro pushed Senjuro into the car and closed the door. "No, Yui!" Senjuro shouted, banging on the door. Yuichiro could be heard getting his pistol from the trunk as he walked back into the restaurant. Senjuro cried in the back seat of the car, hoping, wishing, that Yuichiro would be okay. Yuichiro made it to the front entrance and tried opening the door but, it was locked. He kicked the door down. He raised his gun, looking around. He saw multiple people cowering in corners. He walked through the building, the gun in both of his hands. The robbers were in the kitchen, threatening the chefs. "Stop that!" Yuichiro shouted, holding his pistol to the back of one of the men's heads. "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?" The man spoke, turning around. "This." Yuichiro stated, grimly. He shot the man, letting him fall to the ground, dead. Yuichiro scoffed and turned to the next guy who was pointing a gun at him. He shot the gun but Yuichiro swiftly moved out of the way. "Such a pity to waste your life on such things." Yuichiro says, shooting the man. There was only two of them? That's surprising. Suddenly Yuichiro was getting choked.

He took gasps of air. Trying his best not to faint. When he had an idea. "Jokes on you, I like this." Yuichiro used the rest of his air to say. The man quickly let go and wiped his hands off. Yuichiro made the opportunity to shoot him. That was the last guy. "Thank you so much, young man!" The chef cheered. "No problem. Call the police, but don't tell them who killed these men." Yuichiro speaks, leaving. The chefs nod and pick up the phone to call the police. Yuichiro walks back to his car, putting the pistol away. He opens the car and is immediately greeted with a kiss from Senjuro. They kissed for a few seconds before Senjuro pulled away. "I'm glad you're alive." He speaks, laying down onto the seats. "Me too." Yuichiro says, fixing the collar on his shirt. Senjuro pulls Yuichiro on top of him by his tie. They kiss once again as Yuichiro closes the door with his foot. They kissed for a long time.

!A/N Sorry if this was rushed at the end! But, like always, I hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night!
Word Count: 1,217

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