*:Surprise:* Chpt. 16

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!A/N Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Well, now that I'm back, here's a new chapter. Enjoy! A/N!

3rd person pov

It was a great afternoon. Muichiro, Genya, and Shouta just went out for lunch in the city and were heading home. They walked down a crowded street when they were stopped by someone. "Hello, are you Toki?" The lady asked, holding a microphone. Muichiro stopped then looked behind himself. The lady looked like a news reporter. "Yes, why?" Muichiro asks. "Well, the audience wants to know if this child is yours. There has been recent news of you adopting a child." The news women announced. "Well, yes, he is my adopted son." Muichiro says, putting a hand on Souta's head. "Great, can we ask him a few questions?" She asks. "Souta, do you want to answer some questions for this nice lady?" Genya asked Souta. "Sure, dad!" Souta answered happily. "Okay, what is it like when your one of your dads are famous?" The women asks. "It's just like having a normal dad but he gets spotted out easily." Souta says, nodding. "Great! Now, do you think you would ever want a mom?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. "No! My dads are great!" Souta shouts. "Okay, Souta, no shouting." Muichiro says sternly. "Sorry, dada." Souta pouts. "Can we go see Gran and Grandad now?" Souta asks, hugging to Muichiro's leg. "Alright." Muichiro sighs. "Sorry he couldn't answer all your questions." Genya apologizes. "Oh, it's fine." The women says with a fake smile. "Have a good day!" Genya said with a wave. The women waved back but seemed to be annoyed.

"Are you excited to meet your Gran and Grandad? Muichiro asked, holding Souta's hand. "Yeah!" Souta said, giggling. It doesn't take them long to reach the house since it was in the city. Muichiro unlocked the door and welcomed Genya and Souta into the house. "Mom, dad, I'm home!" Muichiro called out into the house. "Hi, Mui." Yuichiro said, walking into the living room, still in his pajamas. "Mui!" Koketsu said, running into the room. "Who's this?" Koketsu and Yuichiro said in unison.

Muichiro pov

I knew they were going to ask this question. "Well... this is your nephew." I say, hoping for the best. "Really? I'm an uncle?" Koketsu asked. "Yep..." I say. "How, where, when, who?" Yui asked, staring at Souta. "How, adoption. Where, from Genya's front porch. When, a few weeks ago. And who, he's Souta." I say, a tone of anger entering my voice. "Jeez, okay." Yui backed off, leaving the room. "Hi Souta, I'm Koketsu, your cool uncle!" Ketsu says, smiling. Souta gasped, "Uncle Ketsu!" He cheered. "Yeah! Uncle Ketsu!" Ketsu cheered along. "Oh, my baby is back!" My mother cheered as she hugged me. "You haven't been home in so long. Where did you go?" She asks, looking at me. "I was staying with Genya." I answer, trying to pull away from her. "Mom..." I start. She raises an eyebrow at me. "Your a Grandma now." I say. "I'm a what?!" She answers. I point over to Genya and Souta. "Honey, get in here!" My mom calls to my dad. "What? What, happened?" He asks walking into the room. He takes a look at Souta. "Who's kid is that?" He asks. "Mine." I say, crossing my arms. "What? How?" He asks. "I'm not going to answer this again." I say, slightly annoyed. "Adoption!" My brother calls from upstairs.

"Hi, Gran!" Souta says happily, hugging my mom's leg. "Awh, he's cute, Mui." My mom says. "Hm... who are you?" My dad asks, kneeling down to Souta. "Souta Shin-ga-zawa!" Souta says. "Shinazugawa." Genya corrects him. "Sorry dad!" Souta apologizes. "Well, you three should stay for dinner!" My mom suggests. "No thank you, we have things we have to do tonight." I say. "But dada!" Souta pouts. "No buts, Souta." I say. "But we can stay for a little while." I reassure him. "Yay!" He cheers. "C'mon Souta, let me show you my room!" Ketsu said, bringing Souta with him. I sit down on the couch next to Genya. He wraps his arm around me. "Why did you end up adopting Souta?" My mom asks, also sitting down on the couch. Genya explains it all. From the basketball court to what happened to Souta's biological mom. As Genya goes on I hear a pain enter his voice as he speaks about Souta's mom. His grip tightens around me. "Genya..." I mumble, putting a hand on his chest. Suddenly, Souta comes into the room, balling his eyes out. "Souta, what happened?!" I ask, very worried. "Uncle Ketsu, said that... that I'm not your son!" Souta stuttered, climbing onto Genya's lap. "Ketsu, I swear to god!" I say, getting up and storming off to Ketsu's room. I fling the door open. "Ketsu, what the fvck?!" I yell. "It's true!" He yells back. "It's not true! That child is my son and your going to have to deal with it!" I scream, slamming the door. I stomp back downstairs and go outside. Genya comes outside a few minutes later. "Are you okay, angel?" He asks, sitting down next to me on the steps. "Ketsu is just so stupid!" I yell. "No need to get angry. Souta is fine now. He is asleep on the couch." Genya reassures me. "Thank you, Gen." I say, kissing him. We go back inside and I am feeling better. "We are gonna head home." I say to my parents. "Alright, goodbye dear." My mom says, with a tone of sadness in her voice. I wave as Genya grabs Souta. We head home. It only takes a few minutes as Genya doesn't live too far away.

We get to his house and right away he puts Souta in his bed. "I think I'm going to take a nap too." I say to Genya, stretching. "Alright, love you." He says. "Love you too." I say back, going to his bedroom. I lay down on his bed, snuggling up in all the blankets he has. A few minutes after getting cozy I feel two muscular arms wrap around my waist. Of course it's Genya. I flip around and bury my face into his chest. The warmth sends me into a slumber.

!A/N Sorry if this was all over the place. I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do with this😅. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed and have a good day/night! A/N!
Word Count: 1,088

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