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In the night sky, flying above the could was the cloud carrier. The most heavily armored h.q. of storm. Completely impenetrable, until now. A figure on a hang glider was in the air gliding to the cloud carrier, he was following a signal,  he sees the carrier insight, and glides onto the steel floor. He sneaks behind one of the storm hopper. He waits for security to pass before sneaking into the facility. Not seeing another hang glider land. The person ran down the halls. His signal was getting stronger. He follows the signal and it lead him to vault door. He place a device on the door, by doing so it hacks the door and inside he sees it four red and orange cores. He smiles and grabs them, but then alarms sound as he turns around seeing the figure from the second glider. The fact is, they knew each other.

???: what are you doing here

???2: making sure you don't do anything foolish,  zap

Zap: you won't stop me 

He tackles him through the door, then he ran away from the person.

???: get back here zap

He chases zap down several halls.  He got close and trips zap. Zap tucks and rolls. He turns and face the person. 

Zap: leave me alone dude, this has nothing to do with you, Teebone.

Teebone took off his mask revealing his face.

Teebone:  but why, you don't owe her anything, she has done nothing for

Zap: I have to, you can't understand 

Teebone:  I'm sorry, but I got to stop you, they're to dangerous

Zap: oh really, you didn't think I didn't plan ahead

He throws a smoke bomb, teebone coughs from the smoke.

Teebone: you always good, to good

As he moves through smoke and goes after zap. As alarms blare everyone started waking up. Including chase suno. 

Chase: what the krag happening.

He gets up and runs to the door. Then he sees jinja run past him, he follows her.

Chase: jinja, what's going on

jinja: chase, glad your up, someone is stupid enough to sneak onto the cloud carrier.

Chase: man, they better be packing some serious power if they're raiding us. And for waking me up

Jinja: Bren is up and is waking up the others.

They see screens on the walls turn on and it was commander Jon ace.

Jon: team core tech, we have found the source of the signal. He in the test room

(the same room where chase dad test lock power)

Chase: got it Jon[he hangs up] alright let's go

He said as they continue running. Teebone found him self in a testing room. 

Teebone: geez, I got can't even find a bathroom on this place without a map. But I feel Monsuno, presence, a strong one[thoughts] and it's right behind me

He turns around an see a group of five. But he instantly recognized two.

Teebone: well, it's good to see you sunami, you to jinya.

Chase: wait that nickname

Jinja: it couldn't be

Dax: oh princess, you and suno know about this bandito 

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