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In team wild jet. Teebone was in his quarters, meditating, holding a Monsuno core. It was different then the two he has, drago and divebomb. Teebone tries to bond with the Monsuno more, before launching this beast. Then his door is knocked by someone.

Gear: friend teebone, are you in there

Teebone stops meditating an gets up. Putting away the core as he heads to the door. Opening it to talk to gear.

Teebone: sup gear, how's it going

Gear: everything is good, except we still can't find any more Leads on your missing friend

Teebone: [sigh] it's alright gear, the time will come when we find them. So what brings you here

Gear: I've been sensing you've been bonding with that Monsuno. Is there a chance we'll see him soon

Gear states this as now they both walking down the hall. Heading to the lounge. 

Teebone: In time my brother, he's a bit of a special case a wilder Monsuno

Gear: isn't that perfect for a Monsuno in this group

Teebone: I guess your right, it's his choice to come out

Gear: an I respect this 

They finished talking as well as finished walking down the hall. They were in the lounge, as they see dingo and spike playing video games.  Dingo was successful in his combo attacks. Landing each hit. Spike tries his best to block those attacks in which he struggles to do.  Dingo types in the final combo. The attacks land and dingo wins the game, doing a little victory dance.

Dingo: undefeated an still champion 

Spike: alright man alright, I yield.[he sees the others]  yo bros, how's it going 

Teebone: good, now let's get to work.

Dingo: oh well, it was fun while it lasted, alright boss what's our game plan.

Teebone: sadly, we have no leads on where June or crasher is. Oh those skull goons.

Dingo: so let me guess, we're gonna continue our first goal, 

Teebone: yep, finding meteor fragments.

Spike: alright it's my turn searching, cya guys[walks away]

Gear: I'll will check the ship systems.[also walks off]

Teebone: so, what now

Dingo gets his attention, showing him the two controls.

Teebone: your on

They grabbed the controls and begin playing the game.

Location change brought to you by team wild.

On the cloud carrier. Team core tech are at the cafeteria eating. Though most of them didn't feel like eating.

Bren: [munching] are you guys gonna finish your food

Dax: yo glasses, read the room

Bren: what you mean

Jinja: what we mean Bren, we lost not once, more twice, but multiple times by teebone and his crew. This is worse than than the dino Monsuno and alien Monsuno first appeared.

Beyal: and before we didn't have hyper forms of our Monsuno, now these wild Monsuno are just as strong at them

Jinja: and what's to stop them from attacking the cloud carrier

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