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In a city, the sky's were bright, the birds were chirping, and the people were going with their normal day. As one kid in orange was speaking to several others on his cell. Waking with the crowd of people. Before Turning and hiding in an alley. 

Spike: yo bros why am I out here again

He's been talking to gear, and dingo. Teebone was busy.

Gear: there is a meteor fragment in the city,

Spike: I look everywhere man, you sure this fragment isn't just out of  batteries

Dingo: sorry bro, I highly doubt a fragments from the first meteor from millions of years would just die out.

Gear: try boosting your tracker, frequencies from led and other metal can cause it to loose the signal

Spike: alright I hear ya, when you guys gonna meet up anyway 

Dingo: soon little bro, just got to round up this haul then I'll be coming over

Gear: I have already delivered my stash and just need to head over. It's wiser for use to be together, in case we run into any of our enemies 

Spike: or not so friendly fire from storm and team core tech, speaking of which I've been meaning to ask, how much you know about them, they seem to know teebone a lot.

Dingo: something you should ask the big guy about

Gear: yes I agree, that's what people call a personal matter

Spike: alright, I see you guys soon

He hangs up and groans. Knowing that it'll take 2 days for them to get to the city. He decides to walk out the alley and through the crowds.

Spike: maybe I should find some grub while I'm out here 

Spike continues walking till he finds a restaurant.

The location change brought to you by team core tech.

On the cloud clarinet, team core tech were training their monsuno. In the battlefield was airswitch vs glowblade. 

Dax: airswitch, Armageddon beam 

Airswitch fires the blast from us claws. 

Beyal: glowblade diamond shield

Glowblade creates the shield and it blocks the attack, glowblade uses Streaking Blades, firing beams from his beams and is sent falling.

Dax: nice job monkfish, but we're not done, hurriclaw

Airswitch opens his yes and screeches. He saved himself from crashing and flys towards glow blade, spinning into a hurricane.

Beyal: glowblade, multi mallet 

Glowblade fires three orbs. Two miss airswitch as the last one hit him, but he tanks through it and tackled glowblade, knocking him into the wall whilst flying back into the air, 

Beyal: well played friend Dax, but don't count us out just yet 

Dax: glad to hear it 

The Monsuno ready to Attica when all their attention is drawn by a core spinning across the feild. 

???: launch 

The core hits glowblade and blue energy burst forth. Out from the energy reveals antlers, metal body and massive hooves. It was charger, who lifts glowblade up and throws him into airswitch falling down. The launchers look over and saw it revealed to be jinja.

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