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Somewhere in the wastelands, acro was still flying  from the cloud carrier to Eklispe and his associates hideout. They fly into a cave that leads to his ship. Inside Professor Tallis and Hargrave has been searching for Eklispe. 

Hargrave: how much longer till you can find them Tallis 

Tallis:[stutters] d-do not pressure me h-hagra-ave, I know h-how serious this is. H-he and six could be anywhere

Hargrave: all the more reason to expand the search, get your blasted punk monks to do it, they have nothing better to do

Tallis:[stutters] they a-re hiding awaiting f-further instructions.

???: then tell them the wait is over

Both of them turn around and see Eklispe and Six. 

Hargrave: Sir, you have returned

Eklispe: yes, an I'm ready for a little revenge, but first, allow me to present our newest members,

Eklispe turns and present  two figure, much to Hargrave and especially Tallis surprise. 

Location change brought to you by Eklispe forge resistance symbol.

(They do these from time to time) in the a forest teebone found an old storm steel mill. He's been using it for his Monsuno essence storage. He walked inside an sees everything the way he left it.

Teebone: perfect 

He walks to the press a secret plate, the whole wall opens up revealing a computer inside. He sets down his two course and activates the scanners, scanning the two cores he saw the condition of his Monsuno.

Teebone: alright, lock definitely put drago through the ringer, he finally has a worthy opponent. And divebomb looking good to. That's good, your need that strength. But first

He change his sights on finding some new recruits. Lucky there was one place to search for the best. Grandma Future underground fight club tournament. Teebone knew about grandma future long ago, he set hidden cameras not even see knew about. Once inside he watches the video of her fight clubs.  He spots most of them involving Dax, teebone could tell he was good. But then another caught his eye, this one named spike. He showed potential. 

Teebone: alright he's got the stuff, time to recruit him.

Teebone gets up. And walks to a case, he picks up his cores. 

Teebone: divebomb, launch

He spins as the core hit a girder, releasing divebomb as he screeches. But then divebomb hears a noise and looks outside.  He ready himself but it was a drone. It flies towards him and scans. It drops its package and flies away. Teebone opens the package. And sees a old Eklispe core. And a holo disk. It Lights  showing a person covered in a cloak.

???: Hey Teebone, I did the job you wanted me to do, could you believe they had all them just lying around. Anyone would have had troubles with stealing this beauty, but a peace of cake for me. Good to see you again.

The disk turns off. 

Teebone: heh it's  good to see you too, Divebomb, let's fly

Divebomb screeched and flys off.  Few minutes, divebomb reached the location, Axistown. He lands outside and returns.

Teebone: still as fast as ever

Teebone walks into the city. Before entering a noodle shop. He sat down and order. As he was eating he was noticing the person beside him. And his red core.

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